304 N. Plymouth Grace UCC Parking lot / Former Fire Station & Town Hall
1906 - Sanborn map show as vacant lot
? -1906 - Sep 1906 - W. H. Porter
1906, Sep.
...The pumping station will be located on the corner opposite the Reformed
church. The lot bought of W. H. Porter for $265, is 66 X 99. It is a
central location, and should the town conclude to add a second story to
the building for town hall purposes it will be accessible for all time to
1906 - ? - Culver Water Pumping Station -
Water works
1912 - 1966/1967 Town of Culver
1914 - Sanborn Maps Click on image for larger view and details |
1924 - Sanborn Maps |
1937 - Sanborn Maps - shows the
water tower location
which was built 1928 |
Culver Fireman in front of building in 1948 |
1916 - Aug 24 - Abe French and Sam Asper landscape gardner's for the town board,
are laying out a scheme for beautifying the town hall square. They have already
cut down and molded into artistic mounds a quantity of the flora indigenous to
the soil.
? - Robert DeVauilt
1982 - Jun 18 - 1990 June 26 - Wayne Johnson
35 years ago: July 3 and 10, 1980: The old, 130-foot Culver water tower is now completely
removed, and has been purchased by Doyle White and Robert DeVault, according to Culver
clerk-treasurer Marizetta Kenney. Tom Overmyer used a torch to remove the last sections
at the top (editor: the tower in question was located in the lot of the former town hall,
in what is today a parking lot for Grace United Church of Christ, at Plymouth and Cass '
1990 - June 26 - 2022 - Grace United Church of Christ - Parking Lot |