Chadwick Hotel - 1004 West Shore
Chadwick Hotel & Chadwick Shores Index
Section 21 History 1835-1922
Located on
Long Point - was originally
known as Rochester Point as many Rochester cottagers located there. It was also known as
Chadwick Point.
1900 Mar 2 - We are pleased to note that our fellow townsman,
S. S. Chadwick has
purchased a lot on the north side of Long Point and will soon erect a mammoth hotel
upon the same. The grounds are suitably located, having a splendid view of the lake.
As tbe proprietor of the new hostelery has a large circle of acquaintances abroad,
and knows just how to cater to the wants of hotel guests, there is no doubt but what
the house will meet with great success right from the start - Culver Citizen
1900 - Mar 9 - S. S. Chadwick, of Culver, has purchased a lot on the north side of Long
Point at Lake Maxinkuckee and will build a large hotel on it this spring - Marshall
County Indpendent (Plymouth, Indiana)
The Chadwick house is easily accessible to all boats, large and small now. Capt. Crook
made a channel about 50 feet wide and 250 feet long which in the summer will facillitate
larger boats landing at the hotel and in the winter will make fine quarters for his steam
The 1900 census:
It list them as having four children and only 2 alive at the time the census was taken.
1900 - May 11- S. S. Chadwick is greatly improving his lake frontage, recentlv purchased of
Mr. James Green at Long Point, he is thoroughly cleaning up his grove and otherwise preparing
for tenters, and he has an ideal spot. Aside from his regular work, he is engaged rather
extensively in the poultry business, and with a frist-class incubator, is hatching out
chickens by the hundreds; And are long will supply the market with choice spring chicks.
The writer visited his place Wednesday, and saw over one hundred little chickens in a box
especialy made for the care of the young brood, and it was a pretty sight. Chadwick has
several. varieties
In 1903 Long Point in its entirety was offered for sale at $2,500 for development!
In the 23 July 1903 Culver Citizen was found this ad:
Long Pont for Sale
Long Point, the most beautiful and desireable for residences, hotel or educational
institution on Maxinkuckee Lake is for sale at a bargin. Enquire of Daniel McDonald
at his cottage south end of lake or to the owner.
Milo R. Smith
Rochester, In.
1904 Jul 21 - Long Point sold by Milo H. Smith of ROchester to S. S. Chadwick for $2,000.
Thirty years ago Dr. Durr offered it for $60. Long Point was formerly called Rochester
Point because only Rochester people made it a summer home
1904 - June 30 - S. S. Chadwick, has purchased the extreme north part of Long Point,
of Milo Smith of Rochester. Mr. Chadwick will divide it in to lots which will soon be
for sale.
An then the announcement of the sale:
[Lake Maxinkuckee, Marshall County]
From Culver Citizen:
The recent transfer of the extreme north end of Long Point by Hon. Milo R. Smith, of
Rochester, to Mr. Chadwick of the Chadwick Hotel, for $2,000, marks another important
era in the history of that noted location on the lake, and indicates the rapid rise
in the value of lake property within the past score of years.
Time was not so very far back in the past when that particular piece of property was
not considered of much value. Some thirty odd years ago the writer of this could
have purchased it from Dr.
G. A. Durr , who then owned
it, for $60, and but for a misunderstanding in the description, the purchase would have
been made. All in all it is the finest piece of vacant ground on the lake, and for many
purposes its location cannot be excelled anywhere.
This and the lake front south to the Arlington Hotel, is called "Long Point," in accordance
with "the lay of the land." Originally, and for many years, it was called "Rochester Point,"
for the reason that in an early day several Rochester people purchased lots and erected a
club house. Until about the time of the completion of the Vandalia railroad only Rochester
people spent the summer there. With the coming of the railroad also came people from Logansport,
Terre Haute, Indianapolis, etc. until now there is not an unoccupied property on the whole
There is considerable history and a good deal of tradition associated with this portion of
the lake which has been quite fully written up for the history of Maxinkuckee Lake soon to
be published by the "Maxinkuckee Association."
The "Chadwick Point," was an Indian burial place, as human bones were found in a mound in the
early settlement of the country. The late Maj. McFaddin of Logansport, insisted that
Pau-Koo-Shuk, the son who killed his father, Aubeenaubbee, and who died at Winamac about 1838,
was buried there. But quite a number of people had been residents about the lake for two years
previous, and none of them remembered such an occurrence. It is more than likely that the
genial and good hearted Major drew on his brilliant and vivid imagination for his facts. --
Daniel McDonald. - Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 22, 1904.
In the 1905 Directory for Culver (title etc. unknown) - is listed:
"The Chadwick House one mile S. of Culver Station 1/4
mile N. of Arlinton Station N. End of Long Point R.F.D. 1
Te. 2 S. S. Chadwick, prop.
An Ad in the Logansport Chronicle selling lots on Long Point in 1905 it was the May 13th
issue on page 4 (it was also in the Indianapolis News on May 18th) has been found and
it reads:
For Sale At a Great Bargain
Until July 1st, 1905, only, I will offer Five Desireable Lots in
my addition to Long Point at $6.00 per front foot. These lots have
fifty-foot fronts on Lake Maxinkuckee, and vary from 125 to 200 feet
in depth. All lots have, fine clean beach, with gravelly bottom. For
particulars call on or address.
S. S. Chadwick, Culver, Ind.
Containing sixteen rooms. 300 feet lake frontage. Four acres of ground, all well
fenced, and ia a high state of cultivation.
One acre of gardening, well stocked with small fruits:strawberries, raspberries,
blackberries, gooseberries, currants and grapes, and apple, peach, pear, cherry
and plum trees. Good barn, three wells of fine water, and a 200-bbl. cistern.
Especially suitable for club house. Also six beautiful lots in Chadwick's
addition to Long Point.
S. S. CHADWICK, Culver, Ind.
1906, May 17 - Susan Zechiel to SS Chadwick Lot 5 Chadwick's Ammended plat Loong Point
32-32-1- $519
1908-22 - S. S. Chadwick [directly behind Rochester Club Grounds] [Stephen S. Chadwick]
it sat in the middle of the block of lots 16-21 in the middle of Long Point. It's
lake access was through the Chadwick's Amen Subdivision Lot 9 Chadwick Hotel
1909 - Jul 22- S S Chadwick has put in a five foot cement walk along the front of his hotel
grounds, also one from the house to the lake and one from the rear of the hotel to his barn,
making 5,000 square feet in all
S. S. Chadwick and wife of Culver left Thursday for California to spen the winter. - pg.
5 Oct 2, 1909 Loganpsort Chronicle
In 1910 a new hotel was erected. Owned and operated by Catherine (Burkett) Chadwick [Mrs.
Lucy Ann...Lucy was the youngest of the 12 children of Levi and Agnes Overmyer Burkett...
One sister, Catherine (Mrs. Stephen Chadwick) owned and operated a summer hotel on Long Point
for many years....
History of Marshall County Indiana Sesquicentenial 1836 - 1986 (Taylor Publishing Co., 1986,
Publication # 357 of 1422), Marshall County Historical Society, Pg. 63 Biographical sketch
on Charles and Lucy B. Alexander.
1910, Dec 8 - S S Chadwick had been building another new bungalow on Long Point.
It is now ready for the plastering and will be rented as a summer home
1911 - Jun 1 - For Sale - The Last best lake frontage on Lake Maxinkuckee, including the old
and well-known Chadwick Hotel of 18 rooms, fitted with acetylene gas, hot and cold water on
both flow. Also a new 7 room bungalow, with bath. Ground consists of 22 lots, which will be
sold singlely if desired. This property is located on Long Poutn S. S. Chaswick Route 4
Culver Indiana
1911, Nov 16 - The high wind of Saturday night...lifted off an eight square area
from the roof of Chadwick's new bungalow.
In 1912 it was expanded adding an office lobby and a third floor and another source states
in 1913 it was expanded.
1912, Jun 8 Lake Maxinkuckee...Steve Chadwick is putting in a new lighting system for the
grounds surrounding the hotel.... - pg. 8 Logansport Chronicle
1912, Jun 20 - Chadwick has enlarged his acetelyne lighting plant by putting seven lights into
his new cottage and two along the walk leading from the hotel to the pier
1912, Dec 7 - Steve Chadwick who operates the Chadwick Hotel at Culver has closed for the
season and has gone to Britt, Iowa on an extended hunting trip. - Logansport Cronicle pg. 1,
1913 - Nov. 27- S. S. Chadwick has started work on his hotel which will add a lobby or
office, 20x42, on the
front and a third story which will raise the capacity from 18 rooms to 40.
In 1914 it was mortagaged for $3,700 to build on to it.
1914 - Jun 18 - The New Chadwick.
We are glad to reproduce the following from the Plymouth Republican.
Landlord Chadwick is deservedly one of the most popular landlords around the lake. He has
worked hard for all he has, and has built up the reputation of his hotel by strict
attention to business and the comfort of his patrons.
The Chadwick hotel at Long Point, one of the oldest and best hostleries around Lake
Maxinkuckee, ha just become the New Chadwick, and blossoms out for the season of 1914
with fine new clothes.
S. S. Chadwick, proprietor, has just finished a complete remodeling of the hotel, and
now has 34 rooms for the accomodation of guests. The building is three stories and is
made in rustic style inside and out. On each floor are toilet rooms and running water.
There a thirty four bedrooms, and every one has outside windows
It is a pleasure to walk up the very wide stairway and through the wide halls. It gives
the impression of coolness and freedom so much desired by those who come to a resort.
The stairway leading up from the office was designed by Mr. Chadwick himself and is
The office floor is of cement. A porch running on two sides of the hotel, the west and
north, has a total of 1000 feet of cement floor, and all of it looks out on the beautiful
blue Maxinkuckee.
There are 42 rooms altogether. All of the family and the help occupy the first floor,
leaving the entire upper two floors for the guests. The dinning room is the largest
around the lake and is pleasant in arrangement.
The building is covered with fire proof material, and the windows do not open on the
An auto shed makes room for an auto
of autos, and a plaster
the covering [as found in print]
the hotel makes room for extra quests who may wish to have a house to themselves.
Mr Chadwick, proprieter, has lived around the lake for 22 years and has grown up in its
history and developement.
At Long Point he has lived for 19 years, and the lonfer he knows the point, he says the
better it looks to him in every feature. It projects a half mile out into the lake, and
near it are caught many of the best fish taken from this will known body of water.
Tbe biggest real estate deal negotiated in this section for a long time was the sale
last Monday of the Chadwick hotel property to W. E. and J. L. Spitler of Saginaw county,
The consideration was $30,000. The hotel and all the Long Point lots belonging to S. S.
Chadwick are included in the transfer, Mr. Chadwick takes as payment 4OO acres of fine
land, with two sets of buildings, lying 9 miles west of Saginaw, Mich.
The Spitler brothers get possession Sept. 5. They expect to continue tbe hotel business,
and contemplate the erection of another building for sanitarium purposes to be managed
by a son of J. L. Spitler wbo is a physician
Mr. Chadwick has owned and operated the hotel since 1900 and has made it a popular resort
and a profitable business enterprise. J . L. Spitler, whom Mr. Chatfield has introduced to
a number of our people, seems its patrons.
Mr. Chadwick will not leave Culver at present. In fact, he intimates that his newly-purchased
land is on the market.
1914, Jul 31 Chadwick's new hotel is now fully equipped with electric lights both inside and
on th grounds. Mrs. Chadwick has put in his own plant and is operating it with a gasoline
1914 -- AUGUST 6, The biggest real estate deal negotiated in this section for a long time
was the sale last Monday of the Chadwick Hotel property to W. E. and J. L . Spitler of Saginaw
County, Mich. for the sum of $30,000.
1914 - Sep 17 - The Chadwick House has passed into the hand s of Spitler Bros. last Firday.
S. S. Chadwick will remain around Culver for a few weeks before leaving for Saginaw near which
city his farm is located. It is the intention of Spitler Bros not to open the hous until early
1914 - Oct. 8 - S. S. Chadwick returned last week from his Michigan farm after concluding to
let the tenunt occupy it until March 1. Next week Mrs. Chadwick will leave for Britt, Ia.,
where her son lives, and Mr. Chadwick will join her soon. They will spend the winter there and
in Illinois.
1915, Apr 29 - The Chadwick Hotel has been rented for three years to Mr. Young, formerly
landlord of the Barett House in Logansoport. The hotel is being put in shape for an early
1915 - Jun 19 - South B end Tribune |
1916 - May 18 - The New Chadwiek on Long Point opened last week under the management of
Mr. and Mrs. <Richard Burkett
of Logansport
1916 - Jul - PIER COLLAPSES. - A pier at Lake Maxinkuckee in front of the Chadwick hotel,
collapsed on the Fourth of July, plunging several members of the local K. of C. lodge into
the water, which is not deep at that point. Most of the men escaped with a foot-wetting - -
Logansport Pharos Tribune, Thursday, July 06, 1916, Logansport, Indiana
1917 - Sep 26 - Notice to Non-Resident
State of Indiana, Marshal county SS
In the Marshall Circuit Court Semptember Term 1917.
Exchange Bank of Culver, Indiana verse Stephen S. Chadwick etal
Complaint on note and to foreclose mortage.
The Plaintiff in the above entitled cause by Laurer & Kitch, its attorney's, has file in my
office a complaint against the defendants, and it appearing by the affidavit of a competent
person that the defandants Stehpen S. Chadwick, Catherine Chadwick and F. M. Young, whose
true christain name is unknown, Howard C. Mills, Augista Mills and Martha Anderson are
non-residents of the state of Indiana, there are hereby notified of the filing and
pendency of the said complaint against them to foreclose a mortage of the following
describded real eatste in Marhsall county, state of Indiana, towit:
Lots No. Seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), seventeen (17),
eighteen (18) nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21) and twenty-two (22)
in Chadwick's amended and corrected plat of Chadwick's subdivision of Log Point
in section twenty-one (21) in township thrity-two (32) notrh, range one (1) east
including hotel bulding and all appurtenances thereunto belonging, and unless they appear
and answer thereto on or befor the calling of said cause on Monday, the 26th day of
Novbemer, 1917, being the first judicial day of the Novemeber term of said court, to
begun and held at the court house in Plymouth, Marshall county, Indiana, on the last
Monday of Novemeer, A.D. 1917, said complaint and the matters and things there in
alleged will be heard and determined in the absence.
Witness, the clerk and seal of said court, at Plymouth, Indiana, this 24th day of
September, 1917
Frank Wilson, Clerk Marshall Circuit Court
By Glen L Underwood, Deputy
Laure & Kitch, Pltffy's Attys
1918 - Jan 30 - Notice of Sheriff's Sale
By virtue of a certified copy of decree and order of sale issued out of the office of the
Clerk of Marshall county, Indiana, to me directed, on a judgement in favore of Exchange
Bane, Culver, Indiana, and against Stepehen S. Chadwick, Catherine Chadwick, James O
Ferrier, Melvin T. Anderson, Rosa Anderson, Martha Anderson, Warren E. Spitlery, Howard C.
Millis, Augusta Mills the Huntington Trust company (cprporation), F. M. Young, whose true
christain name is unknown requiring me to make the sum of Four Thousand Ninety-seven Dollars
and Seventy-six cents ($4097.76) and costs of suit with interest on said judgement, I will
offer for sale according to th order of said coutry at public auction on
Saturday, February 16, 1918
Between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. on said day, at the east door of the court
house in Plymouth, Marshall county, Indiana, as the law directs, the following described
property, as follows, towit:
Lots No. Seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), seventeen (17),
eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21) and twenty-two (22)
in Chadwick's amended and corrected plat of Chadwick's subdivision of Log Point
in section twenty-one (21) in township thrity-two (32) notrh, range one (1) east
including hotel bulding and all appurtenances thereunto belonging, all in Marshall
county, State of Indiana, or so much thereof as is necessary to satisfy said
judgement with interest, costs, and accruing costs. And in the event said premises
fail to sell for a sufficient sum to pay and satisfy said jusgement, interests, costs
and accruing costs, the residue thereof remianing unpaid, sall by levied on the
goods and chattels of James O. Ferrier, and sale thereof shall be made in manner
prescibed by law
Win Morrow Sheriff of Marshall county Indiana
?-1919 J. O. Ferrier
It is said it sold for $30,000.
1919, Apr 2 - The Chadwick Hotel has been sold to a Champaign, Ill. , man. Particulars
will be given next week after the abstract has been approved as itprobably will be.
1919, Apr 16 - Sale of The Chadwick Hotel on Long Point
The papers were signed and th deal completed Monday for the sale of the Chadwick
Hotel on Long Point by the creditors to George Laenhardt of Champauign, Ill.
The consideration was land in Lapeer county, Mich. and $6,000 in cash. The deal
was negotiated by Bixell & Smith of Culver.
The property cinsists of a 40 room hotel in good condition and nine lots.
Mr Laenhardt is a man of ample means with a reputation for success in developing
enterprises of a public nature.
He will build a good pier at the Chadwick and construct a first class bathing beach.
He will lease the property to a capable manager of public resorts, who will mkae a
specialty of catering to automobile parties as well as to summer guests.
The house will be open by commencment week at the academy.
There are other plans in contemplatioon for putting Lake Maxinkuckee into the limelight.
If these are carried out 1,000 people will hear of the lake as a resort where only one
is familiar with it now. Its natural attractions have never been advertised, perhaps
because its facilities for catering to the class of people who seek a quiet summer home
have been pretty well taken up; but times have changed. The automobile has set the
workd into motion. People are looking for places where a day or a few days can be
spent in amusement. Provide attractions of proper but interesting nature and they will
com here; and there will stull be room for those who come here for restful recreation
and such privacy as in now assured them
1919 Aug, 13 - Sold to
Lillie Crismond
the following accountis found:
The Chadwick Again Sold.
The Chadwick hotel was sold last week to Mrs. Lily A Crimson of Logansport for $6,5000 by
J. O. Ferrier to whom the property reverted by the failure of last spring's buyer to complete
his purchase
Eleven lots, five of them having lake frontage go with the 32 room hotel building.
1919 Sep 24 - Two Building Jobs... Contrractor Albert Stahl ... Mr. Sthal has also started work
on the remodeling of the Chadwick hotel now owned by Mrs. Crsimonf of Logansport. The thrid
story is to be taken off and about 20 feet at one end of the building.
The intention is to convert the structure into a large cottage.
1920 - The Chadwick's went to Ithica, Michigan. Stephen and Catherine are found keeping a hotel
in Ithica, michigan:
1920 - Ithaca, Gratiot, Michigan; Roll: T625_764; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 41
It is the intention of the buyer to cut up the hotel into cottages and a contract for the work has been
made with Albert Stahl to do the work
This is from the 1922 plat book of existing lots in Chadwick's 2nd amended and
Chadwick's Sub Long Point; the Chadwick Sub. labels no longer exists on map it is all
labeled as Walter J. Brahmar Sub this possibly happened when annexed into the town of Culver
about March 2009 Clicking on map will enlarge to show labeling of lots |
1953 - H. J. Crismond
1954 - Jul 7 - Girl's Camp and School Begins First Season
Camp Maxinkuckee, a summer school and camp for girls, opened its first session June 29.
It is located on Long Point in what was at one time the Chadwick Hotel and more recently
the Grssomond {Crismond} home.
Jim Puett, formerly of Logansport, in director of camp.
The c
amp is conducted primarily for girls 14, 15, and 16 years of age. Courses of instruction
are offered in arts, crafts, dramatics, dancing, swimming, and boating.
1954-7 - Crismond Estate
1954-1955 - Camp Maxinkuckee For Girls
1958-87 - James Grund (
James Arthur Grund)
1958 Lake Directory - James Grund 126 E. Main St., Peru, Ind
It is now Chadwick Shores
Chadwick Hotel & Chadwick Shores Index