Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

1010 W. Shore Dr. - Edgewater

Section 21 History 1835-1922

1922 - Surveyors Notice

    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, county surveryor of Marshall county, Indiana will at the request of Clavery H. DeFrees proceed on Saturday, September 2, 1922, at 9 o'clock a.m. to locate and relocate the corners for land and lots now owned by the following persons:
      Calvert H. DeFrees,
      Walter J. Behmer and wife Nora S.
      Hugh Smith
      Elza M. Cromley and Willam M. Hays
      Charles L Bernhard
      Ben F. Sharts
      Earl F Gutherie
      Harry Baughman etal
      George Stanton Green
      C. C. Durr
      Austin Druckermiller and wife Amanda
    All in section 21, townhip 32 north, range 1 east.

    Non-resident owners of lands in said section who fail to meet me at the time above mentioned, in compnay with Calvert H. FeGrees, and defray or provide for defraying theri protion of the expense of said survey, will be returned to the county auditor as delinquent and such delinquency placed upon the tac duplicate for collection according to law

    Samuel G. Williamson, Surveyor for Marshal co.

1930-61 - Walter J. Behmer
    1958 Lake Directory - Walter J. Behmer - 750 S.W. 12th Ave., Fort Lauderdale, Fla

1979-92 - Eugene Behmer
1992-3 - Joseph Hood

1993 - Joseph Hood/Robert Hebert
    ?U.S. District Judge Joseph Hood?

1999- Feb. 2001 - Robert Hebert

Feb. 2001 - 2005, Nov Herbert Harlan Land Trust - Hellen Herbert Harlan-Hood, Trustee

    It was consider a part of : 1008 West Shore Dr. CHADWICK'S SUB LOT 12

    and across the road at 1011 West shore drive which was a vacant lotfor years
      BEHMERS ADD LOT 4 EX TR SE COR & EX LOT 4 WALTER J BEHMERS SUB EX EX - Vacant lot (non lakefront)
      A PRT LOT 4 IN BEHMERS SUB:BEG AT NWL - Vacant lot (non lakefront)

      A PRT LOT 3 IN WALTER J BEHMERS SUB - Vacant lot (non lakefront)
      PRT LOT 3 W BEHMERS SUB COM AT NELY COR LOT 3 TH S12-33-44E 125.50 TO POB TH CONT S12-33-44E 134.88 TH N65-01-09W 32.66 TH N0-07-48E 117.86' TO POB Vacant lot (non lakefront

2001, Feb. - 2004 - Peter Korellis
2005, Sep - - Michael B. & Anna M. Wildermuth
    Michael B Wildermuth, MD, is a member of the Franciscan Physician Network specializing in Anesthesiology.

    Anna Wildermuth, M.D., is a native Hoosier who attended high school at Culver Girls Academy and completed her undergraduate degree in biology at the University of North Carolina. She returned to Indiana University School of Medicine for her medical training. Dr. Wildermuth went on to do her residency in pediatrics at the University of Chicago Wyler’s Children Hospital and finished her training at Duke University in Durham, N.C. She returned to Peru, Ind., to practice with her former pediatrician for three years. Her family moved her to Lafayette in 1998 and joined Froberg Pediatrics in 1999.

    She is married with three beautiful children — Andrew, Madeleine, and Isabella
        Education: Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
        Residency: University of Chicago Wyler's Children Hospital, Chicago, IL
        Board Certifications: Board Certified in Pediatrics
        Specialties: Pediatrics
        Practices: Preferred Pediatrics of Lafayette

2007 - Glenda J & Larence B. Pachniak - br>
? - 2007 - Susan and Peter Korellis

2018, Oct-2024 - Port Plaza LLC /Robb & Stacey Schmit

2019 - Feb 19 - NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION NO. 2019-00IP DATE OF HEARING February 19 2019 TIME OF HEARING 6:30 PM Date January 30, 2019 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:
    That a petition has been tiled by Robb Schmit, 1606 Edgewater Court. Grafton, Wisconsin on behalf of Port Plaza, LLC to approve a replat of three lots into two lots in the L1 district, an area of land totaling approximately .26 acres. This petition includes properties located at 1010 and 1028 West Shore Drive, parcel numbers 502121302386000014, 502121302385000014, and 502121302384000014...
    NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION NO. 2019-002P DATE OF HEARING February 19.2019 TIME OF HEARING 6:30 PM Date January 30, 2019 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: That a petition has been filed by Robb Schmit, 1606 Edgewater Court, Grafton, Wisconsin on behalf of Port Plaza, LLC approve a replat of two lots in the Al district, an area of land totaling approximately .424 acres. - This petition includes properties located on West Shore Drive parcel number 502121304369000014 and 502121 30440700O0l4

2019 - Mar 7, 14 - Filed by Robt. Schmit on behalf of Port Plaza LLC - to request a develompnet standard variance from required 10 foot side yard set back to 7'6" to allow for demoliton of the existing home and shed and the constrcution of a new 62' x 35' single family home on a non-comforming lot of record - hearing March 21, 2019.

2023 - New Cottage constructed

2021, Sep. - old cottage was demolished.



    Lot Number Thirteen (13) in the Second amended and corrected Plat of Chadwick's Subdivision of Long Point in Section twenty-one (21) Township thrity-two (32) North Range One (1) East.