Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

1012 East Shore Drive - Cozy Cote  

Section 22 - ? acres
    Nesswagh-ee Reservation

Section 22
    Section 22 Lot 1 - 37.70A; 40
    Section: 22 Lot 2 - 45.45A
    Section 22 Lot 3 - 32.00A
    Section 22 Lot 4 - 35.70A

1872 Plat Map Section 22 Lot 1 - 37.32 - G. Peeples
Lot 2 - 45.45A S & J. W Rector
Lot 3 32A - S. Rctor
S & J W Rector - 40A A Smith - 80A 3.90A - A W B
.97? - D J
159A - J. C. Miles a part in Sec. 23-
A Bartholomew 35.70A

1876 Plat Map Section 22
    J C Miles - 158A

1880 Plat Map Section 22 Platted cottage lots
G. Peeples 35.5A Rector & Thomas 85A & 32A H. B. Scott 34.50A





19__ - Alice W. Pierce

    1900 - M. M. Millken (Madora Millikan (Mrs. Lynn B)
      This list starts on the north side and was compilied during Well testing on Aug. 25 & 26, 1900

1904 - May 26 - Mrs. Alice W. Pierce is having her cottage papered. The well known decorator, G. W. Garn is doing the work.

1905 - May 25 - Mr. L. B. Millikan has purchased the Alice Pierce cottage and taken possesion
    1905 - May 25 - Alice W. Pierce to Madora Millikan, tract in Union to. $3100

1905 - Jun 1 - Mr. L. B. Millikan is having a flowing will driven and cement walks built at his cottage

and resenbles photos of 1022 E. Shore known as "Shady Bluff"
At the top of the article Lake Maxinkuckee - the Beautiful By Joe S. Miller Indianapolis Star, Jul 2 1905 there were scenes of Lake Maxinkuckee and photos of cottages - tho nothing of mention of them - it was an article of ramblings of reminecences of past history/lengends of Lake Maxinkuckee. This was one and identified as the "Milliken Cottage"
1908 - Aug 13 - Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Millikan returned to Cozy Cote Tuesday after a weeks visit to Indianapolis

works out to have been also a part the Millikan lot.
1908 - Millikan

The Lot Numbers in red are tody's (2015) working from both directions the Brawnell and Marmon cottage the area in between has been decipherd somewhat. The lot sizes and shape have changed some what the lot to the south 1122 E. Shore

1912 = Jul 10 - Mrs. Lynn Milliken and son will go to their cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee earlt newt week to spen the summer - Indianapolis Star

1919 - Listing of cottages under a new numbering system
    172 - Lynn B Millikan
      General contractor and builder Lynn B. Millikan built Millikan Flats in about 1908. Millikan, a New Castle, Indiana, native, was known for factories, business blocks, and high-end residences (he built sixteen houses in the 1600-2500 block of North Meridian Street Indianapolis in the 1890s, including his own home.

1922 -- M. M. Millken (Madora Maud Millikan (Mrs. Lynn B)

1930 -- M. M. Millken (Madora Maud Millikan (Mrs. Lynn B)

1942 - Sep 16 - Madora D. Millikan, decd, AD to Gaylord B. Millikan etux, tract on Lake Maxinkuckee in Lot 1 in 22-32-1 and Lot 5 Vonnegut subdivision.

1949-1959, Jan -- Lester J. Powlen Sr.
    1958ectory - 1012 L. J. Powlen - , 730 E. Broadway, Logansport, lnd.

1959 - Jan 13 - Indianapolis M.D. Purchases Powlen East Side Home

Joseph E. Walther, M.B. of Indianapolis has purchased one of the most beutiful summer homes on Lake Maxinkuckee - the property at 1012 East Shore Drive belonging to Lester J. Powlen, retired Logansport automobile dealer.

Dr. and Mrs Walther are the parents of four girls and two boys who will greatly enjoy the large 8-bedroom, 4-bath year around house.

Their Indianapolis home is located at 4266 N pennsylvania St.

The Powlen family, now reduced to two, is looking for a smaller place, preferably on the East Shore.

They have been summer residents for 10 years and have a genuine fondess for Culver

1959, Jan - ? Dr. Joseph E. Walther
    1959- May 13 Dr. Joseph Walther Family Is Fine Addition to Lake Summer Colony

    One of the finest and most refreshing additions to the Lake Maxinkuckee summer colony in recent years is the family of Joseph E. Walther, M.D. and Mrs Walther of Indianapolis, who are now comfortably settled in the large home they purchased from the L. J. Powlens of Logansport, one of the most attactive along the East Shore.

    Joe and Mary Margaret Walther have six wonderful children, all of whom asr excellent swimmers (thanks to the Indianapolis Athletic club pool) as well as talented musicians. The are Mary Ann, 13; Joanne, 11; Karl JOseph, 10; Suzanne, 9; Diane, __; and Kut Edward 6.

    Mrs Walther is the daugheter of Dr. Karl R. Ruddell, noted Indianapolis surgeon, and Mrs. Ruddell, who were here to enjoy Mother's Day together. Incidently the Walther and Ruddell families are a perfect example of what McCall's Magazine tems "togetherness"

    Dr Walther is the head of Memorial Clinic of Indianapolis, _. One of his chief medical responsiblilites is to keep the top employees of such important Hoosier capital firms as Indiana Gear Works, Inc. and Allison Division of General Motors Corporation in robust health.

    Recently Dr. Walther also bought the Henry W. Bliss place at 1022 East Shore Drive, next to his new Lake home which he shall turn over to Clinic clients for informal business sessions and family outings.

    During World War II, Dr. Walther had a brillant record in the U.S. Air Force in the South Pacific.

    Other members of the household are Mabel a marvelous cook, who has been with the Ruddell and Walther families for two generations and a handsome __xer with a tricky name.

? -1987,Nov. Joseph E. Walther, Partnership

1987, Nov-1989, Nov. - Doctor's Office Inc. 1989, Nov-1998, Aug - Samuel M. Margolis

1998, Aug. - Mary Ann Margolis

1998,Aug-2024 - Mary Ann & Samuel M Margolis, Trustees