Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Town clock  

1900 Jan 26 Town clock. Saturday evening, January 27, the great Juvenile Cantata will be repeated. The money foes to benefit the citizens of Culver for every improvement helps the masses as well as the individual. you should attend for the very reason that you should be pubic spirited, A few, with great labor, have brought this entertainment to a high state of perfection, hence, will give you your money’s worth aud some to spare. Don’t .pinch your pennies, but attend.

1900 - Feb `6 - Remember that the Ridiculous club will give a grand entertainment at Osborn s Hall next' Fridav evening Feb. 23 for the benefit of the town clock

1903 - Feb 12 - The common council of Culver has purchased the town clock, this securing -- the people that valuable piece of property

1903- Dec 17 - The town clock must be "friz up"

1904 - Jan 14-David Smith has been employed to keep the town clock wound and in running order

1904- Feb 18-The town clock has one of its periodical spells and is marking the time of day

1904- Mar3 There seems to no analogy between our town clock and either union labor organizations of the non-union faction. On one hand, it seems a hard matter to induce it to work even a short hour day; on the other, it steadily refuses to strike

1904-Sep 22 The town clock is running again. Good work - keep it up.

1905 - May 11 - The town clock is once more on duty. Frank Baker will look after it and keep it in order. There is nothing in town, for the same expenditure that is of such great convenience to people

1905 - Jul 6 - The town clock needs repairs

1905 - Dec 14 - The town clock ticks.

1905 - 16 December - the town clock stopped because of the failure of funds for being maintained. It is said to have sat in the middle of the intersection of Main and Jefferson streets.

    1923 - AUGUST 22 The sign post which was located in the middle of the main square of the city was removed because of orders the directors of the State Highway Commission

1906 - Feb. 15 - The town clock has suffered a relapse of its old complaint - paralysis in both hands

1905 - March 16 - The town clock has a spasm a few days ago. It stated running and struck the hour for one whole day. There is not an improvement in town that would receive a heartier welcome from the people than the have the town clock put in proper condition and kept going

1906 - May 17 - City Marshal Fisher took hald a day last week and did one of the best jobs of his administration when he put the town clock in good running order. It is now keeping time and striking the hours correctly. We'll own up that we've felt like saying something mean and ornery about that clock ever since we struck town. Probably it wouldn't done any good if we had, and not we're glad we didn't

1906 - Jul 19- it takes just 15 minutes to wind the town clock, and it is not a light job. The weight is a 1,400 pound one, suspended by a wire cable without gearing to offset the dead lift.

1906 - Sep 27 - The town clock seems to be run by an alternating current – alter today and nating tomorrow.

1907 - Jan 24 -Something, too, will have to be done by the town board about the town clock. The rain now blows into the open belfry (the M. E. church) and runs down on the walls of the audience room. Either this must be remedied or the clock must be taken out before the walls are renewed.

1907 - Jan 31- The welcome sound of the town clock, which has been out of commission during the cold snap, was heard again on Tuesday.

1907 - Feb 14- The quarantine was raised on the town clock the other day and it's at work again

1907 - Feb 28 -I.G Fisher and wife went to South bend for a couple of days last week. The town clock soldiered on its job all the time Fish was gone.

1907 - Mar 7 - Every time Marshal Fisher goes out of town the town clock gets on a toot.

1907 May 9 There's one Culver enterprise that doesn't boom these days - the town clock. Since the resignation of Marshall Fisher the clock has been orphaned. 1907 - Jun 13-Since the appointment of a marshal the town clock is again "passing the time of day"

1907 - Jun 27 - Here the editor has company and the town clock refuses to go just when we wish to point of with feeling of local pride.

1907 - Jul 11 - Painter are now finishing up the outside of the M E church. But the town clock doesn't go yet already.

1913 - Jan 9 - The town was notified by the officials of the M. E. Church to remove the town clock from the steeple within 60 days.

1914- Jun 4 - Town clock running again - After a coma of several years the town clock on the M. E. church has been resuscitated and gives promise of again taking its old place as a useful and respected factor in the busy life of culver. It all came about through the initiative of Preacher Kenrich who framed up an agreement that if the town board would repair the clock and sit it going he would keep it going as long as he remained in Culver.

1939 - Aug 16 - Clock Faces On Metodist Church, Old Landmarks are Removed
    The faded clock faces on the Methodist church tower are gone, and their passing will recall to many the days when they attempted to give the time of day to the town.

    Maybe there was a time when the four clocks were accurate, by many a reference is made in the Citizen of 30 years ago of the clocks either being behind time or stopped entirely. They seemed to have the inspiration for many a jibe in those days.

    For over two decades the clock mechanism has been removed and only the dim faces reminded passersby of those bygone days. To put it midly, they have not been a thing of beauty and joy forever.

    Now modern incention has caught up with three of the faces and they have been removed to allow the installation of four louds speakers, which are connected with the church chimes.

    The installation made two months ago has been changed to give better coverage and an automatic unit has been installed that plays eight numbers without human attention. The chimes are now being played at noona as well as in the evening.

    A speaker has been placed in the church auditorium so that the unit can be used in connection with the services, making it the most complete outfit of its kind in the midwest.

    The chime library has been increased among the new numbers being "Maxinkuckee Moon" by Herbert Keller and Paul Fogerty, the academy song, and the state song "On the Banks of the Wabash".nter>