Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

1030 South Shore  

this has multiple addresses of 1024/1030/1032 or were seperate cottages in the past


Section 34
    Section: 34 Lot _ - 32._7A
    Section 34 Lot 2 - 48.90A
    Section 34 Lot 7 - 37.30A

James F. D. Lanier of Jefferson county, Indiana on 30 June 1837 was issued the certificate #6822 the East half of the North East quarter of section thirty three and the north half of section thirty four containing 198 79/100 acres.

18__ - [-?-] McMillen - also said to be the Jacob Cromley farm

1872 Plat map
    D. Easterday (Daniel Easterday) 38.50AA & 17.38A non-lakefront From One Township's YesterYear's
      Daniel was the first Easterday known that came to Indiana, to this part of the state anyway..

      The land he settled on had men previously occupied; it was the McMillien place. The McMillen family lived there when he came.

      He found a log house already located on the place, but it had rotted down and was hardly fit to live in.

    G. J. Zachuman 45.90A & 72.39A

1876 - Not given

1880 Plat Map
    D. Easterday (Daniel Easterday) 133.06A
    B. Easterday (Benjamin Easterday) 118.90A

1898 Plat Map
    D. Easterday (Daniel Easterday) 38.30A


1908Plat Map
    Daniel Easterday 38.30A
    Schuyler 0. Overmyer 32.90A & 45.90A & 140.79A non-lakefront

> 1922

1947 - Jun 11 - Seek ROad Improvement
    Seventeen property owners along the south end of Lake MaxinkUckee have petitioned th county commissioners to improve the dirt road past their properstied.

    The Signers of the petition are:
    Edwin J. Carlson Emily H Carlson Harry E. Medbourn DOnald Behmer W. H. Hopkins O. B. Hatten ANdy Coldwater, F. N. Overmyer Glen WIlson Lero Wilson R. J. Harrison WM. W. Rankin Franklyn Kinkade Helen V. Kinkade Geo. F. Brigel Lillian B . Brigel and Martha J. Roberts

1947-1952-61 E. J. [Edwin J] Carlson
    1958 Lake Directory - E. J. Carlson -3909 Grand Blvd., East Chicago, Ind

__ - 1977 ? Miller

1977-Mar 87 - John L. & JoAnne M. Bell

1987,Mar-2016, Aug. - JoAnne M. Bell

They tore down the old cottages and built a new one in 1977.

There was a log cabin on one of these properties and it was tore down also, only the fireplace remains and was incorporated into the outside grill and shelter house. There was an array of spring flowering bulbs - a lot of daffodils, grape hychiths, crocous etc. filled these lots and all were bulldozed under.

David B Burns done all the original sidelwaks, seawalls and fireplaces

2016,Aug-2019,Feb - Dealer Acquisition Services LLC / Andy F. Mohr

2019,Feb-2024 - LHM Farms LLC Cottage property & 4.24A / Lorna H. Mohr

2017 - Apr - THE old cottage will be torn down soon - if not already
    Petition to approve variance of development standards to build a primary residence with height of Forty Three Feet, Eight inches to top of weathervane (35' to top of ridge) from natural or pre-existing grade, from the required height of Thirty Five feet (36). The address of the property is 1030 South Shore Drive, Culver, Indiana 46511, The Legal description is: A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 32 North, Range 1 East, Union Township, Marshall County. Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at an aluminum marker located at the Southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter: thence North 89°52'22" West along the South line of said Quarter. 238.32 feet to a P.K. nail at the intersection with the Aubeenaubee Reserve Line; thence continuing along the South line of said Quarter, South 90°00'00" West (record bearing) distance of 363.09 feet; thence North 0031'51" West, parallel with said reserve line a distance of 2000.70 feet to a capped 5/8" iron reinforcing rod located at the Southeast corner of the Anthony Dambrauskas and Joan C. Dambrauskas parcel as recorded in Deed Record 1992, page 18986 in the Office of the Marshall County Recorder, on the North line of South Shore Drive and the point of beginning of this description: thence North 075024" West along the East line of said Dambrauskas parcel a distance of 203.18 feet to the shoreline of Lake Maxinkuckee; thence for the following five (5) courses along said shoreline: 1) North 82"22'42" East. 104.14 feet; 2) North 8128'33" East, 64.11 feet; 3) North 79°02'10" East, 6.65 feet; 4) South 17°32'17" East. 0.30 feet; 5) North 67°23'04" East. 0.92 feet to the Northwest corner of the Peter F. Watson and Christi A. Watson parcel as recorded in Instrument No. 201104853 in the Office of the Marshall County Recorder; thence South 07"3625" East a distance of 207.09 feet to a mag nail at the Southwest corner of said Watson parcel, on the North line of said South Shore Drive; hence Soup 89°46'25 West along said North line a distance of 24.83 feet to a mag nail; thence South 82°08'34" West, 150.31 feet to the point of beginning

All the stone and brick work and fireplaces David Burns done seems to have been destroyed. "Everything on this parcel is being removed"

Rebuilt between 2017 - 2019

    N SD 40' HWY 160' S & 305' W INTER LN -
    W 75' E 305' N 200' LOT 2

    2016 - PRT NW1/4 SEC 34 COM AT SE COR NW1/4 TH N89-52-22W 238.32' TH CONT S90W 363.09' TH N0-31-51W 2000.70' TO POB TH N07-50-24W 203.18' TO SHORE LN TH NEXT 5 COURSES N82-22-42E 104.14' TH N81-28-33E 64.11' TH N79-02-10E 6.65' TH S17-32-17E .30' ETC