Edwin J. Carlson
Fish Stories Get Biger and Bigger
By W. W. Rankin
Fish Stories Get Biger and Bigger
By W. W. Rankin
The idea that carp do not bite and can not be caught with hook and line was exploded
last week when 86 year old Grandpa August Carlson, with the help of his grandson,
Eddie Carlson, landed a 42 1/2 pounder.
Grandpa's bait had gone to the bottom and that is where the carp forage for food, the
bulk of which is composed of fish eggs of other fish. Although strictly a bass fisherman,
Mr. Carlson has never abandon the use of braided linen line and special hand-made hooks,
without which he would have bee unable to capture this monster.
He claims you mus be prepared as you never know what you are going to hook when fishing
in Lake Maxinkuckee.
After stunning the fish with an oar, the Carlsons had a hard struggle to
get it into the boat. But with Eddie in the water and grandpa in the boat, they brought it
to shore where grandpa insisted on butting into the picture along with the fish. |
It is reported that the first plunge of the fish came very close to upsetting the boat.
The Carlsons are from East Chicago, Ind., where E. F. Carlson is president of the Indiana
Forge & Machine Co.
They spend their week ends at their cottage at the south end of Lake Maxinkuckee - -
Citizen 3 Jul 1946
Summer Resident Heads Indiana Mfgers. Assn.
E. J. Carlson, East chicago manufacturer, and summer resident of Lake Maxinkuckee,
is the newly eleced president of the Indiana Manufacturers Association.
Mr. Carlson is president of the at East Chicago,
Officers were elected at the annual meeting of the association held in Indianapolis
on Nov. 20 - - 5 Dec. 1951 - Citizen.