Claude P. Mikesell
We Have Here With Us Today - Claude P. Mikesell - With the Gafill Oil Company announcing
the formal opening of their new station here it is appropriate to have with us today the
local representatinf of the comppnay - Claude P. Mikesell Mr. Mikesell was born in Fulton
Cuunty, but corrected this error as soon as he could - moving to Culver when he was eight
years and has lived here ever since. He studied the three R's in the Kaley school.
He worked for two ice companies for several years and was employed at the Academy for about
15 years, during which time he drove the school's first dray.
For 20 years he has been in the oil business, all but the last year being with the Standard
Oil. Mr. Mikesell is now in charge of the locak bulk and retail sales of the Gafill Oil
company and is as proud of the new station as a boy with a shiny red fire engine.
Claude served on term as a member of the town board.
Claud Mikesell, Longtime Culver Resident, Dies
Claud P. Mikesell, 84, 214 W. Washington St., died at 7:50 p.m. Wednesday, March 6 at the
Prairie View Rest Home, Warsaw, following an illness of one year.
Mr: Mikesell was born to Nathanial and Rachel (Bryant) Miksesell, Jan 14, 1884 in Fulton
county and lived-most of his 'lfe in this area. He was married Sept. 18, 1903 in Culver to
Clara A.
Easterday who preceded him in death Feb.
25, 1966. He was a retired Standard Oil Distributor.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Opal Benedict, Culver; and four sons, Claurel C. Mikesell,
Donald E . Mikesell and Oscar M. Mikesell, all of Culver; and Arthur A. Mikesell, Milwaukee,
Wis.; 15 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m. Sunday at the Eastenday-Bonine Funeral Home with
Rev. A. E . Givens of the EUB Church officiating . Burial was in the Culver Masonic