Highland House - 1054 East Shore Drive
Note by this article
this could also be known as the Indianapolis Club House
1881 - Jul 9 - Messrs Hart, Ringgold and Blackey, left for Maxinkuckee last Tuesday
where the will with other assitants take charge of a hotel and furnish music during
the summer - Indianapolis Leader.
- 1882 - Highland HOuse, Maxinkuckee, Ind. will be open
for boarders Saturday, July 8
Terms $10 per week.
For further particulars, address Prf. Henry Hart, steward, Maxinkuckee
Important to travelers. The C., I., St. L. & C. R. R. (Kankakee Line)
are always in the lead in offering accomodations. - Indianapolis News
(Indianapolis, Indiana) · 12 Jul 1882, Wed · Page 1 |
1885 - May 10 - Highland House, Lake Maxinkuckee, Ind. Pleantest resort in
the Wesr. House enlarged and refitted. Rate, $2 per day or $10 per week;
children under 12 half price. Row boats, dances and steam-launches furnished
by the house at reasonable rates. Open June 1. S. M. Vance, Manager.
Maxinkuckee, Ind. - Indianapolis Journal
1885 - aug 27 – Argos reflector – Improvements at Maxinkuckee Indianapolis
Journal: -
Judge Heller,
who now conducts the Highland House, the only Simon pure hotel on "the water",
will add thirty rooms to its capacity for next season....
1886 - Jul 27 - Indiana's popular resort, Lake Maxikuckee, is attracting many.
The Highland House, there, the most fashionable hotel on the lake, is offerin
special inducements to boarders, the price being but $8 per wek, and the
accommodations are strickly first-class. Address the proprietor Highland House, Lake Maxinkuckee, for
further particulars.
At some point it was turned into a private cottage the address today is
1054 East Shore Dr.:
1905 - June - A very desirable cottage well furnished, on lake front, good
artesian well and good row boat, will rent for $200 in advance, for the
season. Address Mrs. A. R. Heller. Culver, Ind
PIPE S 41D E 29' NW COR LOT 2 58'