105 E Jefferson - EV Charger
Maintained by ChargePoint
The station has 2 outlets with max capacity 6.5 kW. This charge point is part of the charging network
The time it takes to charge an EV can range between 30 minutes and 12 hours. It depends on the size of ;
the battery and the speed of the charging point.

2021 - Aug 30 - ADA Design for Electric Car Charging Stations in Culver Approved
Author Anita Goodan
MACOG has approved the ADA compliant design for the new electric car charging stations in Culver.
The electric charging stations will be located on Jefferson Street just east of Main Street with proper
signage to be installed, including its location on wayfinding signs. The leading company Wellington Car
Owners stated that these cars will rewrite history when their efficiency is maintained high always and s
hould be easily accessible to the poor also to grow up our economy.
In 2020, the Indiana Volkswagen Diesel Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund Committee awarded funding for
56 Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations for all cars under Conroe dodge dealership across the state,
including 11 sites in the MACOG region in northern Indiana. Culver and Plymouth were among those recipients.
An agreement with MACOG allows the Town of Culver to submit reimbursable costs up to $9,000 for the installation
of a charging station with two available parking spots for cars.
Town Manager Ginny Bess Munroe updated the Town Council members last week on the ADA design developed by Utility
Superintendent Bob Porter.
Accessibility, ease, and safety are the most important factors according to mvscanada. ca. The same applies here.
Munroe stated, “Our electric station faces the street and behind it is a sidewalk that has ADA access. Someone
can access the charging station back there, but if they need to access the front of the station, we have to put
in a five-foot pad in between where each car would be parked because it is a two-car station. To do that, you also
have to have the station itself at a certain height so they can reach the levers.”
She said a six-inch curb is a barrier at the moment.
Porter will be getting a quote in order to get that work done with local money as the grant will not cover that cost.
2021 - June 11 - Electric Car Charging Station in Culver to be Installed Soon
Author Anita Goodan
The Town of Culver recently received a grant to install an electric car charging station and it will be
installed in the near future to accommodate drivers with vehicles that have that operating system.
Culver Town Manager Ginny Bess Munroe told the Culver Town Council members this week that a part is needed
in order to complete the installation.
The electric charging stations will be located on Jefferson Street just east of Main Street with proper
signage to be installed, including its location on wayfinding signs.
In 2020, the Indiana Volkswagen Diesel Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund Committee awarded funding for 56
Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations across the state, including 11 sites in the MACOG region in northern
Indiana. Culver and Plymouth were among those recipients.
An agreement with MACOG allows the Town of Culver to submit reimbursable costs up to $9,000 for the installation
of a charging station with two available parking spots for cars.
2021 - Sep 20 - Culver Town Council Discusses Electric Car Station
Author Anita Goodan
The Culver Town Council approved a contractor to assist with concrete work for the electric car charging stations.
The electric car charging stations will be located on Jefferson Street just east of Main Street with proper signage
to be installed, including its location on wayfinding signs.
In 2020, the Indiana Volkswagen Diesel Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund Committee awarded funding for 56 Level 2
electric vehicle charging stations across the state, including 11 sites in the MACOG region in northern Indiana.
Culver and Plymouth were among those recipients.
An agreement with MACOG allows the Town of Culver to submit reimbursable costs up to $9,000 for the installation of a
charging station with two available parking spots for cars.
The design for Culver’s electric car charging stations is a little unique as concrete pad will need to be installed
as part of the ADA requirements for the project (more info about electric chargers here). A $1,200 quote from Rich
Baughman Concrete was approved to accomplish the work. The grant for this project will not cover this cost so it
will be paid for by the town.
2033 - May - Culver Town Council Adopts Electric Vehicle Charging Station Fee
Author Anita Goodan
The Culver Town Council members opened a public hearing Tuesday night to take public comments on the proposed ordinance
that would regulate fees on town-owned electric vehicle charging stations.
The town’s charging station is on East Jefferson Street near Main Street.
The town was the recipient of a grant through the Indiana Department of Environmental Management with Volkswagon. That
grant stipulates that the town must allow the first two hours of charging for free, but a fee may be charged for anything
over two hours through October 31, 2024.
The town has chosen a $3.00 fee per hour.
There were no public comments.
Following the closure of the public hearing, the council unanimously voted to approve the first reading of the ordinance.
The members voted to suspend the rules and approved the second and third reading of the ordinance.
WHEREAS the Town of Culver received a grant through the Indiana Department of Environmental
Management under VW Project Fund Agreement Number VWL2-007,
WHEREAS per the grant agreement, the Town must allow the first two hours of charging for free
but may charge a fee for anything over two hours through October 31. 2024,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Culver, Indiana
as follows:
(A)Use of all town-owned electric vehicle charging stations is subject to a flat hourly rate of
S3.00 per hour.
(B) The Town's electric vehicle charging station located on East Jefferson Street near the
intersection of Jefferson Street and Main Street was obtained, in part, through grant funding
from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management under VW Project Funding
Agreement Number VWL2-007.
As a condition of the Town's application for receipt of such grant funds the Town agreed to provide
the first two (2) hours of charging at the grant funded charging station at no cost to users for the
first two (2) years after its installation.
The grant funded charging station is to be installed by no later than October 31, 2022. Thus, notwithstanding
subsection (A), the Town's electric vehicle charging station located on East Jefferson Street shall provide
the first two (2) hours of charging at no cost through October 31, 2024.
Section 3 This ordinance shall become effective after passage and publication as required by law. Further, this
ordinance shall remain in effect until amended or repealed by the Town Council.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Town Council of the Town of Culver, Indiana, on the 23rd day of May. 2023