Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Lester P. Young  

We have with us today...

Patrons of the Northern Indiana Public Service Co. are accustomed to seeing Lester P. Young as he checks their electric bills at the desk in the utility's office here.

This picture was taken while the Christmas decorations adorned the office and O. T. Goss cashes in for some free pulicity via the calendar on the wall.

Lester was born in Jay county, Indiana, and came to Culver in 1913.

He was graduated from the Portland High school and attended Tri-State college at Angola and Muncile Normal.

Lester had seven years teaching experience befiore he entereid the business world. One year was spent in Randolph county, two years in Union township schools, one year as Culver grade school principal and three years as science and manual training instructor in the local high school. In 1919 he was principal of the high school.

From 1919 to 1934 Mr. Young was cashier in the quartermaster's department of the academy.

Since 1935 he has occupied his present position with Nipsco.

For 18 consecutive years he has been the superintendent of the Sunday School. at the Evangelical church, which outh to be a record of some kind.

He has served as president of the Parent-Teacher Association and Worshipful Master of the local Masonic lodge, and since 1932 has been secretary of the later organization

Public Service Club Honors Lester P. Young

The Plymouth Public Service Club honored Lester P. Young, general accounts clerk in the NIPSCO Office in Culver, at a retirement dinner Saturday night at the Conservation Club.

Lester is retiring soon after 23 years of service to NIPSCO.

A delicious chop suey dinner was prepared and served by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Shipley and his father, William Shipley, of Fort Wayne, to the 78 members and guest who gathered to honor Mr. Young.

Among the guests were Miss Mary G.Young of South Bend, sister of Lester, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Young of Mishawaka, his son and daughter-in-law.

Following the dinner George C. McLaughlin.

District Manager. presented Lester with a gift certificate and the best wishes of the employees.

After the presentation, contests were enjoyed with prizes awarded to the Misses Darle Mattix and J ance Wallskog, and George Rankin of Plymouth.

Arrangements for the retirement party were made by V. D. Augspurger and Mrs. Kathryn I Reichert. = Sep 24, 1958

Lester P. Young Birth 21 Mar 1893 Jay vounty, Indiana Death 8 Feb 1962 South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana Burial Culver Masonic Cemetery Culver, Marshall County, Indiana son of Rev John Everett Young and Kenzadie Dell "Zadie" Sturgeon
    Funeral Services Held Sunday For Lester P. Young

    LESTER P. YOUNG Lester Paul Young, age 68, of 715 Cleveland Ave., South Bend, former resident of Culver, was dead on arrival at Memorial Hospital, South Bend after suffering a heart attack on Colfax Ave. in South Bend, Thursday evening.

    Mr. Young was born in Jay County near Portland, Ind. on March 21, 1893.

    He was graduated from Tri-State College, Angola and from Muncie Normal, now Ball State Teachers' College, Muncie. He taught school at Ridgeville for a few years before coming to Culver in 1914 where he taught in the Culver Public School.

    He was also employed as cashier at Culver Military Academy for 18 years and from 1935 to 1959 he was manager of the Northern Indiana Public Service Company Culver office.

    Since his retirement he has made his home with his sister, Miss Mary Young, who survives him.

    Also surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Miriam E. Cook, Kalamazoo, Mich.; two sons, Malcolm Young, West Allis, Wis. and Everett Young, South Bend; two brothers, Herman Young, Culver and Harold Young, Rochester.

    There are two grandchildren, Paul and Michael Young and two stepgranddaughters, Deborah and Catherine Cook of Kalamazoo.

    Mr. Young was a member of Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church in Culver and served .as Sunday School superintendent for 28 years.

    He was also a member of the Henry H. Culver Masonic Lodge, in Culver and was a past master of the lodge and has served as secretary for about 30 years.

    Masonic services were held at 8 p.m. Saturday. at the Easterday Funeral Home in Culver.

    Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday. at Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church with the pastor, Rev. Walter Chisholm, officiating.

    Burial was at the Culver Masonic Cemetery. - Feb 14, 1962

married Aug 25, 1916 Vera E Zechiel Birth 18 Jun 1894 Marshall county, Indiana Death 27 Sep 1929 Argos, Marshall, Indiana, Burial Culver Masonic Cemetery Culver, Marshall County, Indiana daughter of George Zechiel and Elizabeth Webb Children:
    Miriam Elizabeth Young Birth 2 Jan 1927 Culver, Marshall County, Indiana Death 28 Nov 2020 South Haven, Van Buren County, Michigan Burial Mount Ever-Rest Memorial Park South Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan married Birth 1934 Death 1986 Burial Mount Ever-Rest Memorial Park South Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan

    Malcolm Eugene Young Birth 1920 Death 1968 Burial Masonic Cemetery Culver, Marshall County, Indiana
      Former Resident Dies Suddenly

      Graveside services were held Wednesday, Feb 7, at 10:00 a.m. for Malcom E. Young, 47, who died Friday, Feb 2, at 3:30 p.m. at Emanuel Hospital, Omaha, Nebr., following an illness of one day.

      Rev. A> E. Bivens (Givens) of the Culver EUB CHurch officated and burial was in the Culver Masonic Cemetery. The Easteday-Bonine Funeral Home was in charge of the arraggements.

      Born Nov. 21 1920 in Culver to Lester and Vera Zechial (Zecheil) Young, he spent his early life in Culver and had made his home in Omaha for the past four years.

      He was married to Helen Marsh on June 15, 1946 at Des Moine, IOwa.

      Mr. YOung was a graduate of CUlver High School and also North Central COllege, Naperville, Ill. He was a salesman for an Omaha paper concern.<

      Surviving with his wife are two sons: Pail and Michael, both at homem; one sister Mrs. Miriam Cook Kalamazoo, Mich.; and one brother, Everett Young of SOuth Bend.

    Everett Young