1061 West shore Dr. - Bellewood Lodge
1835-1837 Plat Map
Section 21 Lot 1 - 52.41A
Section 21 Lot 2 - 41.92A
Section 21 Lot 3 - __.__A [41.49]
James F. D. Lanier
of Jefferson county, Indiana on 30 June 1837 was issued the
certificate #7339 the East half
of Section twenty; Fractional Section of Twenty One; Fractional Section of Twenty
Seven and Fractional section of Twenty eight containing 793 32/100 acres.
1876 Plat Map - no names on it for this section |
1880 Plat Map
W. J. Myers 17.85A
M. G. Gould 23.92A; 56/57A
E. Parker 27.42A
J. Filer 10A
C. Filer 39.40A
G. A. Durr - Lot 2
A.C. Shepherd Etal J. Green [James Green ] |
J. Green - was to have owned all of Long Point at one time
to west [
James Green
When he first came to the west shore of Lake Maxinkuckee where Long Point
is located, there was no one established there. He bought all the land
between Maxinkuckee and the little lake, including all of Long Point, the
gravel pit property and adjacent acreage.
The original Green homestead is still standing to this day, but not on
its first site. It is now on the rise of the ground between the two lakes.
The house originally stood close to the lake where the railroad right-of-way
is now. We are told that the railroad came through in such a hurry, moving
northward to terminate as while at Marmont Station that construction work had
reached the house before the movers could get it moved. In fact, the tracks
came pretty close to being laid right under the house, which was hurriedly moved
out of the way and back on the hill where it now stands, today untenanted.
When James Green settled at the southern base of Long Point and for a considerable
period thereafter, he did not anticipate that his waterfront property would at some
future date be in such demand by prospective summer cottagers as to command rich
prices. So it was that, before the great in rush of the "lake people", he without ado
and complacently thinking his deals successful sold good-sized lots to folks for
about fifty dollars apeice. Some he almost gave away. His son got one for doing some
extra chores. It was not so many years later that those self same "cheap" lots were
in great demand for prices ranging into the thousands.
On Long Point in the 'seventies, James Green had twenty acres of land left, and
between the two lakes 83.47 acres. - One Townships Yesteryears
From the Logansport Daily Journal page 3 dated Aug. 27, 1882:
All the preliminaries for the extension of the Logansport branch of the
Vandalia railway
to Lake Michigan have been satisfactorily adjusted, and upon compliiance with a few
easy conditions the contact will be closed, and the work will be commenced and
pushed to completion.
Readers of the Journal are familiar with the route of this line to Marmont (Maxinkuckee),
and will have no difficulty in following it to South Bend and the lake...
With these advantages before them, our citizens are asked to consider one of the
conditions above named, which condition is that the right of way shall be furnished
free to the new line thorugh our county. The estimated cost of this right of way is
from $7,000 to $10,000 and it is proposed to raise the amount by subscription. A
consideraable portion of this subscription has already been secured, and a committee
appointed for that purpose will make an effort to raise the remainder during the
present week...
1883 - Oct 6 - The Vandaiia railroad company commenced laying iron at Marmount a d
ay or two ago, and-withln a short time the tract will be completed from Maxinkuckee
lake to the Nickle Plate railroad, a distance of about three miles,- Logansport Pharos
Areas in corporated into Culver
N. Gould
M. Grubs 10A +
B. Easterday 38.40
M. R. Smith 32A [Milo R.
J. Green [James Green ]
Rochester Club
Long Point
South Long Pont
| |
In 1903 Long Point in its entirety was offered for sale at $2,500 for
In the 23 July 1903 Culver Citizen was found this ad:
Long Point for Sale
Long Point, the most beautiful and desireable for residences, hotel
or educational institution on Maxinkuckee Lake is for sale at a
bargin. Enquire of Daniel Mc Donald at his cottage south end of
lake or to the owner.
1904 - June 20 - S. S.Chadwick has purchased the extreme north part of Long
Point, of Milo Smith of Rochester. Mr. Chadwick will divide it into
lots which will soon be for sale
1904 - July 21 - The Passin of Long Point
The recent transfer of the extreme north end of Long Point by Hon.
MMilo R. Smith, of Rochster to Mr. Chadwick of the Chadwick Hotel
for $2,000, marks another importtant era in the history of that
noted location on the lake, and indicates the rapid rise in the
value of lake property within the past score of years
Time was not so very far back in the past when that particular
piece of property was not considered of much value.
Some thirty odd years ago the writer of this could have purchased
it from Dr. G. A. Durr who thene owned it, for $60 and but for a
misunderstanding in the description, the purchase would have been
All in all it is the finest piece of vacant fround on the lake, and
for many purposes its location cannot be excelled anywhere.
This and the lake fron south to the Arlington Hotel is called "Long
Point", in accordance with "the lay of the land".
Originally,and for many years, it was called "Rochester Point", for
the reason that in an early day several Rochester people purchased
lots there and erected a club house. Until about the time of the
completion of the Vandalia railroad only Rochester people spent the
summer there.
With the coming of the railroad also came people from Logansport, Terre
Haute, Indianapolis, etc. untill now there is not an unoccupied property
on the whole point.
There is considerable history and a good deal of traition associated with
this portion of the lake which has been quite fully written up for the
history of Maxinkuckee Lake soon to be published by the 'Maxinkuckee
The 'Chadwick Point', was an Indian burial place as human bones were found
in a mound in the early settlement of the country. The late Maj. McFadden of
Logansport, insisted that Pau-Koo-Shuk, the son who killed his father,
Aunneenaubbee, and who died at WInamac about 1838, was buried there. But
quite a number of people had been residents about the lake for two years
previous, and none of them remembered such an occurance. It is more than
likely that the genial and good hearted Major drew on his brillant and
vivid imagination for his facts. - Daniel McDonald Pttawattomie Reservation,
July 18
1908 Plat Map
Rochester Club Grounds Lots
Camden Club lots
Jas. Green
SS. Chadwick
| |
Chadwick's Amended Plat
Rochester Club Grounds Lots
Camden Club lots
Green's Long Lot >>
Harriet Allen - 2 lots
James L Barnes
J H. Reitemeier - 10.94A Jas Bardsley
?-1922-1940 Charles L Bernhard (Bernhardt)
1922 - Surveyors Notice
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, county surveryor of Marshall county, Indiana
wiil at the request of Clavery H. DeFrees proceed on Saturday, September 2, 1922, at 9
o'clock a.m. to locate and relocate the corners for land and lots now owned by the
following persons:
Calvert H. DeFrees,
Walter J. Behmer and wide Nora S.
Hugh Smith
Elza M. Cromley and Willam M. Hays
Charles L Bernhard
Ben F. Sharts
Earl F Gutherie
Harry Baughman etal
George Stanton Green
C. C. Durr
Austin Druckermiller and wife Amanda
All in section 21, townhip 32 north, range 1 east.
Non-resident owners of lands in said section who fail to meet me at the time above
mentione, in company with Calvert H. DFeGrees, and defray or provide for defraying
their protion of the expense of said survey, will be returned to the county auditor
as delinquent and such delinquency placed upon the tax duplicate for collection
according to law
Samuel G. Williamson, Surveyor for Marshall co.
1940 - Jul. 17 - ...Bellewood Lodge with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hackett of Gary,
who recently purchased the former Bernhardt cottage of Lake Maxinkucke3
1940-61 -
Laurence B. Hackett
Operated Hackett Boat Landing
1958 Lake Directory - Lawrence B. Hackett , 1061 West Shore Drive Culver.
1962 - Jul 18 - Income property on Lake Maxinkuckee for sale by owner.
Includes Hackett Boat Landing and rental property. Phon VI-king 2-2585
1979-93 - John W. & Annabelle C (Hackett) Logan
1993 - Charles Logan (Lake Directory)
1994,May- Annabelle (Hackett) Logan
1994,May-1999, Sep - Annabelle (Hackett) Logan trustee of Trust
1999,Sep-Nov 2005 - James W. & Diane L. (Logan) Watkins
(grand daughter of L B. Hackett)
Nov 2005- Nov. 2010 - - Owczarzak Living Trust
Nov 2010 - 2017, Feb - Timothy G. & Karen D. Owczarzak
2017, Feb - 2024 - Lach Timothy J Lach
PRT SEC 21 BEG AT SE COR LOT 5 TH S25-59-30W 504.21 ON N LN RR TH N10-27-30W 67.25
TH N26-02-09E 673.19 TH N1-04-23E 2.66 TH N80-55-03E 35.19 TH S0-29-42W 78.65 TH
N88-28-25W 24.28' TH S25-56-33W