Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

War Memorial Rock

the veteran's memorial stone in the front lawn of the Culver union Township Public Library.

The 1955 dedication cermonies of the veteran's memorial stone

The plans for the day as found:

1955 May 24 Memoral Day Rite to Honor Culver Soldiers Who Did Serving Nation
    Urge Local Folks To Take Part in Memorial Services; Need Flowers
      The Proram for Memorial Day services next Tuesday will start with, a parade from, the school building to the public library where the American Legion Memorial will be unveiled by local children who are descendants of deceased war veterans.

      Admiral John W. Bays will speak at the ceremony.

      Following the services the parade will be re-formed for the march to the Masonic Cemetery where services will be conducted.

      The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Memorial Day rites it was annouced here this morning. The Culver High School Band will lead the parade and all local patriotic and civil societes will participate in the all community memorial services.

      During the dedication of the memorial plaques at the public library organ music will be supplied by Jim Talley who will make electrical arrangements for the music to accompany the group singing

      All citizens of Culver are urgently requested to place garden or yard flowers in the vicinity of the Scout cabin on the night of May 29 or the morining of May 30 before 9:45 for the decoration of veteran graves.

      These flowers will be placed on the graves in the Culver Cemetery by the Brownies under the direction of Mrs. Arthur Hughes as the culmination of the Memorial Day ceremonies.

      It is hoped that this decoration will represent a community participation.

      The bronze plaques to be placed in the public library lawn have been arranged through the untiring efforts of Legionnaire Will Easterday.

      Colonel Kemp Moore point out that too much credit cannot be extended to Mr. Easterday. "This has been a labor of love for WIll, for he decided during World War II that a simple. tasteful memorial shoild be erected in Culver to the memory of the soldiers of both World Wars, and although the local Legion membership was at its lowest eff, because of the precences of most of those eligible for the service, he obtained the plaques, despite wartime difficulties, and has followed the project through"

      A scroll containing the names of the curent members of the W. A. Fleet post will be palced in a metal box in the base of the stone, as well as the May 24 issure of the Citizen.

      The following legionnioaries will place flags on the graves of all veterans of previous wars over the week-end. Russ Fisher, Al Thessin and Art Reed will place flaus on graves in the Poplar Grove and Culver cemeteries; John Tibbtt in Burr Oak; Will Easteday in Zion; Cromley in Backalew; and Wil Easterday and A. R. McKesson Washington Cemerey.

    Parade, Cemetery Service, War Memorial Dediation Planned by Legion Post.
      Citizens of this communitu will assemble next Tuesday, May 30, Memorial Day, to pay their annual tribute to the memory of those who gave their lives in the services of the nation.

      Complete plans for a fitting and lasting tribute have been announced bu a special committee of the American Legion under the chairmanship of Col Robert Rossow, with other civic ans service organizations assisting in the program.

      Outlining the program Col. Rossow urgently requests all citizens to participate in this all-communit project.

      Chariman Rossow's statement follows: "On Memorial Day, the William A Fleet Post, American Legion, will conduct a street parade from the vicinity of the Culver Publice School grounds to the Culver Public Library, where a World War I and World War II War Memorial will be unveiled and dedicated.

      "The principal speaker at thie ceremony will be Rear Admiral John William Bays USN (Ret.), now on the fauclty of the Culver Military Academy.

      The memorial will be unveiled by child descendats of deceased veteran:
        Diane Elizabeth Dunham - granddaughter of Robert Porter James Canterbbury - son of Ralph Paul Canterbury, killed in action in World War II Norman Willam Thomas - son of Norman Paul Thomas, killed in action in World War II
      A salute of twenty-one guns will be fired to mark the dedication and unveiling.

      After the services at the Public Library, the partiipating organizations will continue to street march to the Culver Cemetery, where a brief Memorial Day service will be helf at the grave of a deceased veteran.

      At the conclusion of this service the parade will be dismissed at the cemetery.

      The William A Fleet Post invites all organizations of the town of Culver to participate in the street parade and the two ceremonies, and especiallu requests that all Culver Public School students attend.

      Also any citizen of Culver or enviroins, mann or woman, not a member of an organization that is participating, is urged to attend and participate as a marcher in the Volunteer Marching Corps.

      Demonstrate your patriotism by attending. May of our soldiers did it by dying for us and our country. Let us dedicate ourselves to show our gratitude.

      The parade will assemble in in the vicinit of the Public School grounda at 9:45 a.m. and the end of the services, at the cemetery will be around 11:30 a.m.

      At the cemetery, Brownies willl decorate the graces of veterans of all wars.

      It is requested that heads of organizations who plan on attending call the Chairman of the Memorial Committee at Phone No. 212 to inform him of the approximate number attending.

    Academy Memorial Service
      The Culver troop of Boy Scouts, American Legion, Veterans of Foreigh Wats and veterans of Spanish American War are invitied to participate in Memorial Dat services at CMA nect Tuesday at 12:35 p.m.

marching to the Culver Cemetery,