VFW Variety Stage Show - "Laff It Off", 1949
1949 - Sep 14 - VFW to Sponsor Variety Stage Show
The home talent show "Laff It Off," sponsored by the Finney-Shilling post of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars will be presented in the Community Building on Thursday and Friday evening,
Sept. 22 and 23, it was announced here today.
Rehearsals are already underway for the benefit production whose proceeds will go to the high
school band.
Leta Lynn Henry, director of the play, states that she is greatly pleased with the work of the
cast and she intimated that the production promises to be one which will have a wide interest.
There are 100 people in the cast, many of whom impersonate famous newspaper columnists and other
notables behind the news.
It is being billed as the scoop in home talent productions and depicts the headlines come to life.
One of the laugh provoking scenes is called 'Columnists and Comics" and in this scene Dr. E. J.
Yocum will impersonate Walter Winchell.
C. R. Hoffmeister will undoubtedly hit a high point of the comedy as he advises the love lorn and
demonstrates how to bathe a baby. Carl Warner is the inquiring reporter who provides the opportunity
for "everyone getting into the act" as he interviews them while snapping pictures..
1949 - Sep 21 - Calver VFW "Laff It Of" Cast Set For Thursday Debut
Culver VFW thespians will take, to the stage tomorrow evening and again on Friday
evening at the Community Building where there should be plenty of entertainment
along a humorous vein as they present the first local talent show of the season
The title of the H. S. band benefit presentation is "Laff It Off." A feature of the
show will be the crowning of the tiny tots| king and queen where winners of a contest
for children under six years of age will be awarded prizes.
Members of the cast include: Mark Steenbergen, Marietta Wilson, Carl and Hariette Wagner,
iolet Overmyer, Bill Frost, Mrs. John Dalton, Sgt. Ross, Norman Baker, Carl Warner, Mrs.
James Osmun, Mrs. Norman Baker, Mrs. Phillip Wallstead, Mrs. C. R. Hoffmeister, Joe Skinner,
Dr. Yocum, C. R. Hoffmeister, Joe Morrison, Richard Baker and Sgt. Dalton.
A feature musical presentation billed as the Faltering Four, will provide barbershop harmony
par excellence. Members of the quartet are: Will Strow, Jim Miracle, Travis Harris and Ed