Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Commander Of VFW Victim Of Leukemia LEONARD D. SHERWOOD

Leonard Devane Sherwood Birth 27 Mar 1933 Fulton County, Indiana Death 16 Mar 1961 Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana Burial Masonic Cemetery Culver, Marshall County, Indiana

Popularly Known As "Ike" Leonard Sherwood Dies At 27 In Veterans Hospital Leonard Devane Sherwood, age 27, of 316 S. Slate St., Culver, died Thursday, March 16, at the Veterans Hospital in Fort Wayne where he had been a leukemia patient for four months. He was born in Rochester on March 27, 1933 and moved to Argos when ten years of age. He was graduated from Argos High School in 1951. Spent 16 Months Overseas "Ike" was a member of the Argos Reserves for 1½ years before he enlisted in the Army April 28, 1953. He spent 16 months overseas in Korea and Japan and received his discharge on March 8, 1955. For his service in the Headquarters Battery, 63rd Field Artillery Battalion, 24th Division, he was awarded the United Nations Service medal, National Defense, and Korean Service medals. On June 18, 1955, Mr. Sherwood was married to Mary Jane Washburn of Culver who survives him. They spent their married life in Culver and he was employed by Jack Kowatch as a painter.

He was commander of the Finney-Shilling Veterans of Foreign Wars Post here at the time of his death.

Surviving with his wife are two children, Paul Edward and Julie Ann, both at home; his mother, Mrs. Ruth Nelson, Rochester; two brothers, Bill Sherwood. Argos, and Byron Sherwood, Hopkins, Minn.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Methodist Church. Rev. Paul Halbert of the Congregational Christian Church at Argos was assisted by Rev. Kendall E. Sands of the Culver Methodist Church.

Interment was at the Culver Masonic Cemetery. The Easterday Funeral Home was in charge.

Close Friends Are Pallbearers Active pallbearers were William Baker, James McAllister, Roger Wise, Maurice Bennett, C. Arthur Bennett, and Kenneth Kemple.

Honorary pallbearers were Sam Strang, Jack Kowatch, Olen Cox, Robert Flora, Kenneth Martin, and Francis Fishburn.

Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Culver Methodist church for Leonard Devane SHERWOOD, 27, Culver, who died Thursday at Veterans hospital in Fort Wayne of acute leukemia. He had been a patient there for four months. Mr. Sherwood was born March 27, 1923, in Rochester, to Russell E. and Ruth SHERWOOD. He was married June 18, 1955, to Mary Jane WASHBURN, who survives. He had been employed as a painter in Culver before his illness. He was a member of the Argos Army reserve unit, having served 16 months with the U.S. Army in Japan and Korea. He was a member of the Finney-Shilling VFW in Culver. He was a 1951 graduate of Argos high school. Surviving are the wife; one son, Paul Edward [SHERWOOD], and one daughter, Julie Ann [SHERWOOD], both at home; the mother, Mrs. Masa NELSON, Rochester, and two brothers, Bill SHERWOOD, Argos, and Byron SHERWOOD, Hopkins, Minn. T he Rev. Paul HALBERT of the Argos Congregational Christian church, assisted by Rev. Kendall SANDS of the Culver Methodist church, will officiate at the services, and burial will be made in the Culver Masonic cemetery. Friends may call at the Easterday funeral home in Culver after 7 p.m. today. - Rochester(IN) Sentinel, News-Sentinel March 17, 1961 Mary Jane Washburn Birth 22 Mar 1935 Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana Death 4 Nov 2008 Alpena, Alpena County, Michigan Burial Masonic Cemetery Culver, Marshall County, Indiana married Ralph Edward Ulch Birth 23 Feb 1935 Ossineke, Alpena County, Michigan Death 6 Oct 2020 Fennville, Allegan County, Michigan Burial Masonic Cemetery Culver, Marshall County, Indiana, Mary Jane was the daughter of William Edward Washburn and Nettie May Walker William and Nellie's children were:
    Joanne Washburn 1928–2008 married Simon Bernard "Bernie" Clifton
    Mary Jane Washburn 1935–2008
    James Milton "Cricket" Washburn 1938–2019
William Edward Washburn married 1st 1907 Grace B. Ross
    William Ross Washburn 1908–1977

1961 - Apr, 21 - Leonard Sherwood Mourned By VFW Culver Post
    Members of the Finney-Shilling Veterans of Foreign Wars Post in Culver have requested The Citizen to pay further tribute to their late commander, Leonard D. "Ike" Sherwood, who died of leukemia at the Veterans Hospital in Fort Wayne on March 16 at age 27.

    The Citizen is happy to comply in order that the Post's historical scrapbook may be complete in every detail.

    The firing squad at Mr. Sherwood's funeral on Sunday, March 19, consisted of
      Maurice Bennett, commander;
      C. Art Bennett,
      Kenneth Kemple,
      Jack Washburn.
      Mervyn Cromley, and
      Joe Morrison.

    The color guard was composed of
      Lamar Waite,
      Richard Dehni,
      Clair Kersey, and
      Shirley Carter.

    Jack Sanders and Kenneth Tasch were the color bearers.

    The active pallbearers were
      Roger Wise,
      James McAllister,
      William Baker Jr.,
      Robert Gibbons,
      Larry Geiselman, and
      Glen Schrimsher.