VFW Finney-Shilling Post #6919
The beginning was April, 1946, when a group of World War II vets "anxious to strike
out on their own" rather than join the existing
Alexander Fleet Post American
Legion post #103;
"The Legion didn't have a bar or anything. Originally they wanted to have a joint
Legion and VFW together, but the young guys said, 'This won't work,' so they went
on their own. Most of the Legion at that time were mostly World War I vets. So
mainly after (the VFW was launched), mostly (Culver Military) Academy guys belonged
to the Legion. Most of the younger guys went to the VFW
announced the formation of a VFW post in Culver. |
1946 - Apr 24 - VFW to Elect Officers And Name Post May 1
The Veterans of Foreign Wars will elect officers Wednesday, May 1, at 8:00 p. m., in
the City Hall.
All members and prospective members are urged to be present to help select the permanent
officers of the new post.
The name of the post will also be selected at this meeting.
Mr. McPhiearson of South Bend was present at the last meeting to aid in getting the post
organized. He gave a short talk presenting the aims of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and
suggested ways in which the post could be of service to the community.
Installation of officers selected at this meeting will be held Sunday, May 12. at a place
to be announced later.
The Finney-Shilling Post #6919 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars was officially born,
and named for two local casualties of that second Great War in Europe.
* Patrick L. Finney (1915 - 1941), a 1933 Culver High School graduate who -- after
enlisting in 1940 -- was a member of the 26th Bombardment Squadron, killed at the
Japanese raid on Hickam Field December 7, 1941.
* John Richard Shilling (1924 - 1944) graduated from Culver ilitary Academy and
enlisted in July, 1943 as an Infantryman. He was killed during an attack on a
German-held hill in Gesso, Italy, in October, 1944
1946 - May 22 - Post to be Instituted Here Next Sunday Afternoon
The local post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will be instituted Sunday, May 26, at
2:00 p. m., in the Culver Community Building.
The post has been undergoing organization for the past six weeks and with a membership
of about 75 it is ready for formal acceptance by the national group.
The local chapter has been named the Finney-Shilling Post, No. 6919.
The Laporte degree team, rated as one of the best in the state, will conduct the institute
and induction of members. District Commander Jesse McPherson of South Bend will also be
The public is invited to attend the ceremony.
The local post has selected its officers for the fiscal year as follows:
Commander - Frank Timmons.
Senior vice commander - Sam Medbourn.
Junior vice commander - Donald Mikesell.
Quartermaster - Jack Buswell.
Chaplain - am Schrimsher.
Post advocate - Russell Fisher.
Surgeon - William Taber.
Three year trustee - Madison Scruggs.
Two year Trustee - Tom Walker.
One year trustee - Robert Young.
Appointive officers will be named later
1946 - Organization of VFW basketball
companion team of the Harlem Globe Trotters, will play in the Culver Community Building, Wednesday, Nov. 20,
with the local VFW quintet furnishing the opposition. The game will be a benefit for the Culver Veterans of
Foreign Wars post.
1946 - Nov 27 - Independent Cagers to Play Here Friday Night Culver's two independent basketball teams will
unite in staging a doubleheader here Friday night in the Community Building as a benefit for the local VFW
post. The first game will be at 7:15 p.m. The VFW quintet will tangle with Simcox of Michigan City, while the
Barn aggregation will met LaPorte Independents...
1946 - Dec 11 - FREE MOVIE FOR CHILDREN The Finney-Shilling VFW Post 6919, will sponsor a free movie for children
Saturday, Dec. 14, at 2:00 p. m. at the library auditorium. There will be free door prizes donated by the business
men The program will be from one and one-half to two hours in length.
1946 - Dec 18 - To Play Benefit Game For Lyle Baker Family
Organizaions of Culver are joining in staging a benefit basketball game in the Culver Community
Building, Friday, Dec. 20.
The Culver. V.F.W. will meet the Plymouth F.F.W. at 7:30 p.m.. and The Barn will play the U.S.
Rubber Co. team of Mishawaka in the concluding contest of the doubleheader.
The affair will be a benefit for the widow and six children of the late Lyle Baker who was killed
in a hunting accident,
Tickets are now on sale at the bargain prices of 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children.
There will be no reserved seats.
1946 - Dec 25 -V.F.W. Posts Buys Building For Home
A transaction was completed Friday whereby the Finney-Shilling post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
bought the building, formerly occupied by the Citizen, on East Washington street of E. W. Carter for
The post will take possession Jan. 15.
The Modern Dry Cleaners will continue to occupy their present quarters in the building, as will the
occupants of the two apartments on the second floor.
The veterans, plan to use the main floor for meetings, with a kitchen on the same floor. The basement
will be remodeled as club rooms.
The members of the post are now faced with furnishing their new home and are asking the public to
donate this equipment.
They need such items as chairs, tables, cooking stove, piano, radio, phonograph, pool table,
ping-pong table, dishes, silverware, cooking utensils, pictures, linoleum for kitchen and throw
Those wishing to help the club are asked to call Frank Timmons, post commander.
The Post took possession of its new home at
108 E. Washington Street less
than a year later, on January 15, 1947. The VFW, of course, has remained at the site -- though
with major improvements and renovations through the years -- ever since.
The main floor was divided between meeting space and the kitchen facilities, while the
basement was to be remodeled into a canteen.
As the Post's official history notes, such timely progress was remarkable considering most
of the founding members were young men in the process of putting their lives back together
after two to even five years of service in World War II.
The Post formed in spite of the well-established existence of a local
American Legion Post
in Culver Longtime member Roger Wise recalls founding members telling the two
organizations grew from somewhat different wishes on the part of members. A lot of the
young guys wanted to drink and have dances, and that sort of thing," says Wise. The
Legion didn't have a bar or anything. Originally they wanted to have a joint Legion and
VFW together, but the young guys said, 'This won't work,' so they went on their own.
VFW Post 6919 was named after two local veterans: Patrick L. Finney (1915 - 1941), a 1933
Culver High School graduate who -- after enlisting in 1940 -- was a member of the 26th
Bombardment Squadron, killed at the Japanese raid on Hickam Field December 7, 1941. John
Richard Shilling (1924 - 1944) graduated from Culver Military Academy and enlisted in
July, 1943 as an Infantryman. He was killed during an attack on a German-held hill in
Gesso, Italy, in October, 1944. The two are commemorated in a display in the Post
194 Organization of VFW baseball-softball team
1947 - May 14 - VFW Sets Schedule For Use of Building
The VFW building committee has set up the following schedule for use of the home:
VFW Auxiliary, first and third Monday nights of each month;
Mothers of World War II. second and fourth Monday nights;
Culver Rebekah lodge, every Tuesday evening;
Burr Oak Rebekah lodge, every Thursday evening;
Lions Club, Second and fourth Wednesday nights;
telephone girls, last Friday of every month;
Brownies, every Thursday afternoon.
A charge of seventy-five cents an evening was set up for all organizations using the kitchen.
The VFW Auxiliary gave a surprise party for Past Commander Frank Timmons and Mrs. Timmons
Wednesday evening.
All VFW officers are urged to attend the special meeting in the home on Thursday, May 22.
The post now has SO members with three new ones added last week. The veterans are still aiming
for a goal of 100 members or more.
1947 - Jun 18 -
Firemen and V.F.W. To Sponsor Carnival
An all-week celebration will be staged here by the firemen and V. F. W. post
Monday through Saturday, June 23-28, with the attractions located in the parking area at the top
of Bunker Hill.
There will be midway attractions, rides, shows, and concessions with a total of 22 concessions and
six rides, the latter being of all new equipment as a safety factor.
The carnival will be open every night and Saturday afternoon, featuring good clean shows and
The sponsors have checked on places where the car-| nival company has appeared before and has
received high recommendations in every case.
It is pointed out that the local sponsors reserve the right to close any concessions or show that
isn't satisfactory, so the public is assured of good clean amusements.
1947 - Sep 10 - VFW To Hold Supper
The members of the VFW softball team, Art Kemple, president of the league, Roy Scott, umpire, and
Jim Wooldridge, scorekeeper, will be the guests of honor at a supper to be held in the VFW home
Friday evening, September 12, at 6:30 o'clock.
All members of the softball team and members of the post are urged to attend to help celebrate the
team winning the Culver softball league trophy.
Art Kemple will make the presentation of the trophy that now stands in the Culver Cafe window.
The supper will be free to all members of the post with 1947 dues cards. A large attendance is urged.
The recreation committee will show a movie following the supper.
he next meeting will be Sept. 17 in the VFW home. It will be interesting for the members of the post
to attend as we have important business to take up at that time..
1947 - Oct 8 - VFW Pays Juicy Tax On Slot Machines
The local VFW post helped reduce the- national debt last week by coughing up
to a representative of the Collector of Internal Revenue over $600 in taxes
and penalty for operation of slot machines in the VFW home. Members of the
post didn't know that the federal government has a tax on the income from slot
machines and hadn't paid any taxes since the "one-armed bandits" were installed
1948 - April 21 - VFW Reorganizes Post; Elects Officers
After several months of inactivity and uncertainty, the local post of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars has been reorganized and new officers elected to head the
Norman Baker has been named post commander;
Joe Morrison, senior vice commander;
Jack Sanders, junior vice commander;
Howard Bauman, quartermaster;
Ora Reed, post advocate;
Sam Schrimsher, chaplain;
Alvin Baker, Russell McFarland and Ted Strang, trustees;
Rudy Wakefield, publicity officer;
J. W. Riggens, legislative officer;
Bud Ruhnow, service officer;
J. P. Carter, patriotic instructor; and
Alvin Baker, adjutant.
The financial set-up of the post has been placed on a new basis, and an active program
is being arranged for the post, including regular meetings on stated nights.
1948 - May 26 - VFW Auxiliary to Sell Poppies Friday
Friday, May 28, will be "Buddy Poppy Day." This little red poppy is a symbol of hope
and trust in mankind to the disabled veterans of Foreign Wars in • hospitals
throughout the United States. These poppies represent a year's work to these disabled
veterans, and through the sale little luxuries are afforded them. Culver's
Finney-Shilling Post Auxiliary members and helpers will sell Buddy Poppies on Friday.
When they call on you, remember you are helping a disabled veteran when you wear a
"Buddy Poppy.".
1948 - Sep 22 - Television sets have been in the VFW club...
1948 - Oct 27 - Ad for Halloween party |
1948 - Nov. 24 - Ad For dance Musice by Bill Taber and his Orchestra |
1948 - Dec 29 - New Years Party Ad. |
1949 - Jan 26 - Local V.F.W. Post To Greet Chaplain
Rev. Joseph A. Lenk, state
chaplain of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of Indiana, who is now pastor of the Culver
Catholic church, will be the
guest of honor at a banquet .to be held Thursday, Jan. 27, at 7:00 p. m., in the Culver
V. F. W. Home.
Father Lenk served as combat chaplain of the 363rd Infantry Regiment of the 91st Division,
which was part of the famed Fifth Army in the Italian campaign.
Guest speakers for the evening will be Ancil Mprton, of Indianapolis, state commander of the
V. F. W.; James C. Herod, of Indianapolis, state adjutant of the V.F.W. ; Spencer Walton, of
Mishawaka, Third District commander; Marie Kelver, of South Bend, Third District president of
the Ladies Auxiliary of the V.F.W.; Don Davis, of Winamac, Second District commander of the
V.F.W.; and Col. W. E. Gregory, superintendent of Culver Military Academy.
Col. Charles C.
Mather, member of the C. M. A. staff, will be the master of ceremonies in welcoming
Chaplain Lenk to Culver. Rev. Quentin L. Hand, pastor of the Methodist church, will give the
Ladies of the Culver Catholic church will serve the dinner.
Members of the V.F.W. post and Auxiliary, and their wives and husbands, will be present to
join in honoring Father Lenk. in either.
The above pictures, taken by Walker's Studio when the Culver VFW Post welcomed Rev. Joseph A. Lenk,
state chaplain and pastor of the Culver Catholic Church, were received too late for publication
in last week's issue with the story of the affair.
Top picture, left to right, at the speaker's table: Don Davis, 2nd District commander; Rev. Lenk;
Norman R. Baker, local post commander; Col. C. C. Mather, C.M.A., toastmaster; James C. Herrod,
state adjutant.
Lower picture: Col. Mather, Mr. Herrod, Ancil Morton, state, i commander; Col. W. E.
Gregory, superintendent of Culver Military Academy
1949 - Mar 8 - Sportsmanship Laurels Come to Local Post
The VFW Third District basketball sportsmanship award was presented to Harlan Butler,
coach of the local Finney-Shilling Post hardwood team, during the past iweek. The
presentation was made by officials of the district who were here for the meeting.
Visiting guests Included Russell Loutenhiser, 3rd district athletic director; Jesse
McPherson, 3rd district membership chairman, Roy Beghtel all of South Bend; and Clarence
Moore of Laporte.
The next meeting of the local post will be held Wednesday evening, .March 16 at which
time there will be the annual nomination and election of officers.
During the course of the meeting the VFW National home picture "Lit tie Job's Kid" will be shown..
1949 - Mar 23 - Joe Morrison Heads V.F.W.
Joe Morrison was named commander of the Finney-Shilling Post of the V. F. W. at the annual
election held last week.
Other officers elected were:
Sam Schrimsher, vice commander:
Dale Mentzel Jr., vice commander:
Father Lenk, chaplain;
William Taber, surgeon;
Russell HoffmeiI ster, post advocate;
Howard Bauman, quarter master; and
Norman Baker, trustee.
1949 - April 27. May 11 - Dance - Floor Show |
1949 - May 18 - OPEN" NEW RESTAURANT
The opening of the Home Restaurant in the local.
VFW home is contained in an announcement in this issue of the Citizen. Mary Stettler
and Fanny Harbaugh of Plymouth are operating the establishment.
ANNOUNCING: The opening of the Home Restaurant in the VFW Building on East Washington St.
Open every day. Best of Home Cooking. Meals and short orders.
1949 - Sep 14 - VFW to Sponsor Variety Stage Show -
"Laff It Off"
1949 - Sep 14 - VFW Holds First Annual Picnic
The Finney-Shilling Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars held their first annual picnic last
Sunday at the Monterey park. Approximately seventy-five persons attended. Pot luck dinner
and refreshments were served to the members and their families.
Many races and contests were arranged for the children with cash prizes going to the following:
Harriet Wagoner. Carl Wagoner, Joyce Morrison, Joyce Mikesell, Judy Gollnick. Bobby Gollnick,
Arlene Baker, Dianna Raker, Lois; Morrison and Jim Talley.
Awards went to the following winners of contests for grown-ups: men's croquet, Oscar Mikesell;
women's croquet, Reba Wagoner; men's apple race, Jack Sanders; and women's apple race. Violet
Also featuring the activities wore baseball games and bingo.
Joe Morrison and Norman Baker announced that present plans indicated that the event would be
scheduled as a semi-annual or annual event. for the members of the local pest anJ tlicir
The VFW Auxiliary will hold a children's Christmas party on Saturday, December 17. from 2:00
to 4:00 p. m. in the Post home for the Post and Auxiliary members' children.
There will be a movie for the children after which Santa Claus will pay a visit..
1950 - Jan 25 -V.F.W. to Sponsor Essay Contest
An Essay Contest will be sponsored by the Local Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
and the Ladies Auxiliary announced Glenn C. White, commander of the Third District
of the V.F.W. and Mrs. Grace Decker, V.F.W. auxiliary President.
The contest will be open to all school children that are enrolled in high school.
The subject of the essay will be "Peace With Honor For America."
All entries must be written in ink or typewritten, not to exceed 1,000 words in length,
and turned into the various V.F.W. Posts not later than April 1, 1950.
Complete rules governing the contest will be announced later.
The winner of the contest on a Post level will be given a prize, then the winning essay
will be pitted against other winning essays throughout the Third District.
The District winner will be asked to re-submit the essay, making any changes desired, to
the Indiana State Department. The Department grand -prize will be a $500.00 U. S. Savings
The National Headquarters of the Ladies Auxiliary of the V.F.W. will provide these national
first prize, $1,000 cash, and a gold medal;
second prize $500.00 cash, and a gold medal;
third prize, $250.00 cash and a gold medal;
fourth prize, $100.00 cash, and a gold medal;
honorary mention- awards, ten prizes of $10.00 each and
ten prizes of $5.00 each.
First and second awards in State elimination contest, silver medals.
The appointment of Joseph G. Ettl and Mrs. Anna M. Wishman, District Americanism Chairmen of
the V.F.W. and Auxiliary, respectively, was announced as was the appointment of Harold R.
Butler and Mrs. Grace Talley for the conducting of the contest in Marshall county.
The contest has been approved by the Indiana Division of the National Association of Secondary
1950 - Mar 15 - Awards Citation To Culver VFW Post
tCulver Post No. 6919 of the Indiana, Department, Veterans of Foreign Wars, was
honored by the National Commander of the VFW at an Indiana Department Council
meeting held at the Antlers Hotel in Indianapolis, last Sunday.
Clyde A. Lewis, Commander-inChief of the VFW, awarded the Culver Post a citation
for having obtained over one hundred per cent of 1950 membership quota.
The citation was presented to Commander Joseph V. Morrison of the local Post.
The National Commander also congratulated the Indiana Department for having already
obtained 95 (ninety-five) per cent of its 1950 membership quota. He presented
citations to Commanders of 109 Pots which have obtained 100 per cent or more of quota.
Commander Lewis lauded the community service program of the local Posts pointing out
that it has actively engaged in such VFW programs as Americanism, Youth Athletics,
Service Work ramd other special projects of value to community welfare
1950 - Mar 22 - Culver Veterans at Work on Hospital Project Pictured here
are some of the volunteer members of the local Finney-Shilling Post.of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars at ork on the remodeling of one room in the Clinical Laboratory section of
the Parkview Hospital at Plymouth last Sunday. |
Norman Baker is shown at the right with Vern Snider and George Babcock with their backs
to the camera, and Mark Steenbergen and Joe Morrison. Others who worked at the project
included Jack Sanders, Norman Baker, Wayne Hissong, Eugene Walker, and Sergeant Lee Ross.
The project, sponsored by the Culver VFW, includes constructing a fire resistant partition,
placing ceiling lights, venetian blinds, the complete redecorating of the room and purchasing
new equipment.
1950 - Mar 29 - VFW Orders Card Tables For Community
Use The Culver VFW has placed an order for 24 card tables which will be made available,
free of charge, to any groups or individuals.
These unique card tables, built of sturdy material, have a maroon leatherette top with
the ads of local merchants stamped in silver print.
The tables will be at the VFW Home, where any Club, Organization, or Individual may obtain
them by calling at the Home.
Watch the paper for the arrival of the tables, which are expected in about six weeks.
These card tables were made possible by the merchants listed elsewhere in this paper.
1950 - Apr 19 - Hospital Trustees Commend VFW Post for Sponsorship of Project
J. Abner Broman, president of the Board of Trustees for the Parkview Hospital,
in a letter to the commander of the local VFW post, highly commends the local
Veterans group for their sponsorship of the room at the Parkview (Hospital.
The letter follows:
March 28, 1950
'V. F. W. ost No. 6919
Culver, Indiana Attention:
Commander Gentlemen:
At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Parkview Hospital the project
underwritten by your post was reviewed and an inspection of the emergency basal
metabolism rooms made.
To say that the Board is pleased with the work accomplished by your generous
organization is ¿to put it mildly.
We are very gratful as should the citizens of (Marshall County also be for this
evidence of civic recognition of the needs of your County Medical Center.
The Board of Trustees of Parkview Hospital delegates the pleasant duty to me of
expressing their appreciation for Project No. 1 which hereafter will be identified
with V. F. W. Post No. 6919, Culver. Indiana.
For the Board of Trustees J. Abner Broman President
1950 - Apr 26 - VFW Installs New Officers
The VFW Finney-Shilling Post held their installation of officers last Wednesday night
in the VFW clubroom. Norman Baker, past commander, was the installing officer for the
commander, Ted Strang;
senior vice commander, Joe Morrison;
junior vice commander, Glen Osborn;
post advocate, Carl Warner;
chaplain, Sam Schrimsher;
surgeon, Russell Hoffmeister;
patriotic instructor, Phil Wallstead;
service officer, Leland Ross;
legislative officer, Fred Adams;
publicity officer, Eugene Walker;
Quartermaster, Madison Scruggs;
adjutant, Alvin Baker;
3 year trustee, Ben Murphy: and
2 year trustee, Mark Steenbergen.
1950 - May 17 - Don't Forget Popy Day |
1950 - May 24 - VFW To Hold Drawing And Open House Saturday
The local Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 6919, will hold a drawing at 8 p. m. Saturday
evening at the Post home entrance on Washington St.
A Model "A" Aluma Craft Boat and oars,
a Martin "60" 7.2 horse power motor and lock
will be awarded to the person holding the number drawn by Ed Davis, this year's president
of the Junior Class of Culver high school.
The proceeds from the drawing are to be devoted to the Emergency Room project at the Parkview
Hospital in Plymouth.
Officials have announced that following the drawing, there will be open house at the Post for
Anyone 80 or over. wishing to come, can call the Club and transporation will be furnished.
The entertainment committee has arranged for some first class music and a lot of fun.
The price is right also-it's free
1950 - Jun 14 - VFW Auxiliary Sponsors Benefit Card Party
The V. F. W. Ladies Auxiliary is sponsoring a card party to be held in the Lions Den,
Friday evening, June 23.
The new card tables with all our merchant's ads will be used, with tallies donated
from O'Connor's Greenhouse.
These card tables may be used at any home or party free of charge, with tallies
furnished. Anyone wishing to use them get in touch with the Commander of the VFW Post.
A new drinking fountain will be installed soon at the corner of Main and Jefferson street
near the Standard Service station. The fountain, donated to the community by the Finney
Shilling Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, will replace one which was damaged sometime
1951 - Jan 31 - VFW Auxiliary Announces '51 Essay Contest
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in cooperation with schools throughout
the land has announced plans the for the 1951 essay contest for school students.
Prizes totaling $2,000 will be awarded to essay contest winners who still on the subject,
"Freedom's Door." rules for the 16th annual limit the length of theessay to be submitted in
triplicate, to 1,000 words. Information concerning the contest may secured at the High School
or Culver Citizen office.
Mrs. Grace Talley is chairman Marshall county and Mrs. C. Hoffmeister is local chairman.
Marilyn Tasch. whose 1950 essay first place in the local contest and district, placed fifth In
national rankings.
Mrs. Talley and Mrs. Hoffmesiter suggest that all students begin thinking and working on their
essays now for the Spril 1st deadline.
The local winner will receive a S25 war bond the essay placing second will a $15 cash award.
1951 - Feb 21 - Complete Plans for VFW Auxiliary Essay Contest
Plans for the 1951 essay contest sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
have been completed for Marshall county, according to Mrs. Grace Talley, county chairman, and Mrs.
C. H. Hoffmeister, local chairman.
Theme of the 1951 essay contest open to high school students throughout the nation is "Freedom's Open
Three Auxiliary groups in Marshall county, Culver, Bremen and Plymouth are cooperating in the
sponsorship of the contest among the nine county high schools. Each Auxiliary will sponsor the Contest
in three schools and provide prizes for the winners.
The Culver Auxiliary will sponsor the contest in Culver high schoo, West High and Bourbon.
In cooperation with Post 6919, three awards will be presented to winners in each school of $15,$10, and
The three winners in each school will be entered in the county competition.
Essays limited to 1,000 words must be turned in before Aptil 1.
Complete information is available in each school.
1951 - Mar 28 - VFW Auxiliary Elects Grace Talley President
Grace Talley was elected president of the Culver Finney-Shilling Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars
Ladies Auxiliary, at the annual meeting held last week.
Other officers named include:
Collie Hoff-meister, sr. vice president;
Irene Listenberger, jr. vice president;
Leta Houghton, treasurer;
Trilbar Listenberger, chaplain;
Frieda Steenbergen, conductress;
Bertha Fluckey, guard; and
Reba Wagoner, three year trustee.
Other officers will be' appointed.
Installation services will be held next Monday, April 2.
The Third District meeting of the VFW Ladies Auxiliaries will be held at North Liberty next Sunday.
Everybody is urged to attend..
1951 - Apr 4 - VFW Auxiliary Officers Installed Monday Night
Forty-five members attended the installation of officers of the V. F. W.
Auxiliary Monday evening
The ceremony was conducted by the Past District President, Marie Kelver of
South Bend, assisted by
the Plymouth Auxiliary.
The following officers were installed:
Grace Talley, president;
Collie Hoffmeister, senior vice;
Irene Listenberger, junior vice;
Leta. Houghton, treasurer;
Trilba Listenberger, chaplain;
Violet Mikesell, secretary;
Frieda Steenbergen, conductress;
Bertha Fluckey, guard;
Lois Tasch, Charlene Strang and Rba wagoner, trusitees;
Marie Baker, Annabelle Patesel, Mary Baker, and Tarr Morrison, color bearers;
Virginia Shoemaker, flag bearer;
Zella Lucas, patriotic instructor;
Mariion Sytsma. historian; and
Doris Yocom, musician.
Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting.
Table decorations featured April showers with tiny girls under umbrellas.
Hostesses were Charlotte Tasch, Bertha Fluckey and Goldie Carter assisted by Doris
Yocom and Reba Wagoner.
Notice is hereby given that the Local Alcoholic Beverage Board of Marshall County,
Indiana, will at 1 p.m. on the 25 day of April, 1951, at the Council Chamber, City
Hall in the City (or town) ot Plymouth, Indiana in said County, begin investigation
of the applications of the following named persons, requesting the issue to the
applicants at the locations hereinafter set out, of the Alcoholic Beverage Permits of
the classes hereinafter designated and will, at said time and place, receive information
concerning - the fitness of said applicants, and the propriety of issuing the permits
applied for to such applicants at the premises named:
V.F.W. Finney Shilling Post 6919, (club), 102 E. Washington St., Culver, Indiana, beer and retailers.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION By John F. Noonan, Secretary Bernard E. Doyle, Chairman.
1951 - Ocr 31 VFW Plans For Open House Halloween Party
The Finney-Shilling Post. Culver Veterans of Foreign Wars have announced plans for a gala
open house Halloween party to be held next Saturday evening. Nov. 3, at the VFW clubrooms
on East Washington street.
In announcing plans for the party, Jack Sanders. publicity chairman, stated that adults are
invited to attend.
Arrangements provide for an orchestra and entertainment.
The committee supervising arrangements include: Mark Steenbergen. Forest Geiselman, Oscar
Mikesell, and C. R. Hoffmeister
A large crowd of 85 children were entertained at a joyous Christmas Party by the Finney
Shilling Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the VFW Auxil- iary at the VFW Home on
East Washington Street on Monday afat ternoon. Treats were served and the kids had a
rousing good time.
1952 - Dec 2 - Ad for membeship - |
1953 - January 1 - The Father's Auxiliary which was chartered , for fathers, step-fathers, and
foster-fathers of servicemen and that organization, on a national level, has since fallen
by the wayside
1953 - Apr 8 - Finney-Shilling Post 6919, Veterans Of Foreign Wars Install New Officers
Jack Sanders. newly elected post commander of the Finney| Shilling Post 6919.
Veterans of Foreign Wars, headed the group of officers formally installed at the VFW Home
here last Wednesday evening.
A veteran of World War II in which he saw service with the U. S. Navy in the European Theatre,
Sanders succeeds retiring commander Mark Steenbergen. The new post commander has been active
in committee work for the local post.
Joe Morrison, past post commander, conducted the installation for the newly elected officers
as follows:
Jack Washburn, senior vice commander;
C. B. McKinney, junior vice commander;
Eugene Walker, quartermaster;
Jim McKinney, chaplain;
Howard Stevens, trustee,
Jim Morrison, post advocate; and
Bob Cultice, post surgeon.
1954 - Oct 27 - Fine Improvement - Kowatch & Trang are painting the front of the V.F.W.
building on Wahsinton Street.
1954- Nov. 24 - VFW Fathers' Auxiliary Installs Officers
Members of the Fathers' Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign MaLES met Wednesday, Nov. 17, at
the Post Home.
Officers installed for the ensuing year were
Emil Krull, Commander;
Jacob Pedersen, Senior Vice Commander;
Noah Kersey, Junior Vice Commander;
Lester Brown, Quartermaster;
James Talley, Judge Advocate;
Walter Colvin, Chaplain;
Pat Ginther, three-year Trustee;
Emil Ruhnow, Sr., two-year Trustee; and
L. R. Listenberger, one-year Trustee.
N. M. Whiteman of South Bend, Department Senior Vice Commander, was the installing officer.
Other visiting officers included W. J. Sturn, Department Membership Chairman; Merle Strong,
Third District Commander; William Simpson, Post 1167 Commander; all of South Bend, and Frank
Kistner, Post 88. of Elkhart
1954 - Dec 15 - Free Christmas Show Saturday For The Kids!
The Veterans of Foreign Wars will take over the El Rancho Theatre Saturday afternoon for their
annual kid Christmas movie party and Santa Claus treat.
All youngsters, up to and including those in the 8th grade, wll be admitted FREE to the technicolor
musical, 'The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T.' featuring Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy, plus a lot of
funny cartoons.
The V.F.W. committee states that doors will be open for the Yuletide matinee at 1:45 p. m.
The show starts at 2 p. m. and will last until 3:35 p. m..
1955 - Feb 23 - V.F.W. Organizations Hold Joint Meeting
A joint meeting of the Veterans of' Foreign Wars, the Fathers' Auxiliary, and the
Ladies' Auxiliary was held Monday evening at the Post Home. Business was conducted
by the V.F.W. commander, Wayne Hissong, assisted by the Fathers' Auxiliary commander,
Emil Krull, and Ladies' Auxiliary president. Fern Canterbury.
It was decided to continue the fish fries each Friday evening at the Post Home and
plans are being made for open house with a St. Patrick's Day dance March 18. Third
district Fathers' Auxiliary commander. Mr. Strong, and Mr. Jolson of South Bend. Noah
Samuels, Joseph Long, Sr., and Rolla Rupert of the Plymouth Fathers' Auxiliary were
guests who attended this meeting.
The next joint meeting of these organizations will be held at the Post Home March 21.
1955 -- May 24 -
Day Rite to Honor Culver Soldiers Who Died Serving Nation; the community and all
organizations was asked to participate.
1957- Jun 19 - Little League Baseball Sponsored By V.F.W.
Editor, CITIZEN:
Plans are being made by the V.F.W. Post 6919 to sponsor a Little League baseball
team in Culver. The proceeds from the forthcoming open house on Saturday, June
29, will go to help the sponsoring of the Little League team. Every citizen of
Culver should make it a must to come and visit this post.
It is a club which will welcome you and also give everyone a chance to meet its
officers and get acquainted. Your V.F.W. is planning programs which will be a
benefit to our town. It also means that every citizen should get behind this club
and give it all the support it deserves. It is your civic duty to do 60.
Everyone of these V.F.W. men went away to make this ty safe for you and your
families. Now it is your chance to show your appreciation by helping them and
giving them- all the backing they deserve. We are open to any constructive
suggestions you may bring forth. Your V.F.W.
Is a club you should be proud to have in your community.
1957 - Oct 8 - Ad for Family Game Night |
1958 - Jun 25 - after several years of denials, the Post received its three-way liquor license,
members arguing theirs had always been a private club and thus not subject to typical town
laws regarding serving of alcohol.
Culver VFW Gets Three-Way Liquor License
May Serve Beer, Wine, and Spirits
For the first time in many years a person may buy a Scotch and soda, a bourbon and
branch water. a martini, or a "boilermaker and his helper" by the drink over bar in
Culver- - that is. it he a member of the local post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
or a guest of a member in the East Washington Street basement clubrooms of the
military service organization.
After repeated rejections of their petition for a three-way license the past two years,
the Alcoholic Beverage Commission of the State of Indiana at a hearing at Plymouth on
June 11 by a vote of 3 to 1 finally acceded to the wishes of the Culver VFW Post.
Wiskey Served By Drink
The club's two-way 1 (beer and wine only) license expired on June 18 and immediately
thereafter members and their guests were served spiritus frumenti and other hard liquor
upon request, according to Kenneth Tasch, senior vicecommander of the organization.
A Town of Culver ordinance restricts the three local taverns to sales of beer and wine.
Our two drug stores are permitted to sell whiskey and other alcoholic intoxicants by the
bottle in limited quantities.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars contended from the outset that they were a private club in
the same category as the Plymouth Country Club and similar organizations and not subject
to the Town of Culver's ban on liquor.
An early ad appearing in the 1952 culver citizen |
Members of the Veterans of of Foreign Wars, Post 6919, will repair toys again this
year to give to the needy children in this area at Christmas time. which they would
like to donate for this worthwhile project, may leave them at the Post Home, 203 E.
Washington St., Culver, or phone VI 2-2255 and the toys will be picked up.
1959 - Jan 28 - VFW To Books V.F.W. To Present And Argos Schools
The Department Veterans of of Indiana Foreign and Wars, its Ladies Auxiliary will
present copies of J. Edgar Hoover's "Masters of Deceit." to Culver and Argos High
Scheols at the basketball game. Friday night. Jan. 30.
"Masters 01 Deceit* contains 1 brief history of the Communist Party in this country
and a clear and concise analysis of its true beliefs and aims, with ease histories
and actual happenings to drive ho m important truths about the Communists and their
plans to enslave the world. The presentation will be made by Commander Maurice Bennett
of Post No. 6919, of Culver.
1959- Feb 4 VTW Auxillary Presents Flag To School Mrs. Mary Ann Ruhnow, president:
Mrs. Nancy Kersey, junior activity chairman; and Mrs. Margar et McGaffey, Americanism
chairman, recently presented a beautiful U. S. flag to the kindergarten classes of the
Culver grade school on behalf of the Ladies' Auxiliary Post 6919 of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars. The flag was proudly accepted by Richard Ruhnow and Brenda Lindvall, and
their teacher, Mrs. James Marshall |
1959 - Dec 2 - Buglars loot local VFW to tune of about $350
1959 - Dec 9 - Christmas Party For The CHildren Set For Dec. 19
The annual children's Christmas party, co-sponsored by the V.F.W. and the El Rancho
Theatre. will be held Saturday, Dec. 19, at 2 p.m. at the theatre.
Children up to and including the sixth grade are invited to attend this gala affair.
There will be a movie and cartoons for the children and Santa will be there with treats
for all.
Boys and girls, mark this date on your calendar with a big red circle!
Toys Needed
The V.F.W. is going to repair and distribute toys to the needy children in this community
for Christmas.
Anyone having used toys are urged to donate them to this worthy cause. Toys may be left at
the post home on East Washington Street or call Viking 2- 2253 after 1 p.m. week days or
after 1 p.m. on Saturdays for pick up.
| 1960 - May 11 - New Officers Of Culver Veterans Of Foreign Wars
Post Pictured are the recently installed officers of the local V.F.W. Post, right:
KENNETH TASCH, quartermaster; ROBERT vice; SAM STRANG, senior vice; LEONARD SHERWOOD,
commander; and past commander and installing officer. No. 6919. Left to KERSEY,
chaplain; GIBBONS, junior GLEN OSBORN |
The Citizen wishes to compliment the officers and members of both the local post
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and its ladies auxiliary in each contributing $25
to the "Miss Indiana" fund to help Culver's Tommye Lou Glaze absorb her special and
unanticipated expenses in connection with her participation in the "Miss America"
pageant at Atlantic City next month.
Other organizations in the community are invited to follow suit. Checks payable to
the Tommye Lou Glaze
Funds may be left with Andrew Vernum.
Chamber of Commerce vice-president. at the
Culver Clothier;
or at The Citizen office.
1960- Dec 7 - Toys for Tots Ad. |
The club house of the Vetterans of Foreign Wars Post 6919 at 203 E. Washington
St. had its three- liquor license renewed by the Marshall County Alcoholic
Beverage Commission at the courthouse in Plymouth last Thursday.
1961 - Apr, 21 -
Leonard Sherwood
Mourned By VFW Culver Post
1961 - Dec 13 - WANTED: Used toys. Willbe repaired and given to needy children
by V. F. W. Post 6919. Cna be left at V. F. W. Club after 4 p.m. or call the
Club and they will be picker up.
Veterans Repair Used Toys For Needy Children
Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6919 are repairing used toys to
give to needy children at Christmas.
They are badly in need of more toys for this purpose and anyone having toys
to donate may give them to any member of the V.F.W., leave them at the door of
the Club, or call the Club after 4 p.m. and the toys will be picked up.
1961 - Dec 20 - Ad for New Year;s Eve Party and Guest Night |
Annual V. F. W. CHildren's Christmas Party |
The V. F. W. wishes to express their deep thanks and appreciation to community
residents and merchants for their generous contributions of food and toys which
were distributed to the needy at Christmas time.
The community children's Christmas party staged at the
El Rancho Theatre
on Saturday, Dec. 23, was thoroughly enjoyed by 275 children who saw the special
films and received treats from Santa Claus
1962 - Feb 28 - Add stating Fish Fries by Ladies Started |
1962 - May 23 - "Welcome To Culver" Signs Erected By VFW
"Welcome To Culver" Glens Erected Dy VFW Four new "Welcome to Culver" signs were
erected this past week by the Culver V.F.W. Post 6919.
They were placed at the Intersection of
Highways in and 17;
Jefferson Street at new 17;
Highway 10 at School Street; and
south on old 17 at the city limits.
The sign has a white background with the emblem of the VFW painted in red and yellow,
and fastened to six fool post, which has been painted while, The sign measures 18
Inches across by 30 a Inches deep.
1962 - Aug 1 - Culver V.F.W. Chapter Finishes Remodeling
The remodeling program planned by the Culver chapter of the V.F.W. has just been completed.
The Chapter is to be congratulated on adding a "new look" to the Culver business section.
The remodeling and repairs to the front of their club rooms have consisted of new aluminium
siding and window frames on the second story front.
The entire front has been painted a gleaming white. A new cement sidewalk and curb has been
In front of the club entrance a large modernistic electric sign has been erected and this is
surrounded by a stone planter.
The chapter now plans extensive remodeling in their club rooms. As soon as the type of wall
finishing has been decided upon, this work will start.
Early this spring the chapter placed welcome signs at all incoming highways into Culver. These
were of heavy gauge metal, painted white with the chapter emblem in color. The sign was
attached to a heavy post, also painted white.
1963 - Dec 4 - Ad for Ladies Auxillary Pancake Supper for cancer fund. |
1964 - June 22 - Ad for Ladies Auxillary Dinners |
1964- Jul 15 - Cole 3-Ring Circus Coming to Culver On Tuesday, July 23 The
famous Cole Circus will appear in Culver Tuesday, July 23 for a one-day sstand under the VFW
Post asupices it was announced by post commander E. W. Riester |
1964 - Aug 5 - V.F.W. Annual Picnic Set For August 9
The Culver V.F.W., Post 6919, will hold their annual summer picnic on Sunday, Aug. 9, at
the Conservation Club picnic grounds, west of Culver on Highway 10.
V.F.W. members and their families are uregd to attend. The dinner will be potluck.
1963 Aug 21 - Ad for Guest Night |
1964 - Sep 16 - V.F.W. To Hold Open House
The Culver V.F.W. Post 6919, will hold an open house on Saturday, Sept. 19, at the club
rooms on East Washington Street. Festivities will begin at 10 p.m. and continue until 1 a.m.
Dance music will be furnished by the Flora Combo, a well known local music organization.
The public is invited to attend.
1969 - May - the Post suffered extensive fire damage to its interior, enough that it was
decided to remove the third floor of the building, that floor at the time had an apartment
occupied by
Tom Walker.
Members took an interesting approach to converting the three-story structure to a two-story one.
They built the roof inside the third floor before removing that floor and then tore down the
third floor. This allowed uninterrupted use of the building while adding the convenience of
roofing a building while still indoors!
1970s - The Post appointed an officer in the 1970s and early 80s whose mission was simply to
get the Culver Citizen and other media to cover the Post. Vets were not particularly
popular. The Culver VFW fought hard to improve our image in the community. They weren't
getting good press, even though they were doing all the good things that they do now.
1972 - December - the old house at the corner of Plymouth and Washington Streets (just
east of the Post building) was purchased by the Post for $5,700 though for years it was
unused by the Post. Bill Martin and his family lived in it in the 1960's before they
built a new residence on Academy Drive. It also for a few years house the Methodist
Thrift Shop. Many will recall it as the home of the Methodist women's thrift store, today
on Ohio Street, for several years.
1976 - July - among local observances of the nation's bicentennial, the southeast corner of
Culver's Masonic cemetery was deeded to the Post. Flag poles, canons, and other memorials
honoring local and national veterans were placed at the site, which today remains the
central location of the Post's annual observations of Memorial and Veteran's Days.
1988 - March They also owned the house on corner of Plymouth and Wasington St.
as visible in this photo had fallen into disrepair and was demolished, and two Post horseshoe
pits installed in its place. |
1995 - Some internal debate within Post membership preceded the April, 1995 decision to seek a
bank loan to create an addition to the existing building. The addition of a handicapped ramp to
enter the building helped convince some reluctant members of the value of the move. The creation
of the full kitchen down stairs also allowed for expansion of meeting spaceon the upper floor
(the space has become a popular spot for affordable group get-togethers such as reunions and
2024 - September - The roof was replace with a metal roof.
Post 6919's roster of Post Commanders often reads like a who's who of local
family names active in Culver's past. They include
Frank Timmons (1946-47),
(Judge) Bill Riggens,
Norman Baker,
Joe Morrison,
Ted Strang,
Olen Osborn,
Mark Steinberger,
Jack Sanders,
Wayne Hissong,
Shirley Carter,
Kenneth Tasch,
Maurice Bennett,
Robert Gibbons,
Emil (Bud) Ruhnow Sr.,
C. Art Bennett,
Robert Lemar,
Gene Reister, |
Ray Houghton,
Leonard Sherwood,
Ora Reed,
Allen Cornett Sr.,
Roger Wise,
Edward (Joe) Miller,
Robert Albert,
Robert Kibbler,
Jack Washburn,
Kenneth Walter,
Charles Kesmodel,
Gordon Uyttebrouck,
Rich Kelso,
Dennis Geiger,
Ed London,
L.B. Montgomery,
and others in more recent years.
The VFW -- locally and nationally -- has three main thrusts:
service to veterans,
to the community, and
other organizations.
As of 2011 they contributed financially to over 39 local and national auses; one being the VFW's
National Home for children.
The VFW as a national organization traces its history back to 1899 and the priority is
making sure American veterans of foreign wars are taken care of. In addition, the national
group keeps track of, and proposes, laws which affect veterans, with an eye on their
long-term care.
A local posts priorities are donating money to the families of deployed servicemen or
those not deployed but struggling financially. Such efforts stay in members-only meetings
and are not made public.
There are approximately 150 members as of 2011 and are certain to be present at Memorial
Day, Veteran's Day, and other veterans-related observances at Culver's Masonic cemetery
and elsewhere. Members also may take charge of grave decoration or place flags on the
headstones of veterans, not only at the Masonic, but many lesser-known cemeteries around
the area. When requested, they are also present to add rites to the funerals of area
veterans. Members visit veterans in the local nursing home as well, both as a group on
Veteran's Day, and as individuals at various times.
Another lesser-known facet of the Culver Post's offerings are what's available in the
building itself. The facility may be commonly thought of as providing a gathering spot for
local veterans and their families to eat, drink, and socialize -- which of course it does –
but it's also has a restaurant open to the public, in addition to the availability of meeting
space in its upper floor.
The Post is open for lunch daily and it offers a wide variety of of food and everyone's
welcome regardless of style of dress or background. The affordable prices of the meals,
and most importantly, the proceeds go into their projects for veterans and community.
The Post's weekly bingo nights each Saturday and are family-oriented and have been
ongoing since 1991, and were originally launched by Rich kelso.
Also there are the Friday meals, another popular community event. The various branches
of Culver's VFW -- including the Post and Ladies' and Men's Auxiliaries -- take charge of
different nights. The Post is on hand cooking on first and Fifth Fridays and the menu is
always the prime rib meal.
Ladies Auxiliary
The Post 6919's Ladies Auxiliary group has been in existence just a year less than the
post itself, and its contributions have enhanced the Post and the community immeasurably.
The institution of - officers of the newly organized Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary
will be held Sunday, March 30, at 2:00 p. m.. in the Community Building. The public is
invited to w itness the ceremony
On Sunday afternoon, March 30, 1947, 34 members were instituted into the newly-formed VFW
Post 6919 Ladies Auxiliary, with Trelba Listenberger the first president, and Grace Talley
vice president senior.
The national President of the VFW's Ladies Auxiliary, Sally Cannon, in fact, came to
Culver to install the new organization.
Virginia Baker Booker is the only living member of that charter group, though Chuckie
Strang -- joined soon after the Ladies charter, in 1948 and has her 60 year pin.
Mary Lou Wise joined the Auxiliary in Plymouth in 1954,
and transferred to the Culver Post in 1967 and received her 55 pin in 2009.
The first Ladies Auxiliary meetings in Culver took place
upstairs in the 'Lion's Den' home of Culver's Lions Club, on the east side of Main Street
above what was then the A & P grocery store. After, the group was brought into the Post
building itself .
"Every woman had a uniform, in the early years. Grace Talley also sewed all of the
original uniforms for the Auxiliary.
Margaret Dehne has been President of the organization for 2009 - 2011 and she joined in
August 1996 celebraing her 25th anniversary.
The ladies Auxilary group exists for wives, daughters, granddaughters, and mothers of
veterans of overseas combat.
The Auxiliary attends local government meetings to represent the organization and keep
abreast of the community.
The Post and the Men's and Ladies' Auxiliaries -- do a big fish fry and the proceeds go to
whoever the Men's Auxiliary sets up as the benifiary.
The Auxiliary donates to area hospitals, serves veterans at an annual bingo party in
Lafayette, and contributes to the VFW's National Home for Children.
The Auxiliary presently has 167 members, whose participation, of course, also fills a
social role.
Longtime member and past State President of the Auxiliary Mary Lou Wise keeps an eye on
veteran's-related happenings at the national level, and writes a lot of letters and
email people to tell them about these things, to be sure they're told about it. besides
putting things in the bi-monthly newsletter...which she has been editor of for 41 years.
The newsletter has won awards at the state convention time after time.besides being
awarded nine times for best newsletter on a national level.
Blue Star flags are given to families with a member in the armed forces, she adds, to be
placed in their windows.
Another ongoing tradition is that of Buddy Poppy Day, which takes place over Memorial Day
weekend, and which raises funds for military families with ailing veterans, and veterans'
Men's Auxiliary
he VFW Post 6919 Men's Auxiliary is the youngest of the Post's many organizations, both
in terms of the age of its members, and its longevity as an official organization. The Culver
Auxiliary, which formed March 13, 2003, has brought new vitality to the Post. |
The national VFW once had a Father's Auxiliary for fathers of overseas serving veterans,
but as members died off, a movement grew to create a broader Men's Auxiliary on a ntaional
level. Members must have a father, mother, brother, or immediate family member in overseas
One major fund raiser is the Friday dinners held at the Post, with the various entities
housed there taking turns organizing and cooking. The Men's group handles every third
There's a lot they do from fish fries to hog roasts, soup cook-offs to Superbowl parties,
there's constant efforts to raise funds for good causes.
Other activities for the Auxiliary's approximately 65 members include regular get-
togethers, extensive cleaning sessions at the Post building .
There's also an Auxiliary-sponsored membership picnic for all the Post's groups to thank
them for their membership and contributions, and more.
The Men's Auxiliary always welcomes new members,those interested are encouraged to stop
by the Post and ask for an application, after which they'll be checked for eligability.
This Post would be closed if not for the members and the younger crowd we bring in. The
Ladies Auxiliary has more members than the Post and Men's Auxiliary put together.
The post is here to make sure that they've got a safe and fun place to relax and enjoy
themselves, and serve the community.
Culver's VFW Post can also boast what must surely be one of the most extensive and
thorough documentations of its past of any area organization. A detailed timeline
recording every appearance of the organization in the local press, each major event,
Commanders and officers, and the history of various specific aspects of the Post was
created with painstaking care and is lodged at the Post for reference and safekeeping. The
Ladies Auxiliary documented its activities year-by-year with intricately detailed
scrapbooks which in many ways tell the story of Culver as a community, and include a
veritable treasure trove of local photos and information unavailable elsewhere. Those
interested in delving more deeply into the organization's lengthy history will be well
rewarded by a visit to the Post.
On July 20, 2015, when delegates to the VFW’s 116th National
Convention in Pittsburgh the ladies and mens Auxillary combined together to be
the VFW Auxiliary. |
condensed from articles of 19 May and 26 May 2011 appearing in Culver citzien by
Jeff Kenney
more of the Veteran of Foreign Wars & VFW Auxiliary can be found on the national