Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Elizabeth C. Marmon

Elizabeth M Carpenter was born April 25, 1849 CLinton Seneca county Ohio and died 10 Feb 1940. Indianapolis Marion County Indiana Buried Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis Marion County Indiana daughter of Weller Totten Carpenter and Susan Mable Maybe/Mabie. married August 18, 1870 in Wayne County, Indiana Daniel W. Marmon

    Mrs. E. C. Marmon Dies At Indianapolis Home

    Passing of Community's Friend and Benefactor Saddens All Citizens

    The entire community was sadened when word was received of the death of Mrs. ELizabeth C. Marmon at her home 970 North Delaware street, Indianapolis, Saturday morning.

    A former resident of Richmond Mrs. Marmon moved to Indianapolis with her family in 1872.

    She was the widow of Daniel W. Marmon, founder of the Old Nordyke & Marmon o., a name that became nationally and internationally known as the automobile manufacuting buisness prospered.

    Mrs. Marmon had traveled widely, making trips to all parts of the world, but most of her time was spent in Indianapolis and at her summer home o n the East side of Lake Maxinkuckee.

    Survivors are two sons" Walter C. and Howard C. and a daughter Mrs. James W. Fesler.

    Funeral services were held at the Indianapolis home Monday afternoon with interment in a cemetery in that city.

    Mrs. Marmon's contributions to this community as a whole and to individuals will probably never all be known as she abbored any publicity and saw to it that the recipients never knew te source of the help that was given them.

    For years she gave generously to the local library and a good share of the books can be traced to her. Churches, relief committee, fire department, and other worthy organizations received her generoud support. But her greatest joy was helping individuals and many a life was made happier and easlier by her action.

    She was also a great lover of nature and never tired of watching the birds and inspecting flowers and trees. The habbits of the birds around her home here were as well known to her as those of her own family, and she followed them with as great interest.

    One encoutners a character like Mrs. Marmon's not more than once in a lifetime, but her influence and insporatopn are such that they will continue through this generation and the others that will follow. - Feb. 14 1940 - Citizen

Marmon Will Filed For Probate
    The will of Mrs. Elizabeth. C. Marmon, widow of Daniel W. Marmon, founder of the Nordyke & Marmon Company, was file for probate here yesterday amd ot revealed the bulk of her large estate was goven to her two sons and daughter: Walter C. Marmon, Howard C. Marmon and Mrs. James W. Fesler. Mrs. Marmond died here Feb 10

    The estate was estitmated to be in excess pf $1,000,000, according to the court

    The will provided thal all real and personal property, except cash in the bank, in Marshall county and furniture and household googs at her home at 970 North Delaware street be given Mrs. Fesler/ A summer home was maintained at Culver.

    Special bequests were made to Hanna Wichman of JOnesville, $2,500; Mrs. Claras Branch of Indianapolism $1,000 and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlehuser of Culver, $2,500.

    One half the residue was given in equal shares to the three children and the remaining hald to Elizabeth M. Hoke, Dorothy M. Boyd and Carol Tehkataus, grandchildren; and Anne Amelia Marmon, a great-granddughter.

    The three children were named co-executors of the will. - Feb 24, 1940 - Indianapolis Star.

Mrs. Marmon Estate Has Value of $2,993,720
    The will of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Marmon, of Indianapolis, has been filed for probate in the Marion county circuit court, Indianapolis.

    The estate has a value of $2,993,720, most of which was in government securities, it is reported.

    Mrs. Marmon was the widow of the founder of the Nordyke-Marmon Motor Company in Indianapolis

    A daughter, Mrs. Caroline Marmon Fesler, and a son, Howard Marmon, are executors of the estate.

    Mrs. Marmon resided at Lake Maxinkuckee during the summers for many years, with Indianapolis as her winter home, She was deeply interested in the community and was especially liberal in her support of the public library.

    Her special delight was helping individuals, which she did in such a quiet way that the fact was seldom known to the public. - Citizen Jun 4, 1941

    i WALTER CARPENTER MARMON was born August 25, 1872 in Richmond, Indiana, and died August 29, 1940 in Richmond, Indiana. Buried Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis Marion County Indiana ii HOWARD CARPENTER MARMON was born May 24, 1876 in Richmond, Wayne County, Indiana, and died April 04, 1943 in Fort Lauderdale, Boward, Florida. Buried Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis Marion County Indiana He married 1st abt 1901 FLORENCE MOORE MYERS born 1 Jan 1881 San Francisco, California daughter of Warren F. Myers and Sallie M. [-?-]. The marriage ended in divorce> By U. S. Passport applications for and Passenger Lists she remained unmarried. He married 2nd June 15, 1911 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana (at noon at her residence by Rev. M. L. Haines) MARTHA MARTINDALE FOSTER. She was born November 12, 1880 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana. d. Apr 1959 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana daughter of Chapin Clarke Foster and Harriet Newell McIntire. Howard and Martha had no children.

    iii. MARY TOWNSEND MARMON, b. December 11, 1873; d. July 04, 1874, Indiana.

    iv HOWARD CARPENTER MARMON, b. May 24, 1876, Richmond, Wayne County, Indiana; d. April 04, 1943, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; chief engineer of the Marmon company.

    v. CAROLINE MARMON, b. June 24, 1878 Richmond, Wayne, Indiana Dec. 28, 1960 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana buried Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana; m. June 02, 1917, Marion county, Indiana James William 'Billy' Fesler born 29 Sep 1864 Morgantown, Morgan, Indiana and died 1949 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana James Indiana and was buried Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana son of John Roush Fesler and Harriet Louisa Fish

Marmon Index