Culver Clothiers, Inc.
Three Partners Now Operating Culver Clothiers
Buy Fred Adams Fine Store
Three progressive and spritited local, citizens
Robert L Haig,
William M. Rasmussen and Andrew A. Vernum
have purchased the outstanding Main Street haberdashery known as Adams Men's and Boy's Wear
from Fred Adams who
is resuming his affiliation with the
State Exchange Bank.
A preliminary annoucement of the transaction was made in the Citizen on Feb. 6
Mr. Adams, one of our most promisng young business men, purchased the store from the partnership
of Mitchell & Stabenow July 1954, after Messrs. Mitchel and Stabenow had operated the retail
establishment since the building was erected in 1906.
Thus the store has a near Northern Indiana record of having been in the same location for more than a
half century.
Popular Frank Henderson, Mr. Adam's right hand man at the store, will remain with the new owners
The new proprietors are forming an Indiana corporation to operate the business under the name of
Culver Clothiers, Inc. The Citizen, on behalf of Culver's large trading area, wishes them the best of
Robert L Haig
Robert Haig, called Bob by his many friends, is a personable native of Terre Haute. He and Mrs Haig
permanent resident of Culver at
2358 East Shore Lane
three years ago after spending spending several summers at Lake Maxinkuckee
Bob though he had retired from business in Auguts 1956 when he sold his big chaim of 17 millinery
stores located from New York to Texas. He had begun to retire in 1949 but the urge to remain
active has since become togreat.
During his years as a cahin store tyacoon he maintained an office ic New York City but resided in
Youngstown, Ohio. In the later city he dabbled in real estate and store leases with great financial
Mr. and Mrs Haig have a married daughter in Ohio and a son, Robert L. Haig Jr. who is a professor of
English at the University of Illinois.
During the past year or so Bob Haig has extended his interests in Culver, demonstrating his enthusiastic
faith in the community.
He is the owner of the Frosty Creme
refreshment establishment on Lake Shore Drive which he leases to an operator.
A month ago he became an associate, without financial interest, of Don Hand as sales manager of Hand's
Soft Water service, plugging the well known Jonco line of hom-owned water softeners
Wiliam M. Rasmussen
Bill is one of the erudite and interesting young men in the Culver community. Born and reared in
Indianapolis, he has been spending his summers on Lake Maxinkuckee since he was a boy two years
of age.
He became a permanent resident of Culver in 1954 and lives at
2638 East Shore Lane,
along side a summer home hismaternal grandfather, W. J. Wood, built in 1894.
Mrs. Rasmussen was a graduate from Wabash College with the class of 1938 where he joined Govenor
Handley's and Senator Jenner's Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. For some unknow reason, Bill tries to
keep secret that he also made Phi Beta Kappa, honaorary scholastic society, at this all-male
school where many of the students are playboys instead of scholars.
Since graduating with honors at Wabash, Bill has been emplyed by the Indianapolis firs of Insley
Manufacturing Company producers of road building machinery, and with the E. C. Atkins Saw Company,
now owned by Borg-Warner. For a while he operated his own business devoted to sales of imported
motorcycles and foreign cars. Bill developed this latter interest when he spent four months in
Europe in 1951
Bills Rasmussen's hobbies are pipe organs and photography. He is presently installing a new organ
in his home, piece by piece, and often works far into the night. He is such an expert in organ
construction and operation that Shemberger's Music Store in Plymouth often refers problems to him.
Andrew A. Vernum
Anndy Vernum at 23 is the youngest of the trio of new partners. Born in Dayton, Ohio, he soon went
with his parents to Hammond, Ind., where is is a grduate of Hammond Tech High School.
After working in the Calumet area with the Shell Oil company and other firms, he came here three
years ago to join the staff of Culver Military Academy in its drafting and surverying department.
Unfinished assignments at the Academy will prevent him from spending full time at the Culver
Clothiers for another six weeks.
Mr. Vernum and his wife, Joan live on State Road 117, just east of Dr. Earnest B. Norris, with
their under age children, Jeff and Annie.
Andy has seen considerable of the U.S. because his parents were theatrical people and he traveled
with them on many occasions.
- 13 Feb 1957 - Citizen