
Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Otto Stabenow

Now, don't go down and tell Otto that this is the picture of two dummies, for if you do he'll hand it back to you just a little hoter than you dished it out.

"Stab" has just that reputation for getting in the last word when it comes to repartee.

He was born in Germany, but doesn't remember much about it since he came to this country at the tender age of two years. Otto lived in Chicago until he came to Culver with John Mitchell to open the store that still bears their names.

He has taken his turns at serving the community by carrying out the duties of the secretary of the old Commercial Club, and those of the town clerk-treasurer. He can't remember the date of the term of the latter office, but does recall is was at the time Main Street was paved. The grief connected with that job is still fresh in his memory.

"Stab" claims no one thing as a main hobby, but like anything that has to do with the out-of-doors.

By the way, if you like the suit he is showing to a customer you can note the price in the picture. Don't worry, we'll charge him for this bit of advertising.