Gay Frock Shop - 112 S. Main
1937 - Seo 1 Dress SHop to Open in Hellen's Beauty SHop
The pruchase of the dress shop opereated by Mrs. M. C. Dimmick by Rebecca Jones
and Helen Calhoun has been announced.
The shop, to be known as the "Gay Frock SHop", has been moved from the Warner
building to the front of Helen's Beauty SHop, and was opened for buiess this
1937 - July 7 - TO OPEN DRESS SHOP Mrs. M. C. Dimmick announces the opening
of a dress shop, "The Culver Style Shop," in the
Warner building next
1937 - Sep 1 - Gay Frock Shop
We have purchased the dress shop of Mrs. M. C. Dimmick
and on Wednesday, Sept. 1st, are reopening in Helen's
Beauty Shop.
We invite you to come in and inspect our line of Dresses,
Hosiery, and Lingerie.
Rebecca Jones - - -Helen Calhoun
1938 - Aug 31 - Sells Interest In Gay Frock Shop
Mrs Lewis Hood, formerly Miss Helen Calhoun, has sold her interest in
the Gay Frock SHop to her partner, Mrs Dale Jones, who announces that
she will continue to operate the shop under the policies that nade the
business so popoular in the past
She will feature dresses, slips, and hosiery.
1938 - Dec. 7 - Jins Dress SHop - Mriss Ruth Behmer has formed a partnership
in the operation of the Gay Frock Shop
1941 - Mar 19 - Card of Thanks -
We wish to thank all of our customers for their past patronage
and many courtersies extended to us during our operation of the
Gay Frock SHop. We urge all to continue to trade at the shop under
the ownership of Mrs. Della May - Rebecca Jones, Ruth Behmer
1941 - Mar 19 Mrs. May Now Owner of Gay Frock Shop
Mrs. Della May bought the Gay Frock Shop of Mrs. Rebecca Jonea and Miss
Ruth Behmer, effective Monday, March 17.
The former owners had operated the buisness for bour years.
Mrs. May has thorough business experience in serving the public and
will continue to oerate the shop on the basis the made it popular in
the past.
1941 - Apr 2-Apr 16 - Gay Frock - Manager Della May - Close
Out Sale - Due To Illness - Mrs. Della May is unable to continue her management
of the Gay Frock Shop.. |
1941 - Apr 23 - For Sale - 10 ft. glass show case. Gay Frock Shop.
1941 - May 7 - We have moved the balance of the Gay SHope merchandise to the
Medbourn Shop. Here you can get your gifts for Mother's Day and for the
Graduates. Free wrapping service. Joens & Behmer.
1941 - May 14 & 21 - Clearance SALE -... ALso Selling Out Balance of Gay
Frock Merchandise - Medbourn SHop.
1941 - Jul 2 - ... Gay Frock Merchandise at Medbourn SHop . Lakeshore Dr.
1941 - Jul 23 - Gay Frock Shop Stock at Medbooourn's SHop....
1941 - Jul 31 - Gay Frock Stock At Medbourn SHop FInal week of close-out sale, July 31-Aug 6