<+!DOCTYPE html> 116 N. Main Street - Menser Building - 1996 History and Genealogy of Lake Maxinkuckee

Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

116 N. Main Street - Menser Building - 1996

The building was completely gutted between 2000 and 2001/2 making possibly making 2 apartments upstairs with 2-3 front buisness sections downtsairs. There is an outside door in front to the upstairs and possibly interior office space - bu t its unknown

Jan 1996- 2001, May - Culver Educationa Foundation ? - May 2001 - JD-One and JD-Two Inc. 2001, May - 2013 - Culver Educationa Foundation

Miller Norcen Insurance Agency - 1999-2013

    State Exchange Ins. Co. remained in business under that name until some time after January 24, 1985, when the merger of the merger of The State Exchange Bank and Farmers State Bank was consummated and NorCen Bank was born and the insurance company's name was changed to NorCen Insurance (it was located at 105 W Washington) and was sold in 1999 bieing purchased by Richard S. Miller & Sons, Inc of Bremen

Lake Maxinkuckee Enviormental Council - 2000's

Possibly 2 - Apartments Upstairs

116-120 N Main Upstairs ~ ~ ~ 116-120 N. Main ~ ~ ~ 120 N Main~ ~ ~ 116 N Main (new)