Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

120 N Main

This photo depicts the Menser building probably just a short while after it was built in 1903.

1903 - Allman's, The Big Store Annex

1905 Howard Davis Bakery

1906 - Culver City Meat Market

1910 - Apr 7 - Democratic Convention
    The Democratic voter of Union Township are hereby called to meet in mass convention in the old meat market room in the Menser building in Culver onf Thursday April 21,1910 for the purposeof selecting a delegate and alternate to the state convention, and for any other buisness that may properlu come before it. O. A. Gandy, Twp. Chm.

1910 - Oct 27 - Prohibiton Meetings - Friday evening Nov. 4 Culver in Menser building

1911 - jan 5 - New Grocery - Frank Easterday is preparing to open a grocery in the Menser Building

< Red Front Grocery - M. H. Hanna /td>

1918 - Oct 16 - New Grocey Cash and Carry Russell Bicksell

1922 - Waite Bros - Tire & Accessories
    1922 - Aug 23 - New Buisness - Clifford and Lewis Waite have formed a co-partnership and have rented the Menser room vacated by the Simpson grocery. The will conduc tire and accessory buisness besides a department for light repairs of every kind. The latter is a field which has not been hiterto worked here and will prove an immense conveniece. Lewis Waite is a brother of Clifford and has just returned from a residence in the state of Washington.

1925 -Feb 18 - Carey Variety Store is Closed - Goods Stored
    The Carey Variety Store which has operated in the Menser building across from the M. E. Church has been closed by Mrse Carey and the goods have been stored. Mrs. Carey closed the store shortly after Christmas with the intention of opening in the early spring, but she has changed her plans and will seek another location. It is not known who will occupt the building made vacante by her moving.

1926 - Pettis Pettis Opens Grocery in Menser Building
    Changing about of stores in Culver has not yet entirely ceased. Another announcment has come to light during the past week in which Chas. Pettis has opened a grocer stor in the Menser building across from the Methodist Churc and is already open for buisness. The room, has been given a thorough cleaning, fixtures have been installed and a completly new sock of merchandise has bbeen installed. His will be the cash and cary plan. He will continue his present pool hall buisnrss in the Pecher building. Jess Pettis will manage the new grocery store.

Hatten's Market

1927 - January 26 – Forrest Geiselman
    1927 - Jan 26 - Geiselman Buys Hatten'a Grocery and Adds Market
      Forrest Geiselman has purchaesed the Hatten Grocery and will combine it with the Home Meat Market which he purchased last week.

      The market's refrigerator and other equipment has bee moved to the grocery store and will soon be ready to serve the public. the new store will be known as the Corner Market.
    It closed during the "great Depression.
      The market went bankrupt in the depression because Forrest allowed people to charge meats to feed their families – then they could not repay their debts.

    Forrest Geiselman. He housed his family, in the upstairs apartment opposite a Black family that worked at CMA.  

1927 - Corner Market

1935 - Sanders Bakery 1935 - Sept 18 - Sanders Bakery to Move to Corner Site
    The Sanders Bakery will move from its present location on East Washington Street to the building formerly occupied by Geiselman's Market of the corner of Main and Washington streets.

    Harry Sanders, proprietor, states that he will install new fixtures and redecorate the room and epects to be open for business in the new location by October 1

1935 - 23 Oct - Large Crowd Attends Opening of Bakery
    A large crowd that filled the bakery and overflowed into the street attended the opening of Sanders Bakery in its new location at the corner of Main and Washington streets Saturday night.

    The awarding of a free cake furnished the main attraction and Don Bruce was the lucky party.

    Other cakes were given to the following as a surprise festure: Patty Shaw, Verna Jones, Mrs. C. C. Waite, Mrs. Gladys Wilson, H. McFeely, Paul Kaley, Jack Pass, Harve Pontius, Jack Crooks, Isaac H. Cook, Mrs. Drenk and Zazel Mishler.

1937 Sanbornn Fire Map 'S' - iron oven < /td>

1939 - Shaw's Market

1939 - Norwayne Bakery
    1939 - January 18 Shaw's Market and the Norwayne Bakery opened for business today in the Menser Building opposite the Methodist Church Neal Shaw is the proprietor of former firm and needs no introduction here, while the bakery is being operated by Frank Coerney of North Judson, who has had considerable bakery experience.

    1939 - Aug 2 - Neil Shaw has closed his meat market in the Menser Building.

The Culver Community Kitchen
    1941 Apr 2 - A new business. The Culver Community Kitchen, will open in the Menser Building April 9.

1937 Jun 16 - 1937 - Oct 7 Culver Bakery - Verl McFeely

1939 - Jan 11 - Remodeling Business Room
    Work,em are busy tearing out the old bakery ovens and renovating the interior of the Menser building on Main Street

    It is state the room will be occupied by a meat market and a bakery, but no authorized announcements have been made as yet.

Trone Building

1949 February 16 - Donaldson G. Trone has purchased the Menser Building at he corner of Main and Washington Streets

1949 - April 13 - Culver 's newest business establishment, the Don Trone Sports Shop, opened this week.

Don Trone's Shop - 1949-1978 Don & Almeda Trone
    1954 - feb 24 - Don Trone has done extensive remodeling at his store.

    Don trone's Shop 1970-1978 - Almeda Trone

Possibly Apartments, Businesses or Offices Upstair's (see link at bottomof page)

The Elliott Building ca 1978

By the late 1970's the building saw further invoation and updating the north half which was Trones [120 N. Main] had been divided down into a front office area with a beauty shop in the back accessed by a side door and the south half 116-118 N. Main was divided down into 2 sections by a hallway and then was subdivided down into several small to medium office areas. With possible apartments on the second floor

Front Half - wss divided into 3 office spaces I believe
    ? - 1984-5 - ? - Easterday & Ummel's Law Office

    Interior Views - Christine Landskron

Back Half -
    Carla Jean's Beauty Shop - Carla Trump

    1998 - Tan Line

?-2023 - Lake Maxinkuckee enviormental Association

116-120 N Main Upstsairs ~ ~ ~ 116-120 N. Main ~ ~ ~ 120 N Main~ ~ ~ 116 N Main (new)