James Marion Puett
James M. "Jim" Puett Birth: 5 January 1907 Montgomery County Indiana died Death:
27 February 1981 Rensselaer, Jasper, Indiana buried Remington Cemetery Remington,
Jasper County, Indiana son of Duncan S. Puett an Josephine D 'Josie' Casner or Carrier married
14 January 1935 Janet Dye |
He played semi-pro football.
Remington Centennial book (1960)
James Puett, who has his office in the Telephone Building, deals in advertising specialties.
He services a wide territory in northern Indiana, and has operated this business since 1949. |
Jim is also the owner and director of Camp Maxinkuckee, an exclusive camp for girls.
Although he has been a camp director for many years, Camp Maxinkuckee on East Lake
Shore Drive, Culver, was started in 1952.
Ronnie Q. Gillam works at the camp, and Susan Puett is junior counselor
James M. Puett Succumbs
Remmington - James M. Puett, 74, former Logansport and Carroll High School football coach,
died Friday evening of a heart attach at his home in Remington.
The retired social studies teacher, a graduate of Butler Univeristy, began is coaching career
at Wolcott. He then coaches at Plymouth before going to Logansport. He coached at
Logansport High School from 1935 to 1940.
After leaving Logansport, he coaches at Gilb oa Township, Benton county, and was line
coach at St. Joseph COllege for two years
He coached Carroll High School's first football team remaining there four years.
He retired after teaching social studies at Remington High school.
Coach Puett, who also had a Master's degree from Butler, started the Elks Boys Camps
about 40 years ago.
He was a member of the Logansport Elks Lodge, the B-Men's Club, Delta Tau Delta
social fraternity, and Blue Key honorary at Butler.
He is survived by his wife, the former Janet Dye, a son, Thomas, Decatur, Ill.; a
daughter, Susan Nicely, Indianapolis; six grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. Rowena
Fulton, Monticello.
Stitz Funeral Home in Remington is in carhe of arrangements. - Mar 1 1981
Pharos Tribune.