Sea Beach Place Subdivision
Starting a few cottages north of Aubbeenaubee Creek and extending to Maxinkuckee Landing,
this is a subdivision platted in the 1890s called Sea Beach Place.
1880 - Rector & Thomas 32a
??1880 - L. T. Van Shoiack [Louden T. Van Shoiak] 105.80
The Van Schoiack Farmhouse is incorporated in the present
Miller cottage.
Part of the Van Schoiack farm was subdivided as “Sea Beach Place” around
1884 - sept 26 - Willis C. Vajen has bought 1,100 feet water front on Lake
Maxinkuckee, and will imprive it a summer residence.
1898 - W. C. Vagin/
Willis C. Vajen - Sea Beach - large lot
1908 - Sea Beach Place Subdivision (1898)
1922 - Lots 1 & 2
1905 - Dec. 21 - Anna C Wetzel etal to Central Trust Company, lots 1 and 2 Sea
Beach Place Maxinkuckee $200
1906 - Apr 26 - Central Trust Co. to Clarence H. Carson, Lots 1 and 2 Sea Beach Place
Maxinkuckee $400
1936 - Mar. 18 - Kathyrn Deggendorff ot Arthur and Frances F. Baxter - N 50 Lot 1 Sea Beach
Place W.D. $1.00
1942 - May 20 - Jay T. and Ruby Bell Crackell QCD to William H. Bales Trustee, 20 f. off N end Lot 5,
portions of Lots 1,2,3,4 Sea Beach Place, Lake Maxinkuckee
1922 - Lots 3 & 4
1909 - Dec 2 - J C. Capron to Jennie Capron Lot 4 and N 20 ft Lot 6 Sea Beach Place
Maxinkuckee $1
1912 - Dec 5 - C H Carson of Eliza Capron pt lots 4 and 2, Vajen's plat Sea Beach Sec. 22, Union
1942 - 18 Feb - Ruby L and Jay Crackel WD to Herbert A Lanning, Lot 4 traiangle tract in
Vajin Plat 22-32-1
1942 - May 20 - Jay T. and Ruby Bell Crackell QCD to William H. Bales Trustee, 20 f. off N end Lot 5,
portions of Lots 1,2,3,4 Sea Beach Place, Lake Maxinkuckee
1922 - Lots 5
1909 - Dec 2 - J C. Capron to Jennie Capron Lot 4 and N 20 ft Lot 6 Sea Beach Place
Maxinkuckee $1
1942 - May 20 Jay T. and Ruby Bell Crackel QCD to William H. Bales Trustee 20 ft. off N end
Lot 5, portions of Lots 1,2,3,4, Sea Beach Place Lake Maxinkuckee
1922 -Lots 6
1904 Oct 20 Annc C. Wetzel, etal, w.d. to Emma and Bertha Rhodehamel; lot 6 Sea
Beach $650
1922 - Lot 7 & 8
1906 - Oct 25 - Central Trust and Co. Indianapoli to Francis A Helm Lot 7
Sea Beach Place Maxinkuckee Lake, $700
1906 - Jan 4 - Central Trust Co. Indianapolis to Marvin T. Louden lot 8
Sea Beach Place Maxinkuckee $ 800
1909 Jul 22 - Marvin T Louden to C H Barnaby, lot at Sea Beach Place, Maxinkuckee,
19__ Lot 9 - Sea Beach Pl.
N 50' Lot 9 - 1450 East Shore Dr.
1906 - May 17 - Jeannie D. Darnell to Edward T. Hzeldine, part lost 10 and 9, Sea Beach
Place, Mackinkuckee 22-32-1 $2800.
1919, June 25 - F. C. Deggendorf of Warsaw has this spring bought of Mrs. Hazledine the comfortable
and completely appointed cottage The Withes, on Sea Beach Place - in which they have been
spending their summers for a number of Years.
1922 - Lot 9 & 10
SEA BEACH PL S 20' Lot 9 /Lot 10
1904 - Sept - 17 President W. W. Parsons of the Indiana State Normal has purchased
a lot at Lake Maxinkuekee, near the Hord cottage, with the intention of building
a cottage to be to be occupied next summer. Miss Jennie Darnell, who sold her
cottage this year, has purchased two lots not far from the one bought by Mr.
Parsons. It is Miss Darnell’s intention to build two cottages next season. She
will occupy one and the other is to be rented. - Terre Haute Saturday Spectator
1906 May 17 Jennie D. Darnell to Edward T Hazeldine, part lots 10 and 9 Sea Beach Place
Maxinkuckee 22-32-1 $2800
1909 - Feb. 25 Jennie Darnell to Gertrude Hazeldine pt. of two lots Sea Beach Place
in sec 22 Union, $3615
1936 Mar 18 Kathyrn Deggendorff to Arthur and Frances D. Baxter N 50 Lot 1[0]
Sea beach PLace W.D. $1.00
19__ Sea Beach Place Lot 10 S 45' 1470 east Shore
Easement to lake
1876 -
J. C. Miles [John C. Miles]
1880 - Halycon Club - H. B. Scott 34.50A
1898 - W. C. Vagin/
Willis C. Vajen -
Sea Beach - large lot
Sea Beach Place Subdivision (1898)
1922 - Lot 11
1933 - Jul 19 Chas. Coffin to Jean F. Ingraham and Carlin Bradley lots 11,13,14
Sea Beach Place Maxinkuckee
1922 - Lot 12
Chas. E Coffin [Charles E. Coffin]
1922 - Lot 13
1914 Oct 22 - W. W.
and Harry Parsons to B. and Ott, lot 13 Sea Beach Place, Lake Maxinkuckee $57.70
1933 - Jul 19 Chas. Coffin to Jean F. Ingraham and Carlin Bradley lots 11,13,14
Sea Beach Place Maxinkuckee
1922 - Lot 14
1904 - Sept - 17 President W. W. Parsons of the Indiana State Normal has purchased
a lot at Lake Maxinkuekee, near the Hord cottage, with the intention of building
a cottage to be to be occupied next summer. Miss Jennie Darnell, who sold her
cottage this year, has purchased two lots not far from the one bought by Mr.
Parsons. It is Miss Darnell’s intention to build two cottages next season. She
will occupy one and the other is to be rented. - Terre Haute Saturday Spectator
1914 - W. W. and Harry Parsons to B. and L Ott, lot 14 Sea Beach Place, Lake
Maxinkuckee $57.50
1916 May 11- Bertha Ott to F Jones Lot 14 Sea Beach add $6250
1925 - September 30 -
Frank Jones of Chicago
1933 - Jul 19 Chas. Coffin to Jean F. Ingraham and Carlin Bradley lots 11,13,14
Sea Beach Place Maxinkuckee
1922 - Lot 15
1911 Jul 15 - Elizabeth Jelty etal to Jacob V Stimson, lot 15 Sea Beach Place Lake
Maxinkuckee $5800.
1933 - Jul 26 - Robert C. Stimpson etal to Robert E Hollowell lot 15 Vajen's Sea Beach
Maxinkuckee W.D. $1.00-
1922 - Lot 16
1922 - Lot 17
1911 - Jul 20 ELizabeth M. Gates to Florence Holliday, lot at Sea Beach Place Lake
Maxinkuckee $6500
1922 - Lot 18 - J. Schaf
[Joseph Charles Schaf]
Oct 2 1929 Joseph C. Schaf Sr.
WD Alice Schaf Perrin , Lot 18, Vagen's and New Co's Sea Beach Place ass., ex N 7ft $1.00
Oct 2 1929 Alice Schaf Perrin and Hervey Bates Perrin, WD
Albert S Howell,
lot 18, Vajen and Ne Co's. Sea Beach Place ex N 7ft; Lot 3, ex S 70 ft. 22-32-3 $1.00
Not attached to a lot as yet
1908 - Jul 2 - A. M. Ogle and son Alfred of Indianapolis spent Sunday with the family at Sea Beach
1909 Jul 15 Frances Helm to Cent Trust Co. Indpls lot at Sea Beach Place Lake Maxinkuckee $800
This ad - annnouces:
For Sale. -
Sea Beach Place.
Terms Reasonable
Sixteen (16) choice building lots for sale in Sea Beach Place, extending from the Maxkinkuckee
Road walk. Good Lake frontage and depth. There is no more charming site for cottages on the
Lake. Nice sandy beach. No flight of steps to climb. Shade trees etc. Good floowing wells can be
obtained on this property. Persons comtemplating having a summer home on this beautiful lake
will do best to call on or address for information and maps, the owner.
Map In the Indiana State Library:
I912.772 IMars00s (1900) [small map]
Title: Sea beach place : Vajen & New Co., subdivision, Maxinkuckee, Marshall Co., Indiana.
Published: [S.l. : s.n., 19--].
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:1,200]. 100 ft. to 1 inch
May 14, 1947
Discovers Old Map Of East Side Plat
Lorenz O. Schmidt of Indianapolis, East SIde cottager, has discovered among his granfather's papers
a plat that was probably made between 1894 and 1903, showing a subdivision on the East side of
Lake Maxinkuckee.
It is not believed that Mr. Schmidt was never here, but as a real estate agent had plats from all over
the state.
The plat shows a subdivision known as Sea Beach Place south of Maxinkuckee Landing. Other
places around the lake are shown, with the town of Culver then known as Marmont a short
distance from the lake, a few scattered buildings at the academy, the depot and one building
in the north part of town as it is now, a railroad spur at Arlington, and other interesting buldings,
including Lost Lake running in the wrong direction.
The map is at the Citizen office for this week and those interested are invited to inspect it and help
identify some of the buldings shown.