VanSchoiack Farm - Subdivisions
1835 - Section 27 - 264.35 acres - Aub-be-naub-ee's Reservation |
1840 - Section 27
Section 27 Lot 1 - 49.70A
Section 27 Lot 2 - 34.31A
Sect 27 Lot 3 _.31A
Section 27 Lot 4 - 40A
James F. D. Lanier
of Jefferson county, Indiana on 30 June 1837 was issued the
certificate #7339
the East half of Section twenty; Fractional Section of Twenty One; Fractional Section of Twenty
Seven and Fractional section of Twenty eight containing 793 32/100 acres.
1863 -
L. T. Van Shoiack [Louden T. Van Shoiak]
Lake View Club was the first
club house built on the lake by men from Plymouth; it is was the Mc Quat Cottage on the east
side, address being
2008 East
Shore Dr. Being built in 1873 and has been razed and replaced with a new modern and
larger cottage; located on the east bank of Lake Maxinkuckee on the Louden T. Van Shoiack
Attention was first attracted to the lake as a summer resort by the erection of a clubhouse by a
few residents of Plymouth on the east shore of the lake on grounds leased of L. T. Vanschoiack.
the same now being owned by Mrs. McOuat, of Indianapolis.
This was in 1875. The lease was to run five years. The club house was a story and a half frame
building, with sleeping apartments above, and parlor, dining room and kitchen below. It became
quite a popular place of resort, and many times during the hot summer months as many as fifty
persons were entertained at one time. The officers of the club were
Joseph Westervelt, president;
William W. Hill, treasurer, and
C. H. Reeve, secretary. -History of Marshall County Indiana (1908) Daniel Mc Donald pg. 99
NOTE Daniel McDOnald and 19 of his friends had a 5 year lease.
1876 - L. T. Van Shoiack [Louden T. Van Shoiak] 105.80+120=205.80 |
1880 - L. T. Van Shoiack [Louden T. Van Shoiak] 105.80.
The Van Schoiack Farmhouse is incorporated in the
Miller cottage. |
This is map is given as being 1898 the farm land is labeled J. T. Vanshoiak; and
the lake front property has been sub-dividedoff and sold By this a J. T. Vanshoiak had:
45.70 +59.98 +80.00 = 185.68 in 1911 the Vanschoiak farm of 207 was to be sold a 21.32 is unaccounted
for for is the Vanschoiaksubdivisions/additions to the lake |
Part of the Van Schoiack farm was subdivided as “
Sea Beach Place” Subdivision (1898)
1900 Biological Survey Map |
1908 - Unnamed Sub-parcel, Lots 1 & 2 on east side of St. Rd. 117 -
Lovina Walker Etal 103.44 Acres
This shows the 'tie marks that indicates that these lots and
Lots. 1 & 2 listed below as well as Lot 1 of VanShoiaks's
subdivision are all a part of the Lovina Walker Etal.
holdings This runs from the Jamison & Judah, S. L. Purcell
properties to the end of the J. A. Maxwell
1908 - 2 Lots - Wm. Van Shoiack - non lake property
J. A. Maxwell
Van Schoiack's Subdivision
Lot 1 - Lovina Walker Etal & Lot 1
Van Shoiacks/VanShoiack Large Unplated Lake Front
2296 East Shore dr.
Wm. Daggett
C. E. Daggett |
1909 - Aug 12 - Peter Spangler has the job of moving all the buildings back off the lake
front of the Van Schoiack place except the house. The ground will then be laid off into
lots sor sale.
1909, Sep 16 - The VanSchoiacks have strightened the road back of the
old home place and Peter Spangler has commenced to move the buildings
over on to the farm land.
1911 - Sep 7 - The Van Schoiack farm of 207 acres is to be sold on Sept. 16
in whole or in parcels. The property includes 24 lake fronts lots.
1912 - The Van Schoiack 80 at the southeast end of the lake has been sold to a
Chicago man. The owner, Mr. Vaughn of Logansport, reserves two 100 foot
lots on the lake. The purchase price is not known.
1922 | |
Van Shoaick's 2nd Addition
Van Schoiack's Subdivision -
Van Schoiack's Subdivision No. 3
1907 - Feb 21 - Mary Dresser to Wm. Wallace pt lot 6 VanSchoiacks subd. 27-
32-1 $250
1907- Feb 21 - Mary Smart to Wm. Wallace sh lot 6 VanSchoiacks subd. 27-
32-1 $500
1917 - Jun 20 -
Commissioner's Sale
1923 - Apr 4 - For Rent At Lake Maxinkuckee, house and grounds with lots or fruit and
orachard, for the summer or by the year. Six (6) acres goes with the place if wanted
can be had without. Place known as VanShoiack place on east side of lake. See
Frank Gompf opp. place or write owner, M. G. HIll Plymouth Mich.
1935 - Sep 25 - Howard C Jenkins to Addison and Maire Jenkins, tract in
Van Schoiack's Sub/ W.D. $1.00