Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

140 W. Shore Dr. - Walker's Boathouse

Section 28 History 1835-1922

John Murry Plot

1915 - Feb 25 - The Walkers are putting up another cottage on the former John Murray Place at the south end of the lake. Ther are already two cottages there. The new building will be two stories in height and will contain nine of ten rooms.

1915 - July 5 - L. G. Walker is building an eight-room house on the lake shore in the Murray plat at the south end of the lake .

This is a part of the Murray Subdivision which was found recorded in the 1922 Plat Map book

1956-79 Llyod N. & Ora Rovell (Rental)
    1958 Lake Directory - Lloyd N. Revell (Rental) - 140 West Shore Drive, Culver.

1979-82 - Frank Malkowski

? 1994, apr - Jerome & Leonard Malkowski

1994, apr - Jerome Malkowski

1985- 2000, Sep - Leonard & Irene Malkowski

    David Burns done the seawall or the repairs of the existing seawall the orginial stone work and at this cottage when Frank Malkowski owned the cottage as well as the cottage next door when Jim Rinesmith (138 W. Shore Dr.) owned it also the cottage next door to the Walkers Boathouse ( 160 W. Shore Dr.) to the boathouse then owned by Chet Evers. All were done the same year and in succession of each, pictures were taken of the shore line and work in progress.

Sep 2000-2024 - "Ted" Theodore R & Patricia Schenberg >

I rememeber when David Burns done or redone this stairway for the Malkoski's the work at the Rinesmith, Malkowski and Evers cottages - should be in my negatives I should have the work in progress. How much they show of the area I can not remember.

    All of Lot Seven (7) in Murray's Subdivision, Section twenty-eight (28), Township Thirty-two (32) North, Range, One (1) East, Union Township, Marshall County, Indiana, ALSO, that part of Lot Eight (8) in Murray's Subdivision, Section Twenty-eight (28)Township Thirty-two (32) North Range One (1) East, Union Township, Marshall county, Indiana, described as: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the said Lot Eight (8) and from thence running South a distance of Twenty-three and one-fourth 23 1/4) feet, and from thence running East to a point Twenty-five (25) feet South of the Northeast corner of the said Lot EiIght (8), and from thence running North to the Northeast corner of said Lot Eight(8), and, and from thence ruunning West on the dividing line between said lots Seven (7) and Eight (8) of said subdivision to the place of beginning.