Burton Charles Masepohl
Burton Charles Masepohl son of Arthur Herman Joseph Masepohl and Lillian
Louise Hultgren
He graduated from Griffith High School; Bachelor of Science,
Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana; Management trainee
at Calumet Nationl Bank; 2nd Lt. U. S. Army Signal Corps.
He was President-Highland Chamber of Commerce 1970; Member, Highland
Board of School Trustees; 1971 and 1978 to 1994 serving in all offices;
Member Highland Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners, 7 years; Member,
Highland Plan Commission, 3 years; Member, Highland Water Board, 1 year;
Local Board member, Selective Service Commission, 1999 continuing. Agent
State Farm Insurance for 40 years; State
Farm Presidents Club 1974, Bronze tablet, Silver Schroll, Golden Triangle,
& 5 years Chrystal Excellence.
married Jo Allyn Janzig daughter of Harold Janzig and Vera Amdahl.
Kurt Charles Masepohl, deceased
Mark Arthur Masepohl,
He Graduated Highland High School; Bachelor degree, Valparaiso
University, Valparaiso, Indiana.; MBA, Stephen F. Austin State Univ,
Nacogdoches, TX. He was General Mgr Hispanic Broadcasting, Houston, TX.
and Named VP & Regional Mgr, State of Texas, Hispanic Broadcasting Corp.
He married (1) Gina Messick. He married
He married (2) Leslie Gaskin
daughter of James Gaskin and Marge.
Children 2nd marriage:
Kurt James Masepohl
Matthew Corbin Masepohl
He married (3) Kippie Trent Romero
daughter of Ray Romero
and Jody.