1460 East Shore Drive
Section 22 History 1835-1922
1898 -- W. C. Vagin Willis C. Vajen - Sea Beach - large lot
1900 |
19_ -- M. E. Clark
1904 - Sep 8 - Miss
Jennie Darnell has purchased two lots south of the Maxinkuckee landing and
will erect three cottages in the spring.
1905 - May 5 - Miss Jennie Darnell is having the foundation blocks placed for her
new cottages
Miss Jennie Darnell left Friday for Maxinkuckee to open her cottage.
She will be joined later by Mr. E. T. Hazeldine and family. -- Terre
Haute Saturday Spectator June 18, 1904
1904 - Jul 21 - Miss Darnell has a force of men and teams at work scraping
sand out of the lake and filling in her lots which she recently purchased
1904 - Sept - 17 President W. W. Parsons of the Indiana State Normal has purchased
a lot at Lake Maxinkuekee, near the Hord cottage, with the intention of building
a cottage to be to be occupied next summer. Miss Jennie Darnell, who sold her
cottage this year, has purchased two lots not far from the one bought by Mr.
Parsons. It is Miss Darnell’s intention to build two cottages next season.
She will occupy one and the other is to be rented. - Terre Haute Saturday
By this she also owned cottages / lots on the west side of lake:
1906 - 4 jul Charles W. Traut has purchased the Darnell cottage on the "West side of Lake Maxinkuckee. -
Logansport Pharos Daily
1906 Jul 5 - Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Traut of Logansport have purchased the Darnell cottage
on the west side.
1906 - Aug. - Jennie D. Darnell to Mary Traut lot in lot 3, Maxinkuckee, $600
1905 - June 17 - Mrs. E. T. Hazeldine accompanied by her daughters went to Lake Maxinkuckee,
Monday where she joined her sister Miss Jennie Darnell. Mr. and Mrs. Hazeldine
and Miss Darnell have five cottages at the lake in Sea Beach place near the
Indianapolis colony. Four of them have been rented to Logansport and
Indianapolis families. - Terre Haute Saturday Spectator
1905 - Apr 15 Miss Jennie Darnell is superintending the building of three
cottages at Maxinkuckee, one her own, the other two for Mr. Hazledine. One
of the latter has been engaged by an Indianapolis gentleman. - Terre Haute
Saturday Spectator Saturday
1906 May 17 Jennie D. Darnell to
Edward T Hazledine, part lots 10 and 9 Sea Beach Place Maxinkuckee 22-32- $2800
1909 Feb 25 - Jennie Darnell to Gertrude Hazledine, pt of two lots Seas Beach Place, in
sec 22, Union, $3615
1922 | |
1935 - Jun 26 - Mr. and Mrs. A . R. Ramsay, of Chicago, have moved into the cottage formerly
occupied by Mrs. Ramsay's mother, Mrs. F. C. Deggendorf. They bring their family of John, David,
Orrington, Jeanne, and their good friend the cat, Baapoo.
1936 Mar 18 Kathyrn Deggendorff to Arthur and Frances D. Baxter N 50 Lot 1_ Sea
beach PLace W.D. $1.00
19_ -- Arthur R. & Frances (Doyle)
1953-2024 - Richard Norman Jr. & Julia (Dye-Clift) Baxter
1958 Lake Directory - 1860 R. Norman Baxter - 5555 Washington Blvd.,
Indianapolis, Ind