1530 East Shore Drive
Section 22 History 1835-1922
1898 - W. C. Vagin
Willis C. Vajen
Sea Beach -
large lot
1900 |
1902 - Mar 31 - Work has begun on the East side cottage of W. W. Parsons.
1902 - May 5 - The Parsons and Coffin cottages on the east side are nearing completion
1904 - Sep 1 - Prof. W. W Parsons, of Terre Haute, has purchased a lot north
of Ingleside and will erect a cottage soon
1905 Apr 27 - The Parson cottage and the Chas. Coffin cottage near the landing
are nearing conmpletion
1905 - May 25 - Prof. W. W. Parson of Terre Haute has his cottage
At the top of the article
Lake Maxinkuckee -
the Beautiful By Joe S. Miller Indianapolis Star, Jul 2 1905 there were scenes of
Lake Maxinkuckee and photos of cittages - tho nothing of mention of them - it was
an article of ramblings of reminecences of past history/lengends of Lake Maxinkuckee.
This was one and identified as the "Cottage" |
1905 - Jun 15 -
Prof. W. W. Parsons Williams Wood Parsons] of the State Normal at Terre Haute
spent several days last week placing the goods in his new cottage. "The Parsonage"
1914 - Oct 22 - W. W. and Harry Parsons to B. and L. Ott, Lot 14 Sea Beach Place,
Maxinkuckee, $57.50
1916 May 11- Bertha Ott to F Jones Lot 14 Sea Beach add $6250
1922 | |
1925 - September 30 - Frank Jones of Chicago - "Melba" cottage
1930 - Jones, F. W. [
Francis W. Jones]
1933 - Jul 19 Chas. Coffin to Jean F. Ingraham and Carlin Bradley
lots 11,13,14 Sea Beach Place Maxinkuckee
1949 - Bobbs Cottage - [
William C. Bobbs]
1949 - Jun 22 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Walton
Wheeler and their families of Indianapolis are spending this week in
the William Bobbs Cottage
1949 - Jun 29 - The James Ruddell family have moved into the William
Bobbs cottage for the remainder of the sumer.
1952-1954 -
Julian Bobbs ????
1954-1958 --
Arthur B. Lathrop
1958 Lake Directory - Arthur B. Lathrop - 321 Kessler Blvd., West Drive, Indianapolis, Ind
1979 -
John Merrit Thompson
? - Mar 1981 --
John C."Jack" Appel &
Jane (Adams) Lathrop-Thompson Appel
Mar 1981 - Jun 1994 -- Sally L. Claypool & Julia L Moses
Jun 1994 - 2009, Oct -- Sally L. Claypool & Rae Wilson & Julia L Moses
2009, oct. -2012, Jul - - Sally L. Claypool & Rae, Wilson,
Julia Moses
2012, Jul - Sally R. Stephens, Collin Cantrell Moses, Thomas A. Moses, Rae L Wilson
2012, Jul - 2018- - Sally L. Stephens, Spencer A Wilson, Jamison L Wilson, &
Rae L Wilson
2016, Feb-2024 - Wilson Bradley, Whitney Johnson, Spencer A Wilson, Jamison L Wilson,
Rae L. Wilson