Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Joseph Charles Schaf  

1 Joseph Charles Schaf born in Brookville, Franklin, IN, January, 1859 and died 5 APR 1934 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana. BURIAL APR 8,1934 Crown Hill Cemetery ndianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, PLOT Sec: 50, Lot: 333 son of Peter Nickolaus Schaff & Catharine Scholl
    Joseph Charles Schaf, the subject of this sketch, is a native of Indiana, born in Franklin county, January, 1859, and is forty years of age. He is the son of Hon. Peter Schaf and Katherine Schaf, nee Scholl. His father, Peter Schaf, was in the United States mail line from Cincinnati, New Orleans and St. Louis, for twenty-five years, and was in the hotel business at Brookville, Ind., for twenty-seven years. He retired from active business in 1890, and in 1892-93 was a member of the Indiana legislature, a position he filled with great credit to himslef in the watchful care of the inerests of his constituents.

    The early education of Joseph C. Schaf was obtained in Cincinnati, where he made commedable proficiency in his studies and prepared himself for the active duties of life, in the performance of which he has been eminently successful , as is shown by the fact that he is now president of the American Brewing company. whose large and sightly establishment in located on West Ohio street, Indianapolis,occupying a frontage on that street from Nos. 175 to 197, both inclusive.

    Mr. Schaf is a Democrat in his political affilitations and the priciples of the Democratic party have his unqualified support. In his buisness and social life, Mr. Schaf recognizes the value of associated effort, and is a member of the Commercial club, the Country club, the Lyra Casino, the German-American, Cleveland an d Manufacturer's clubs, in all of which, as business relaxation permits he finds restful enjoyment.

    In May, 1887, Mr. Schaf was married to Miss Josephine Maus, and their home has been brightened by the birth of two children, a daughter, Alice Louise, and a son Charles Joseph.

    Mr. Schaf is a master of the brewing business and the establishment of which he is at the head gives satisfactory promise of a successful career in the brewing business of the city. As a brewer, he is known to be conscientious, and adhering to the motto that "honesty is the best policy," he supplies the patrions of his establishment with a beverage in which there is no taint of deception, as to its purity and healthfulness, which in these degenerate days, when nearly everything is ad ulterated, is fruitful of convictions that Mr. Schaf is a business man whose high sense of honor entitles him to the confidence of the public.

    Men of progress, Indiana : a selected list of biographical sketches and portraits of the leaders in business, professional and official life : together with brief notes on the history and character of Indiana Indianapolis: Indianapolis Sentinel Co., 1899, pg. 117

    JOSEPH C SCHAF The prestige of a county is to be determined not so much by the average of its citizenship as by the very best and most successful citizens whom it nourishes Great men have made otherwise obscure communities famous as the scene of their nativity ayne county Indiana while it has many claims to distinction bases its greatest claim as the birthplace of lndiana's great war govemor Oliver P Morton Vhile Franklin county has other claims to greatness it cannot be denied that the business success of one of its noted sons now a resident of Indianapolis is sufficient to establish and maintain this fame Franklin county was the birthplace of Joseph C Schaf undoubtedly one of the foremost commercial geniuses of the state of Indiana

    In twenty years Joseph C Schaf has arisen from comparatively humble financial circumstances to a position of great power in the financial and commercial world In all this time he has never lost sight of his larger . duties because of the added power which wealth has given him and has performed every civic and social duty in the spirit of one who knows that he is only the custodian of wealth to accomplish great and lasting benefits that are greater than wealth itself Joseph C Schaf is an affable democratic whole souled man of affairs notwithstanding his great successes In his youth he worked as a news butcher on trains and transferred baggage to and from hotels in Brookville He did all sorts of things that become a natural American boy and has not forgotten these humble services because they were the foundation of his later triumphs

    Joseph C Schaf was born near Brookville on a farm January 14 1859 the son of Peter and Katherine Scholl Schaf Peter Schaf was born about 1826 in Lorraine near Strassburg now a German province but at that time a part of France and died July 31 I893 The father and mother of Peter Schaf were Nicholas and Marie Haller Schaf both natives of Lorraine Nicholas Schaf and his wife both came to America They were the parents of five children two girls and three boys only two of whom are living Mrs Elizabeth Lux the wife of a wealthy farmer living in Shelby county and a brother Nicholas who also lives in Shelby county Nicholas Schaf Sr was born July 21 I797 and his wife was born February 14 1801 After coming to America in I838 they settled in Dearborn county and here resided until Mr Schaf's death Mrs Schaf died several years later at Madison Indiana at the home of a daughter

    Peter Schaf after landing at New Orleans worked on a steamboat on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. He and Mark Twain were partners and cabin boys on the Mississippi He remained on the river for thirty years and worked up from a cabin boy to the highest position His uncle was at one time the owner of a packet line Peter Schaf married Katherine Scholl at St Mary's Catholic church at Cincinnati Ohio in 1850 the marriage ceremony being performed by Rev Father Hammer Irs Schaf was a native of Bavaria having been born in 1824 At the time of her marriage she was living in Cincinnati with her brother Adam Scholl After living in Cincinnati for some time Mr and Mrs Peter Schaf moved to Franklin county Indiana January I 1870 They moved to Brookville Indiana and bought the Valley House at that time one of the largest hotels in southern Indiana Just prior to this time Mr and Mrs Schaf had lived on a farm in Franklin county Peter Schaf became known as one of the most popular hotel keepers in the state The old Valley House which he operated so long is still standing and is still owned by the family This famous old hostelry was sold by Mr Schaf in 1886 to his two sons in law Michael P Senefeld and V A Koehler after which Mr Schaf built a house in Brookville where he lived retired the remainder of his life In 1892 he was elected to the Legislature from Franklin county against his will however but served one term in the Indiana General Assembly in joint representation from Franklin Union and Fayette counties Mr and Mrs Peter Schaf were the parents of ten children who are referred to elsewhere in this volume in the life sketch of Peter Schaf

    Joseph C Schaf was educated in Cincinnati and in the commercial college at St Meinrad Indiana After his graduation from this college he returned to Brookville In 1879 he left Brookville and went west to Colorado where he was engaged in railroad work One year later he returned to Cincinnati and for some time traveled for a distilling company He continued in this work for six years and then went to Indianapolis in 1887 In _this year Mr Schaf entered into the brewing business and was connected with the C Maus brewery until 1890 when it was sold to an English syndicate Then Mr Schaf organized the American Brewing Company and built the brewery of which he is the sole owner Joseph C Schaf is a part owner of the Vaverly Electric Company and is a director and stockholder of the Fletcher American National Bank of Indianapolis and the Fletcher Savings and Trust Company of Indianapolis He is also a director of the Claypool Hotel Company Mr Schaf also owns much rental property in Indianapolis

    Joseph C Schaf was married in 1887 to Josephine Maus Schaf who born in Dearborn county near Lawrenceburg Indiana and who went to Indianapolis in childhood. To this union two children have been born Alice Louise and Joseph C Jr both of whom are still single and live with their parents in Indianapolis

    Mr Schaf is a Republican and has been an active worker in this party all of his life He has held many important offices both inhis state and in the city of Indianapolis Mr Schaf is a member of almost all of the prominent clubs of Indianapolis and was formerly president of the Columbia Club The Schaf family are members of the Catholic church Mr Schaf is well informed on all public questions and has traveled extensively both in this country and abroad His travels however have not interfered with his business career for he is still active in business and expects to continue so for many years

    The career of Joseph C Schaf has been no idle dream but it is to be remembered that he comes of good stock his great grandfather having been a general under Napoleon and his grandfather having been a fort keeper in the present war center of Europe Despite his success he is an unassuming and quiet man History of Franklin County, Indiana: Her People, Industries, and Institutions : with Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Old Families August Jacob Reifel Windmill Publications, 1915

John W. Schmidt House or as the Schmidt-Schaf House - Joseph C. Schaf, also a brewer, purchased the house at 1410 North Delaware Street. It was initially built in 1890-1891 as a private residence for John William Schmidt, president of the Indianapolis Brewing Company, and his family lived in the home for twelve years. Muncie, Indiana, industrialist George F. McCulloch, owner of the Indianapolis Star, sold it to Joseph C. Schaf in 1905, The College of Music and Fine Arts acquired the property from Schaf in 1921, but was unable to make payments on it. The college sold the Schmidt-Schaf home to the Propylaeum association, the property's current owner, in 1923. The Propylaeum's tea room opened in September 1924 and continues to remain in operation

He married Josephine Maus born 11 May/APR 1857 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana died 28 MAY 1927 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana BURIAL MAY 31,1927 Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana PLOT Sec: 50, Lot: 333 daughter of Casper and Magdalena (Dietrich) Maus.
    Well known Cottager Dies At Indianapolis

    Mrs. J. C. Schaf, aged 70 passed away at her home in Indianapolis las Thursday after a prolonged illiness

    Mrs. Schaf was well known in Culver and among the summer colony, having spent every summer for many years at her cottage of the East Side

    The Funeral services were held Tueday at Indianapolis.

Their Children:
    2 Alice F. Schaf was born Jul 1889 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana

    3 Joseph Charles Schaf Jr. born 23 APR 1893 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana died Jul 1967 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana BURIAL AUG 1,1967 Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana PLOT Sec: 50, Lot: 333 He married 9 JAN 1917 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana. Lucile B. Green She was born 13 Jul 1895, and died SEP 1979 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana. BURIAL : SEP 22,1979 Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, PLOT Sec: 50, Lot: 333

Second generation

2 Alice Louise SCHAF b. 31 Jul 1889: Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana. d. 21 Oct. 1941 Los Angles, California m. 16 Feb 1916 Hervey Bates Perrin d. 18 Nov. 1884 d. 16 Apr. 1964 Roseville, Orange, California s/o John O. Perrin & Ellenor Cathcart Bates. From the History of the 304th Field Artillery by James M. Howard 1920 :
    ...PERRIN, HERVEY, BATES CARE FEDERAAL RESERVE BANK, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Capt., Adjutant 1st Bn., Sept. 5, 1917-Jan. 1919. Transferred to Army of Occupation.

California death Index:
PERRIN HERVEY B 11/08/1884 CATHCART M INDIANA ORANGE Roseville 04/16/1964 559-68-1816 79
    children: John Perrin b. 27 Jan 1927 Pasadena, Los Angeles, California

Indianapolis City Directory, 1889. Indianapolis, IN: R.L. Polk and Co., 1889 & 1890.

Name: Joseph C Schaf
City: Indianapolis
State: IN
Occupation: assistant mngr
Year: 1889
Business Name: Maus Brewry
Location 2: 296 W New York

Name: Joseph C Schaf
City: Indianapolis
State: IN
Occupation: assistant mngr
Year: 1890
Business Name: Indpls Brewing Co
Location 2: 296 W New York