Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

1640 East Shore Drive, Green Leaves "Treaty Hill"  

Section 22 History 1835-1922 1882 - Magdaleine (Dietrich) Maus

    1882 - Jun 1 - M. E. Williams and husband to M. A. Maus, Maxinkuckee property, $300

    1885 Aug 7 Mr. Frank Maus has completed a handsome cottage on the on the east shore.

18__- 1896 - Robert Platt Daggett



1905 - June 15 - Mr. W. W. Winslow of Indianapolis has purchased the R. P. Daggatt cottage and will occupy the same this season.
    1905 Jun 22 - Robert P. Daggett and wife to W. Winlsow; tract in Union Twp. $1500.

1908 Sea Beach Place

1908 - Wm. W. Winslow
    In 1896 Walker W. Winslow's father bought the Robert Dagget cottage. Walker became one of the most noted of the summer people and his wife provides these reminiscences of typical East Shore life: "Walker spent his youth sailing with the other young fry around the lake. He loved the lake so much that he wanted to spend his honeymoon there in 1913...His mother did not think it a proper place for a bride. There was no running water, oil lamps were used, the beds had shuck mattresses, and our clothes were hung on nails on the wall.

    "Truckers came over the gravel road, now 117, to our doors to sell provender. Most of the cottagers had a cook and a manservant, and ate their evening meal on the porches in candle-light.

    "The people who came to the lake at that time all lived elegantly at home and they carried on the usual manner of life at Maxinkuckee. They had an infant yacht club, bridge parties, and dinner parties. The tone was set then for a classic lake with substantial people.

    "In 1931, Walker wanted to recapture the sailing on the lake and at a dinner, at the Culver Inn, he invited the East Shore residents to help him. Then was founded the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club. The boats being sailed then were in Class C and Class E.

    "Walker loved the lake so much that he wanted it to have everything."

1916 - May 18 - Thompson & Wilson have secured the contract for the W. W. Winslow of Brazil, Ind. The building will take the place of a small cottage of the adjoining Joseph Schaf's on the East side, and will cost between $5,000 and $6,000. It will be two stories containing ten rooms, and will be of the bungalow type.

1916 - Jun 22 - Cha Linkenbelt of this city has taken a contract to furnish the lumber for the building og the largest cottage that is being put up on Lake Maxinkuckee this year, namely, the Winslow cottage. The cottahfe will cost about $6000 and will be built just west of th e academy grounds. Mr. Linkenbelt will haul his lumber by wagons - Argos Reflector


1922 - Wm. W. Windslow [William Walker Winslow]
1930 - Jennie Winslow,
    1933, Dec. 27 - Walker Winslow's Mother Dies At Indianapolis - Mrs. Jennie J. Winslow. mother of Walker Winslow, died Decemeber 15, at her Indianapolis home. Mrs. Winslow, who was a well known summer resident of the East Side,had bee in ill health for a number of years

1934 - Aug 1934 - Road Notice Notice Given for vacation of a public highway and to relocate cottages and lands to be affected were Mary Cobb Beldon, St Louis, Missouri; [1630 E. shore] Jennie Winslow, Indianappolis, Indiana; [1640 E. SHore Drive] A M. Glossbrenner, Indianapolis Indiana [1640 E. SHore Drive]; and Maxinkuckee Country Club

1936 - 1936 Cottage History appeared in Indianapolis Star
    Another home which has a historical background is that of Walker Winslow , for his father lived there before him. The big house of today is the outgrowth of a small weather-boarded cabin of forty years ago. According to Mr. Walker, the present dinning room and part of the north bedroom adjoining it formed the ground floor of the original structure.

    The latest addition to the Winslow home is a wing marked by its interesting "New England arches" which are shown in on of the pictures. The basement has a new recreation room and boathouse which is a delight to the mechanical minded for it has automatic doors, and very "slick" contrivances for launching boats down the hill and for nringing them in again snugly.

1934, Nov. 28 Notice of Real Estare Eastate Sale
    Margaret H. Winslow, Guardian of Margaert S. WInslow and Barbara W, Winslow vs Walker W Winslow Description of Real Estate to be sold:
      Commencing at the Northwest corner on the meandered line of Lake Maxinkuckee, of Lot Number Four in Section Twenty-two (22), in Township Thirty-two (32) North of Range One (1) East, thence in a southerly direction along the meandered line of Lake Maxinkuckee, one hundred and tne (110) feet; thence east parallel with the north line of said Lot Four (2) to the minnle line of the old public road, referred to in the deed hereinafter mentioned as the new public road, which at this place ran generally with the meandered line of said lake, and which was supposed to be about two hunded eighty-five (295) feet from said line; thence with the middle line of said road to the north line of said road to the north line of said Lot Four (4); thence west with said north line of said Lot Four (4) to the place of beginning; intending to include herein all that property described in the deed from Robert P. Daggett and wife to William Wise Winslow, recorded in Deed Record 73, Page 219 in the office of the Recorder of Marshall county, Indiana, plus that part of the said old public road which reverted to and became the property of th owner of the property described in the said deed by virtue of the vacation of said old public road.

1953-8 - Walker Wise Winslow
    1958 Lake Directory - 1640 Walker W. Winslow - 3060 N. Meridian St., Apt. 303, Indianapolis, lnd.

1960-79 - Mrs. Walker W. Winslow

1981-87 - W. Bailey & Diana W. Davis

David Burns done alot of the stone work just after the Davis' purchased the cottage, including work in the basement on a wine cellar; the seawall, the stone retaining walls for the bank and the stairway to the lake. In my photos - of work he done around the lake I think there are photos of him working here on the wine cellar

1991 - 1997,Mar - Diana W. Davis
Mar 1997 - Feb 2006 - Diana W. Davis, Trustee

Feb 2006- 2015, Aug - Diana W. Davis

2015, Aug. - 2019, May Andre B Lacy

2019, May-2024 Tuxis LLC - Cottage was razed and not replaced by areial view

Vacant lot