Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Walker Wise Winslow  

1955, Aug. 10 - - Summer Colony and Walker W. Wjnslows Featured in Times - The Indianapolus Times of Sunday Jyl 31,, devoted almost two pages of intrusting text and outstanding illustrations to the I Indianapolis contingent of Lake Maxinkuckee summer colony.... Cononel Winslow as "The Daddy" of Lake Maxkinkuckee"...

Walker Wise Winslow b. 10 Aug 1888 Milan, Erie, Ohio 9 Feb 1953 in Carlsbad, Eddy, New Mexico;

m. c. 1907 Indiana Ivah/Eva Frances Epperson b. 21 Nov 1887, Montgomery, Indiana d. 1892 d/o William Sanford & Eliza Jane (Fall) Epperson. 1900 Resided N. Meridian St. Indianapolis; 1910 resided W. Michigan St. Indianapolis 1920 resided on Pennsylvania St. Indianapolis; 1930 resided on Deleware St. Indinapolis, In.

His death is found recorded:
    d. 25 Oct 1958 Burial: 10/28/1958 Section: 13 Marker: No Lot: 33

    One of Indiana and Lake Maxinkuckee's most distinguished citizens, Walker W. Winslow, died Saturday at age 71

    A direct descendant of Mayflower pilgrim Isaac Allerton Winslow organized the Indiana Civil Air Patrol (and was its commandingt officer until 1947), was a respected buisness leader, and taught flying in 1921 at Culver Miltary Academy. He traveled extensively in forgien lands, including an exploratory journey down the Amazon RIver in Brazil.

    The Winslow summmer home "Green Leaves", has been located at 1640 East Shore Dr. on Lake Maxinkuckee since 1896 (this was Mr. Winslow's retirement home as well).

    He was on of the founders of the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club and had a prominent role in the development and sucess of the Maxinkuckee Golf CLub.

    He contributed in large measure to the Lake Maxinkuckee ssociation and is responsible for the present numbering system on lake shore highways.


    Culver , Ind, Oct. 27.-UPI-Funeral services will be held in the Culver Military Academy chapel Tuesday for Col. Walker W. Winslow,70 years old, organizer andfirst commander of the Indiana Civil Air Patrol.

    Graveside rites also will be held at Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis.

    Colonel Winslow, who died Saturday, maintained homes in both Indianapolis and Culver .

    He organized the Hoosier CAP in 1941 and commanded it until 1947. He had been superintendent of the Indiana Paving Brick and Block Company of Brazil from 1909 to 1918 and purchasing agent for Chapman Price Steel Company from 1921 to 1927.

    Colonel Winslow was a world traveler as well as a pioneer flyer.

    He traveled the Amazon River from its source to its mouth only six years ago. He also was a sailing enthusiast and a past commodore of the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club. - THE TERRE HAUTE STAR, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1958.

In the 29 Oct 1958 issue of the CulverCitizen:
    Col. Walker W. WInslor, 70, Colorful Lake Maxinkuckee Figure, Dies

    Indianapolis Executive FOunded Indiana Civil Air Patrol During World War II

    Death came Saturday to one of Indiana's most distinquished citizens, Col Walker W. Winslow of CUlver and Indianapolis, in his 71st year. He had bee seriously ill for several months

    Noted as a Hoosier aviation pionee and as the colorful founder and former commodore of the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club, the widely known sportsman and retired buisness executice made a deep imprint on this community during the past 62 years.

    Funeral Services were hel Tuesday morning in the beaitiful Memorial Chapel at Culver Military Academy, where COlonel WInslow served as an instructor many years ago. The Rev. Kendall E. Sands, pastor of the Culver Methodist Church paid an inspiring tribute to Colonel WInslow, reciting his many fine personal qualities. Academy Chapline Allen F Bray, WSNR, also participated in the service.

    Dr. Jean S. Miner, minster of the Second Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis, later conducted graveside rites at Crown Hill Cemetery in that City.

    Mayflower Descendant

    Walker W. WInslow was a direct descendant of Isaac Allerton, who came over on the Mayflower in 1620. Through the years he was prominent in the activities of the Mayflower Society of Indianapolis and for two years served as its chaplain

    COlonel WInslow, who organized the Indiana Civil Air Parol in 1941 and served as its commanding officer until 1947, was a native of Milan, Ohio, where he was born on Aug. 10, 1888. The late great Thomas A. Edison was also born in the same block in that town, He also served as the wartime head of Weir Cook Municipal Airport in Indianapolis under the administration of the late Mayor Robert Tyndall.

    Graduate of Purdue

    The son of William W. and Jennie Walker Winslow of Indianapolis he was graduated from Manual Training High School and later attended Purdue University class of 1907

    He was superintendent of the Indiana Paving Brick and Block Company at Brazil, Ind. from 1909 to 1919 and was purchasing agent for Chapman Price Steel Company from 1921-1927. At one time he was president of Twin Hills Coal Company

    Walker W. Winslow was married to Ivah Frances Epperson on June 24, 1913 at Ladoga, Ind.

    During Worls War I Colnslow served on the Indiana State Council of National Defense and in 1921 he assisted teaching flying at Culver Military Academy. A veteran flyer, he helped organize aviation tours over Indiana.

    He was a pst president of the Indiana Trades Association

    Explored The Amazon

    Mr. Winslow traveled extensively in foriegn lands and in 1952 made an exploratory trip down the Amazon RIver from its source in the Andes Mountains to Belem, Brazil. This South American trip was made by plane, side wheeler, dugout canoe and steamboat.

    SInce 1896 tje Winslow summer home "Green Leaves" has been located at 1640 East Shore Drive on Lake Maxinkuckee. In 1946 her retired from the Civil Air Aptrol and established a permanent residence here. He also maintained an apartment at 3080 N. Meridan St. Indianapolis.

    Active in faternal circles was a 32nd-degree Scottish Rite Mason, a Knights Templar, and a Shriner. He also belonged to the Elks.

    Colonel Winslow was also a member of the Second Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis and the Indiainapolis Rotary Club once serving as treasurer; the Athenaeum, Contemporary Club, 455 Club, Quiet Birdman and the Aero Club.

    Founded Our Yacht Club

    Walker was one of the founders of the Maxinkuckee Yatcht Club and it was through his leadership that the orgainzation has bee one of the better known inland sailing groups in the entire nation. A past commodore of the Yacht CLub, he served as exceutive sectretary and treasurer for many years. He also had a prominent role in the development of the Maxinkucee Golf Club

    He walso contributed in large measure to the Lake Maxinkuckee Association and was responsible for the present property numbering system on the lake shore highways.

    In additon to his wife, Frances, he is mourned by a daughter Mrs. Theodore Noys Townsend (Eleanor) of Indianapolis. and two grandchildren Walker winslow and ELbert John Townsend. A son, walker William Winslow preceded him in death during his college days.

    Active Pallbearers Active Pallbearers wewre A. Alex Sommerville Jr., Robert E. Hollowell Jr., C. Perry Griffith, Jerome Zechiel, Donald Spierts and Richard L. Gunder.

    Honorary pallbearers included: Georg S. Oliive, Henry Holt, Henry W. Manz, Jack N. Gulling, Henry Roberts, J. Floyd King, Edward S. Dowling, Kenneth F Valentine, Ralph J. Fenestermaker, WIilliam C. Griffith, Sr., Robert E. Hollowell, Sr., T. M. Rybolt all of Indianapolis; Maj Gen Delmar T Spivey, Adm. John W. Bays, Col. A. R. Elliot, Capt Rboert Bolton, Col RObert Rossow, Walter W. Foskett, Col. John W. Henderson, W. O. Osborn, Peirce C. Ward Sr and Wilfred Craft all of Culver; and Harold Bates, Carl Kettlehut and Dave Clark of Layfayette.