Maxinkuckee Country Club
1653 E Shore Dr
Culver , Indiana
phone: (574) 842-2391
Toll-Free: --
Other: --
Fax: --
Pulas Sturman, club manager
On the golf sites it is listed as:
The 9-hole "Maxinkuckee" course at the Maxinkuckee Country Club facility in Culver ,
Indiana features all the hallmarks of Indiana golf. Maxinkuckee golf course opened
in 1921.
- About this course: Maxinkuckee Course 9 hole regulation length course Private
Equity golf course includes golf cart where available
- About this facility: Maxinkuckee Country Club 9 total holes at this golf
facility Golf Only facility 20 tees driving range 9 reguation holes
Driving Range |
Area Price |
No |
20 Tee Stations |
-- |
Maxinkuckee |
Type: Private Course
Opened: January 1921 |
Architect: -- |
Fees (with cart) |
Holes |
Yards* |
Par 36 |
Slope |
Rating |
Weekday |
Weekend |
Twilight |
9 |
3169 |
36 |
130 |
70.6 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
*Yardage measured from the back tees |
The golf course lies within two townships.
Land acquisations have been made over the years until it encompases 12 parcels of land; of
various sizes; at end the individual parcels are noted . |
The Coffin Golf Course, opposite the Coffin Cottage at 1480 East Shore Drive,
was started in about 1906 as a three-hole course, and may be one of the
oldest courses in Indiana.
1906 Jul - The Tennis courts were laid out by the Coffin family |
Tha Gazebo which still exists to this day; can also be seen in the
above photo in the background on the hill |
1908 - Jul 30 - Portledge Golf Links
The golf course lying east of the Portledge cottage was opened last week by
Chas. E. Coffin,
the owner assisted by Mr. Zimmie, the state golf champion. Rev. James Stanley
and Kenneth Ogle, in an 18-hole foursome.
The links comprose a field of fifteen aces adjoining Portledge on the east and
there are six holes in the course with a total distance of 1500 yards.
The grounds are rolling and there are a number of natural hazards that make the
links sufficiently sporty and interesting.
The course is being used daily by the golf players on the East side and all
pronounce it a most vauleable addition to the attractions of the lake.
It is proposed to have a gold tournament on the links some time in the near
future. - July 23, 1908 Culver Citizen
William B. Langford of Chicago designed the golf course of the designed by the
famous Langsdon and Moreau team, who designed nearly 240 courses in the 1920's
and 1930's.
The Louden, Coffin, Bartlett and Burkett lots in 1908 which became a
part of the Maxinkuckee Golf Course |
By 1922 it appears on the plat map began on the lot obtained
from Louden
Below is sections of plat maps showing the real estate that was and is the
Maxinkuckee Country Club - 9.07A
The property history is:
1880 - A part of the holdings of Rector & Thomas
1898 - M. E. Willums
1908 - M. F. Louden
On February 29, 1913 the East Shore Country Club was formed with Joseph C. Schaf as
president and
Walker Winslow as secretary.
Other members of the corporate society included Richard E Edwards,
A. M. Glossbrenner and
Jaquelin S. Holliday.
1915 - Central Trust co. to Maxinkuckee Golf Club, 23.82a in nwq seq sec 22,
Union, $3000.
1918 - Aug. 7 - Grand Amusement Event.
Garden Fair and Gold torunament for the benefit of the Navy Relief fund at the Coffin
cottage, east side of the lake,...<
The Maxinkuckee Golf Club had donated the use of its golf course for the benefit of
this fund for Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 17 and 18, and all golf players - goof, bad
and indiggerent - are cordially requested to come and play in this tornament. The
fee will be 1 cent a stroke for each game of 18 holes, with a handicap or discount
of 25 strokes in favor of the women playiers. Entries can bve made at the first tee,
at any time on the days named. A prize will be awarded to the man and the woman
making the best score.
Further information may be had by calling on or addressing Mrs. W. O. Osborn, Culver;
Mrs. Marvin Bennett, Culver Academy; Mrs. Charles E. Coffin, East SIde.
It was expanded and named the East Shore Country Club in 1922; the land for the
expansion was acquired from the Bradley family.
1920 - 19 May - From the Academy
...The latest organzation at Culver is a gold club with a m enthusiastic membership
and a constituiton as complicated as that of the United States. By special arrngement
they are using the grounds of the Macinkuckee Golf Club. Maj. Yates is the presiding
genius of the new organization...
1922 - Sep 20 - Mike Burkett has sold 12 acres on the East Side, including house
and barn to the Maxinkuckee Golf Association for $5,000. The accociation intends
to extend the present golf links to take in this property, and it is understood
that arrangements have also been made to take in the Jay Bartlett propery and the
acreage owned by Hervey Bates.
1924 - Feb 13 - For Sale - "Maple Hill Cottage" - East Side modern cottage for
sale, consisting of 8 rooms, bath and two sleeping porches. Flowing water in
kitchen. Electricity, gas, hor and cold running water and large size whot water
heating plant. Located on the N. E. corner Maxinkuckee Golg course. Lot 100X180
fr. Cash price, $6,800 or $4,000 cash and terms for balance. Fred Thompson,
Owner. Tel 171-2.
1938 - Oct 26 - Sells Property - Fred Thompson has sold his property next to the
East Side Golf course on the Maxinkuckee ROad to R. E. Whisman, of Bourbon, who
is offering the place for rent. Through an error it was stated in last week's
paper that the place was for sale
1924 - Jul 9 - The Maxinkuckee Golf Course was offially opened July 5th, a number
of Academy officers being invited to play with the association.
In 1925, more land was acquired and the course redesigned and the name was
changed to the Maxinkuckee Country Club.
In the first decade of the twentieth century, at a time when tennis was becoming
popular in Indiana, private courts were built by a few cottagers who had
sufficient lawn space. Later, a court was built on the property of the Maxinkuckee
Country Club.
1926 - April 21 - Change of Name
Notice is hereby given tha the East Shore Country Club has filed in the office
of the Clerk of the Marshall Circuit Court its petition for the change of its
name to Maxinkuckee Country Club Incoportated and that said petiion will be
heard by the court on the first day of the September Term of said Courn fot
the years. 1926.
Signed - R. H. Mowbray, Secretart-Treasure East Shore Country Club, Inc.
W. O. Osborn, Attorney, Culver, Indiana.
1927 - Sep 22 - Hervey Bates Perrin and wife to Maxinkuckee Country Club
part of lot 4 in sec 22-32-1 QCD $1
1928 - Sep 5 - Maxinkuckee Country Club Enlarges AMount of Stock
The Maxinkuckee COuntry Club, Incorporated, has filed the necessary papers
with the state to allow an increase in amount of stocke issued..
The sum has been increased from $60,000 to $125,000, with $50,000 to be
common stock and $75,000 preferred, both at $100 per share.
The club has improved it golf course considerably this year and as a
result has enjoyed a busy season. The excellent ship in which the course
is always kept, as well as its attractive layout, has spread it fame over
the state.
1931 - Jul 22 - Local Golf CLubs Exchange Privilieges
A reciprocal agreeement has been entered into between the Maxinkuckee
Country Club and the Culver Military Academy Officer's Club calling
for and inter-change of playing privileges on the golf course.
This agreement will be in effect on and after July 1, 1931.
The members of the Maxinkuckee Country Club are extended privilieges on the
Culver golf course
on the same basis as the members of the Culver Officers Club subject to the
same restrcitions with reference to time of play as are placed on the members
of the Culver Officers' Club.
The playing hours for the members of the Maxinkuckee Country Club will be
restricted to hours when cadets are engaged with Academy duties. It is
understood, of course, that there may be occasions when the the course is not
crowded with cadets and on such occasions the Maxinkuckee Country Club members
will enjoy the same privilges accorded to the Culver Officers' club members of
playing when it does not interfere with the play of cadets.
In return for this privilege the Maxinkuckee Country Club will extend to the
members of the Culver Officers' Club the privilege of playing on the Maxinkuckee
County Club course. This privilege is not to apply to family members of
either club concerned.
The arrangement is subject to annual renewal by mutual agreement on January 1st
of each year.
1931 - Sep 23 - Cottagers Plan to Widen Mile of East Side Road... One of the stretches of
the road to be widened is along the Maxinkuckee Country Culb Golf Course, where the club
has agrees to give the needed land.
1932 - It is said a pink elephant was spotted on the golf course.
1934 - Aug - Road Notice
Notice Given for vacation of a public highway and to relocate cotages and lands to be affected were
Mary Cobb Beldon, St Louis, Missouri; [1630 E. shore] Jennie Winslow, Indianappolis, Indiana; [1640 E.
SHore Drive] A M. Glossbrenner, Indianapolis Indiana [1640 E. SHore Drive]; and Maxinkuckee Country Club
1934 - Aug 29 - Mrs. Ray Adams Wins Ladues Golf Tourney
Mrs. Ray Adams was the winner of the ladies golf tournament held on the Maxinkuckee Golf course
Monday. The compition was open to player from town, academy and the lake colony. Mrs. Joseph
Shirk took second place in the hadicap event.
The low gross prize went to Dr. Carol Rice, with Mrs. William Hodson placing second. Mrs. A. R.
Ellliot won the putting contest and Mrs. Ervin Nelson toof second honors.
1935 - Jul 3 - Golf Tourney Thursday On Maxinkuckee Course
The Maxinkuckee Golf Course will open ints links to all cottagers and guests on the Fourth of Julty
for a tornament. There will be no greens fee.
Players will fix their own handicaps to allow an equal chace for all. Rounds may be played at any
time during the day, and contestants may make up their ouwn foursomes or come alone and
join others.
The committe in charge is made up of H. H. Rice, C. H. Barnaby, A. R. Baxter, and Joseph Shirk.
1936 - June 24 - To Hold Torney on Maxinkuckee Course - A golf tournament open to all cotagers and
quests will be held on Saturday, June 27, at the Macxin kuckee Golf Course. There will be no greens
fees. This will be a blinf par. contect so that the poorest golfer has an equal chance witht he best for
the first prize. Thos enetering may make up their own foursom or come alone and join up with others
not paired up.
1946 - Notice is hereby given that the Maxinkuckee Golf Club of Culver, Indiana, an Indiana
corpotation with pricipal offices at 324 East Shore Road, Culver Indiana , is about to disoslve,
pursuant to the provisions of the Indiana General Coporation Act, approved March 16, 1929 -
The Macinkuckee Golf Club C. Harvey Bradley, President.
The 1948 plat map shows that the corner lot (Louden's) is labeled Investment co., the next lot as
Bradley; then Maxinkuckee Country Club with 3 sections one being the Burkett Lot 4 |
1949 - Jun 23 - Maxinkuckee Golf Course One of Finest in Vicintiy
Perhaps the oldest course here is the one operated by the Maxinkuckee Club.
Its beginnings go back many years ago to a private six-hole course which was built by
Charles Coffin, East SHore cottager.
Mr. Coffin had, acquired 14 acres of land from the Louden farm and the first tee of the
course was located very near the Coffin cottage.
On February 29, 1913 the East Shore Country Club was formed with Joseph C. Schaf as
president and
Walker Winslow as secretary.
Other members of the corporate society included
Richard E Edwards,
A. M. Glossbrenner and
Jaquelin S. Holliday.
Following the acquistation considerable of land the the course was resesigned and the club
became the Maxinkuckee Golf Club on August 25, 1925.
Other members of the early group included: H. H. Rice
Joseph H. Shirk,
Pierce C. Ward, C. C. Perry, J. H. Holliday, Ralph Mowbray and Mrs. Elisabeth Marmon
1958 Lake Directory - 1641 Maxinkuckee Country Club
Friday, September 29, 1961 - Rochester Sentinel
Reason C. Eaton, 75, caretaker of
the Maxinkuckee golf course who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage while using a tractor
mower at the course Wednesday, ...
Ind. Tr. Co. 9.4; Harvey ? etal; Maxinkuckee Country Club 3 parcels/lot; approximately
143.1A |
Maxinkuckee Golf course Plat map 1995-6 approximately 202A |
Improvements to the course have been made over the years.
| The clubhouse, - exact time built or re-built has not been determined |
1974-2008 -
Jack Kowatch was Superintendent and his wife Joyce (Mikesell) Kowatch was General Manager
sometime after 1983-2008
Built a holding pond sometime after 1995.
In 2008 improvements to the the golf course and its facilities include renovating to the club house
lobby and the sand traps .
in 2009 a new maintenance gargage was built by Bennett's This was made
possible by the generous donations of the club membership. Dedication of the new building was
held on 19 June 2010. |
Bennett's also tore down the old cinder block building that had been used for
the maintenance gargage in the previous years before. It was known as the "Vonnegut
building. (1817 E Shore Drive) |
2010 - Club manager was Paula Sturman.
2014 - Course Superintendent: Rodney "Rod" Ringer; Manager: Steve Wilkinson
From North to South the parcels are:
Parcel 1 - ACREAGE: 9.37 DESC: LOT 3 E OF RD EX LEGAL |
Parcel 2 - ACREAGE: 14 DESC: S 47RD LOT 3 E OF RD |
Parcel 3 - ACREAGE: 16.15 DESC: LOT 4 E OF RD EX Club House Lot. |
Parcel 4 - ACREAGE: 8.63 DESC: E 8.63A S 635.16' LOT 4 E RD |
Parcel 5 - ACREAGE: .52 DESC: SW COR LOT 4 TH E ON S LN 300' PT ELN |
Parcel 6 - ACREAGE: 1.05 DESC: 300' E SW LOT 4 N EX |
Parcel 7 - ACREAGE: 43 DESC: LOT 1 E OF RD E (Front Lot) |
Parcel 8 - ACREAGE: 40 DESC: NW NW (Back Lot) |
Parcel 9 - ACREAGE: 23 DESC: BEG N LN LOT 2 624' E SR117 S 192.5' |
Parcel 10 - ACREAGE: 41.3 DESC: SW NW |
Parcel 11 - ACREAGE: 4.42 DESC: E 587' & S 2RD W 733' OF 10A TR |
Parcel 12 - ACREAGE: .18 DESC: N 297' W 22' E 609' 10A TR |
The first three holes at Maxinkuckee are not anything special by country golf
standards, save a few noticeable flourishes on and around the greens. Upon
reaching the tee at the par-3 4th with its contoured green set in a stand of
old-growth trees, Langford devotees begin to get a sense that their
perseverance will be rewarded. Players walk up to the top of the ridge that
separates the two sections of the site, and from the 5th through the 8th.