1660 East Shore Drive, Hilltop (Haws)
Section 22 History 1835-1922
1893 - 1930-? -
F. M. Harwood The Haws"
1895 - Jul 10 - F. M. Harwood is planning to build a summer cottage on his recently
purchased lot at Lake Maxinkuckee - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1895 Jul 20 Architect Crain has his hands full of work... Mr. Grain is also preparing,
or has prepared plans, as follow... Frank Harwood,$700 cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee...
- Logansport Pharos Tribune
1895 - Aug - Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Harwood are at Lake Maxinkuckee superintending the
erection of their summer cottage Logansport Daily Pharos, Thursday, August 08, 1895
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Harwood of Logansport, arrived at the Lake Friday and
opened the Haws for the season - 8 Jun 1905
F. M. Harwood is putting in a concrete walk at the Haws and making other
improvements ' 25 Sep 1908
F. M. Harwood is installing electric lights in the Haws - 20 JUl. 1916
F. M. Harwood of Logansport is spending his 36th summer at Maxinkuckee.
He brgan coming when the route was to go by rail to Argos and come from
there to the lake by stage. Mr. Harwood has occupied his present summer
home for twenty-five years - 10 Jul 1918
1898 |
1900 |
1908 |
1919 - F. M. Hardwood
1923 - Dec-? - Mary (Harwood) (died 1931) & Willam Murphy (died 1938)
1924 - Mr. Harwood's daughter, Mrs. Murphy and her husband, are at
the Harwood cottage. - 24 Ju 1924
1930 -
. F. M. Harwood
(Francis "Frank" M. Harwood)
Still listed as - in a printed list of cottagers of June 1, 1930 in the
Culver Citizen.
1952-61 - Walter Spencer
1958 Lake Directory - Walter Spencer - 7647 Coles Ave., Chicago, Ill.
1979 -
Peter Groot
Sept 1980 - Peter & Alyce Groot
1985 - 1993 - Mrs. Peter Groot
? - Feb. 1995 - Bank of Highland, Trustee
1999-2012, May - David J. & Lauren R. Cislak
David Cislak, president of Kiwi Photography,
Indianapolis; is a 1976 graduate of the Culver Naval School, DePauw University.
2006 - they had the cottage gutted or demolished leaving just the foot print
or a couple of walls and constructed a new cottage in 2007
2012, May - 2013, May - Lauren R. Cislak
2013-2014 - Extensive interior and exterior remodeling was done.
2013, May-2024- - Richard & Mary Shannon Rezek
The address of the property is 1160 East Shore Dr. Culver , Indiana 46511. The legal description
is: A part of Lot Number 4 of Section 22 Township 32 North, Range 1 East, Union Township ,
Marshall County, Indiana, described as follows: Commincing at a 3/4" iron pipe found at the
intersection of the North line of said Lot Number 4 and the West Line of East Shore Drive; thence
South 18º 05' 20" West a distance of 189.04 feet to a PK nail on said West line at the point of
begining; thence South 21º 41' 53" West along the West line of Said East Shore Drive as distance
of 53.74 feet to a railroad spike; thence South 90º 00' 00" West a distance of 230.40 feet to the
shoreline of Lake Maxinkuckee; thence North 10º 55' 00" East along said shoreline a distance of
50.89 feet to a point 180.00 feet South of the North line of said Lot Number 4; thence North
90& orm; 00' 00" East a distance of 240.85 feet to the point of beginning. Situate in Union
Township, Marshall County, Indiana.