Peter Groot
Peter Groot BIRTH 4 Mar 1916 Griffith, Indiana DEATH 7 Apr 1976 Hammond, Lake, Indiana BURIAL April 10 1976
Hope Cemetery Highland, Lake County, Indiana son of Henry Groot & Sadie Moes
John W. Terpstra was a co-founder
of Highland Department Store with Peter Groot in 1946
married 25 Oct 1939 Cook, Illinois Alyce Catherine Prince BIRTH 6 Apr 1918 Chicago Cook, Illinois DEATH 15 Aug
2005 Highland, Lake, Indiana, BURIAL Hope Cemetery Highland, Lake County, Indiana daughter of Arnold Prince
& Anna Bowmma
Alyce Groot Highland Alyce Groot, age 87, of Highland, went to her eternal home on Monday, August 15, 2005. '
She is survived by her son, Terry (Faythe) Groot of Cedar Lake; three daughters: Nancy (John) Boender of Highland,
Marsha (Henry) Huizenga of Highland and Pam (George) Siemer of Highland;16 grandchildren: Alison Last, Lorene
(Dwayne) Evenhouse, John (Jill) Boender, Pete (Heidi) Boender, Deanna and Keith Boender, Henry (Tricia) Groot,
Trevor, Derek and Jennifer Groot, Kevin (Katie) Huizenga, Lisa (Doug) Vander Molen, Alan, Philip, Paul and Natalie
Siemer; 12 great-grandchildren; one brother, Russell (Louise) Prince of IL; one sister, Hyla Mason; sister-in-law, Marge
Jenkins; numerous nephews and nieces.
Preceded in death by husband, Peter Groot and son, Henry.
Funeral services will be held on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. at the Second Christian Reformed Church,
Highland with Pastor Kris Vos officiating. Burial at Hope Cemetery.
Friends are invited to meet with the family from 2 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, August 17,2005, at Kuiper Funeral Home,
9039 Kleinman Road (two blocks south of Ridge Road), Highland. Mrs. Groot was a charter member of the Second Christian Reformed Church. Memorials may be given to the Highland Christian School Foundation.