Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

1746 East Shore Drive / Aubbeenaubee Lodge / The Ship-House  

Section 22 History 1835-1922

Halcyon Club - H. B. Scott 34.50A [Hartwell B. Scott]

?-1887 May - Jabez Geer & Theda Geer widow of Albert Bartholomew 1887, May-1892, Jul - Hartwell B. Scott & Harriet C. Scott

This Indenture made the fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven between Theda Geer and Jabez Geer her husband both of the Township of Clay county of St. Clair and state of Michigan (said Theda Geer being formerly the widow of Albert Bartholomew and residing in the county of Marshall state of Indiana) parties of the first part and Hartwell B. Scott of the city of Detroit Wayne county and state of Michigan of the second part

Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other good consideration to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt where of is hereby confessed and acknowledged duly by these presents grant bargain sell remise release and unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever all that certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in Township number thirty-two (32) North of Range No. One (1) East in the county of Marshall state of Indiana, to wit:
    Lot Number four (4) of section number twenty-two (22) in said township being 70/100 (35 70/100) thirty-five acres of land known as Canal Lands. This deed being given to perfect title in said second party to said lands as was intended to be conveyed by deed dated Sept 18 1874 and recorded in deed Record No. 11 pg. 71 of Marshall co Ind on October 24th 1874 together with all and singular and hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to have and to hold the said premises to the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns to the sole and only proper use benefit and behoof of the said heirs and assign forever.

In witness where of the parties of the first part have herunto set their hands and seal the day and first above written.

Theda S Geer
Jabez Geer

1892, Jul - Robert P & Caroline E. Daggett ([Robert Platt the Daggett Family)

This indenture witnesseth that Hartwell B. Scott and Harriet C. Scott his wife of the city of Detroit, Wayne county, in the state of Michigan, convey and warrant to Robert P. Daggett of Marion county, in the state of Indiana, for the sum of one thousand dollars, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged the following real estate, in Marshall county, in the state of Indiana, to-wit:
    Commencing at a point forty feet (40 ft) South of the Northwest corner (on the meandering line of Lake Maxinkuckee) of Lot number Four (4) in Section twenty-two (22) in Township Thirty-two (32) North, of Range One (1) East; thence in a southerly direction along the meandered line of Lake Maxinkuckee Seventy (70) feet; thence East parallel with the North line of said Lot Four (4) to the West line of a new public road, which at this place runs generally with the meandered line of said lake and which is supposed to be about 270 feet from said line; thence with the West line of said road to a point forty (40) feet South of the North line of said Lot Four; thence West parallel with the North line of said Lot Four to the place of beginning, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging.
In witness whereof, the said Hartwell B. Scott and Harriet C. Scott, his wife have hereunto set theri hand and seal, this day of July 25th A. D. 1892.

NOTE: there were some type of buildings on this parcel.

1897 - Jul 9 Mr. Edwards and family of Peru. Ind.. have moved into their beautiful cottage at “Halcyon Villa"

1898 - Plat Map Section 22 - H. B. Scott

1900 - J. T. Bartlett By the 1900 topographical map

1900 - Sep 7/8 - Lot for 100x100 Southeast side, between Edwards’ and Mitchell's cottages. Inquire of H. A. Wheeler, Shady Bluff, east side

By 1898 plat map this would be lot marked T D Buck. Note think this is possibly this lot unsure lot sizes as depicted are deceiving.

Was first built as a boathouse and fishing lodge around 1900


The "boathouse" whether refered to as as Scotts, Halycon or Edwards from all photo views and placement on the 1900 biological survey map sat on the southwest side of Aub-bee-naub-bee creek on what is today the Ball property and remained on that property when it was re-divided using the creek as the "property line" for the North end of the Ball cottage (1746 E Shore) and the south side of Halycon Villa and the North portion which became 1680 East Shore drive. By the 1922 map all indications is that H. B. Scott (Hartwell bryan Scott) sold all of Halycon Villa proeprty to R. A. Edwards (Richard Arthur Edwards) and it was after that that after 1922 R. A. Edwards sold the south portion of Halycaon Villa which was divided by Aub-bee-naub-bee creek to an unknown person as of yet and R. A. Edwards (Richard Arthur Edwards) retaining the North portion building possibly a new cottage on top of the hill which was still refered to as "Halycon Villa" in many early news quips in the Culver Citizen into the 1920's. To the south is labled W. B. Sarber 1766 E Shore and it could of been a part of the Halycon property Some of the deeds above could possibly be for the Sarber property insteadt of this property.

A drawing done by Marie (Shirk) Edwards showa the "Ball Cottage" aka "Ship House" ( Mrs. Richard Egbert)

Here are 2 possible early photos of the cottage

1927 - aug. 24 - The guests at the Shaneberger cottage this week are Mr. Thomas Meeker, Mr. Hale Shaneberger, Mr. Lawrence Hamphrer, Mrs. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Stout, Mrs. Haight, Mrs. Dallman, Mrs. Hewitt, and Mrs. Buskirk, all of Indianapolis

1930 - Roy Shaneberger - see the 1930 list ?
    1931, Jun 17 - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaneberger of Indianapolis motored to the lake this week and have opened their summer home "The Ship-House" on the East side of Maxinkuckee

    1936 - Aug 26 - The Shanberger home, in the old days, was the rendezvouse of the Haylcon Club, another fishing group, he said....

? - abt 1943 - Aubbeenaubee Inn

1944, Oct 25 - Amelia and Roy C. Shanberger to Agnes M. Ball, Lot 4 22-32-1

? - 1958 -? William H. Ball
    1958 Lake Directory - William H. Ball - Ball Brothers Co., Muncie, Ind.

Wm. H. Ball Sr. (“Pompom”) built an additional guest cottage in 1955, between the main house and East Shore Drive. Bill recalls a “big flood” in 1995 which did major damage to that cottage, which sat in a low spot on the property. It was demolished and a new structure -- complete with the central air conditioning , was built in 2000.

1985 - Sept 2001 - William H. Ball Jr

The guest house newly built in 2000

Sept 2001 - Feb. 2002 - Aug. 2004 - William H. Ball trustee,

Aug. 2004 - Jun 2007 - William H. Ball Jr. Living trust

Jun 2007 - 2009, Jul - William H. Ball Jr.

2009, Jul-2020, Jun Richard Starkey, Julie C. Ball, John L. Ball. William H. Ball III, Janet Starkey, Alesha Quay Ball & Shelly Ball Maxinkuckee sun sets on Ball family's legacy here

2020,Jun -2024 - Aubenaubee Lodge LLC & Ball Family Guest Cottage
    Richard & Janet Starkey / Julie Ball / Chip & Quay Ball / John & SHelley Ball

    LOT 4 TH S 143' S 88D 458' S NW COR