1766 East Shore Drive - Katydid / King's X
Section 22 - ? acres
Section 22
Section 22 Lot 1 - 37.70A; 40
Section: 22 Lot 2 - 45.45A
Section 22 Lot 3 - 32.00A
Section 22 Lot 4 - 35.70A
1872 Plat Map Section 22
Lot 1 - 37.32 - G. Peeples
Lot 2 - 45.45A S & J. W Rector
Lot 3 32A - S. Rctor
S & J W Rector - 40A
A Smith - 80A
3.90A - A W B
.97? - D J
159A - J. C. Miles a part in Sec. 23-
A Bartholomew 35.70A
1876 Plat Map Section 22
1880 Plat Map Section 22
Platted cottage lots
G. Peeples 35.5A
Rector & Thomas 85A & 32A
H. B. Scott 34.50A [
Hartwell Bryan Scott] |
1898 |
1898 - T. D. Buck ?
1900 |
1898 |
1908 |
1908 - Buck
1922 | |
1917 - Aug 22 - Helen Nowell of Cleveland
is at the Saber cottage for two weeks
1919 - Aug 28 - Dr. W. C Sarber has purchased a lot at Lake Maxinkuckee and
contemplates building a cottage of the ver latest architecture - Argos Reflector
1920 - - Jul 28 - Dr. Sarber Family of Argos came last Thursday to spend the
remainder of the season in the spacious new summer home which the doctor
has built south of the Richard Edwards place. While it is to be called the
"Katydid", it is not entirely completed, all of the essentials are there...
1922 - W. K. Sarber
1930 -
Sarber, W. C.
[Dr. Wallace C. Sarber]
1935 - Jun 12 - Fire Damages Two cottages
... Dr. W. C. Sarber
Defective wiriing in the garage, it is reported, may have beeN the causE of the fire Thursday in Dr.
Sarber's cottage, "King's X" The roof and rear part of the building were damaged by the flames
and furniture in the upstairs was destroyed or damaged.
The total loss is estimated at around $1,500; most of which is covered by insurance.
Mrs. Louis Stone, Sr. Sarber's daughter, had been supevising work on the cottage getting it
ready for the summer season and had left about an hour before the blaze was noticed by a
passing motorist who called aid from the yard man of the Shanebergers on the nothe, who in
turn called the fire department.
Neighbors held the flames in check until fthe fire department arrives and put out the fire,
using water pumped from the lake in addition tot he 500 gallons carried on the truck
1952-61 - Maj. L. L. Stone [
Capt Lewis "Lew" Joseph Stone ]
1958 Lake Directory - 1766 Maj. L. J. Stone - 1766 East Shore Drive, Culver.
Julie wrote of the Hendricks
cottage cottage: We are 2 doors down [from the Haycon Club]. The one house
between ours and the Balls used to the Sarbers (then was Lou and Mary Stone, whom I
remember so well
1979 - Jim James
Dec 1986 - Joseph S. & Wallace C. Stone
by obit are two grandsons "Joe and Wallace Stone all of Argos" of Dr. Sarber.
1981 - Apr. 1988 - Richard A & Clair A. Heise
The garage was converted to a house/garage & open porch. The main cottage was remodeled in 1987 also.
David Burns done the stone walls, side walks and the sea wall at this cottage just after Heise's
bought it. There used to be a very large square double walled stone square planter that sat at south end of the driveway
near the driveway entrance of E. Shore Dr. but from what I can see it no longer exists.
Apr. 1988 -? - Richard A & Claire A. Heise
1991-1993 - Richard Heise
2004, Jun. Lake Maxinkuckee Trust, R. A. Heise
2007, Nov. - Claire A. Heise
2007, Nov. Lake Maxinkuckee Trust, R. A. Heise, Claire A. Heise
Jun 2004 - 2024 - Claire A. Heise / Culver House LLC
COM 270' E & 645' N 70D E SW COR LOT4