1780 & 1784 E. Shore Dr. Replat
1780 E. Shore Dr.
& 1784 E. Shore Dr. Replat - PETITION NO. 2023- P103..17
DATE OF HEARING February 20, 2024 |
on behalf of Sally B. Peacock and Julia J. Hollowell to approve a Replat of a Part
of Lot 3 Subdivision of Lot 4 in Union Township, Marshall County.
The addresses of the property are 1780 and
1784 East Shore Dr., Culver, Indiana 46511.
The Legal description of the Replat is:
Commencing at the southeast corner of said
Hendricks parcel: thence North 87° 05839 West along the South ine of said
Hendricks parcel a distance of 78.20 feet to the point of beginning: thence continuing
along the said South line a distance of 148.57 feet to the Southwest corner of said
Hendricks parcel: thence North 09° 2010 East along the West line of said
Hendricks parcel a distance of 10.00 feet: thence outh 81° 4404 East a distance
of 91.21 feet to the point of beginning. Situate in Union Township, Marshall County.