Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

1814 East Shore Drive  

Section 22 History 1835-1922

1927 - Sep 7 - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harmon of Indianapolis returned to their home Tuesday after a visit at the W. J. Goodall cottage.

1930 - W. J. Goodall [ Walter Jerome Goodall]

    1931 - Jul 1 - Mr. and Mrs Ralph Vonnegut will spend some time as the guests of Mrs. Vonnegut s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodall. The Goodalls have just recently opened their cottage for the summer.

1935 - Jun 12 - Fire Damages Two cottages
    ... The fire at the W. J. Goodalls cottage on Sunday morning started in an upstairs closet near the flue. It did about $150 dmage.

    The blaze was discovered by Mrs. Goodall's maind, Elaine Quillen, when she smelled smoke while working downstairs.

    The two had arrived at the cottage the day before and were making it ready for a family visit later in the month. A neighbor called the fire department which arrived in about twelve minutes, limiting the damage to the closet and roof. Indurance will probably cover most of the loss.

1952-61 - Ralph C. Vonnegut ( Vonnegut family)
    1958 Lake Directory - Ralph C. Vonnegut - 4115 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, lnd.

1980,Apr-1999,Jan - John & Jean W. Davids

Jan 1999 - 2024 - Weldon T. & Jennifer L. Egan

Dr. Weldon T Egan. Anesthesiology, member of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc. Is board certified in Anesthesiology and Anesthesiology - Pain Medicine. Dr. Egan graduated from Indiana University , Indianapolis. He has 2 awards: Compasionate Doctor Recognition (2011) & Patients' Choice Award (2008 - 2011)

Razed old cottage about 19 Aug. 2010 and rebuilt in 2011

    COM SW COR LOT 4 TH E 270' N 7D E317'

    Southwest section of lot number 4 in section 22 in township 32 range 1 East