Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

cottages BURNED - 1892

cottages Burned


A. J. Murdock, W. T. Wilson. W. H. Snider, Frank Rice, George B. Forgy, L. S. Purclll Victims of Fire Fiend

At Lake Maxinkuckee, yesterday afternoon, the cottages of A. J. Murdock, W. T. Wilson, W. H. Snider, Frank Rice, George B. Forgy and L. S Purcell, of this city, and that of W. R. Scott, of Danville, Il., were destroyed by fire. Owing; to light insurance and the fact that the cottages were all furnished, the loss, will probably reach $10,000. the origin of the fire is unknown

The flames started in Mr. Scott's cottage and swept the others away in quick succession.

All but the Rice and Purcell cottages had been closed for the season. Mrs. E. S. Rice and Mrs. G. C. Taber were at the Rice cottage, and Mrs. L. S. Purcell and some friends at the Purcell cottage.

The cottages were situated in a grove on a high bluff and were among the prettiest on the lake - 21 Sep 1892

Burned to Ashes

The Logansport cottages at Maxinkuckee Fall a Victim of the Flames

Yesterday afternoon fire started in the cottage of W. R. Scott of Danville, Ill., and soon communicated to that of A. J. Murdock on the south.

The cottage of W. T. Wilson next fell a vicitim that cottages of Capt. W. H. Snider, Frank Rice, George B. Forgy and L. S. Purcell following suit.

These cottages were among the prettiest on the Lake and were situated in a beautiful grove on a high bluff on the Lake.

Most of them were empty the owners having closed them for the winter.

Mrs. E. S. Rice and Mrs. G. C. Taber were still at the Rice cottage and Mrs. L. S. Purcell and some friends at the Purcell cottage.

The insurance on them was light and as the cottages were all furnished the loss will probably agregate $10,000.

No expanation is given as to the fire. - Pharos tribune pg. 5