George B Forgy
George B Forgy Birth: Sep. 14, 1851 New Carlisle, O Death: Jan. 3, 1920
Logansport, Cass county Indiana Burial: Mount Hope Cemetery Logansport Cass
County Indiana |
George Forgy Dies At Home in Market St.
Succimbs to Illness of Several Years; Duration - - Was One of Most Widely Known
men of City
Was County's First FOod Administrator
George B. Forgy, 68 years of age, investment banker and broker of this city, died at his
home in 1230 Market Street at 6:30 o'clock last night.
Hhe had been in failing helth for the last two years and for the past several weeks he
was confined to his home.
He spent practically his entire life in Cass county and Logansport and was one of the
best known men of this community.
He as a large, ruggedly built man and few suspected that beneath his stalwart
frame an incurable disease hel sway.
First foo director
During the recent world war he did his part. He was named the first foodadministrator
for Cass county and did his work well. After serving for some monthe he was forced to
resign because of failing health. At that time he went east and nd consulted some of
the best specialists who gave him no encouragement. He returned to his home here
and continued active work, spending a portion of each day at his office in FOurth Street,
unil his condition would no longer permit this exertion.
Georg Forgy was born in New Carlisle, O., Septemebr 12, 1851, the son of John A. and
Polly (Brown) Forgy. He came to ccass county wiih his patents in 1853, and hs resided
...since. Upon comint to this.. family went to what is...way... the father of the..laying
out this thriving... village. Here he grew to... He received a common school education.
Early in life he began work for himself. At the age of 13 he took employment with a
nursery.. of Dayton, O. Later he worked.. clerk in a dry goods stone in Peru. Soon after
this he was placed in charge of the cottections for four... the Howe Sewing Machine co.,
the headquarters of which were.. located in Peru. After five years... this connection...
associated himsel with E. W. Shirk in prganizing he Tipton County Bank. Aftre three years
this association was dis... Mr. Forgy coming to Logansport where he established himself in
1879, in the business which he continued until poor health forced him to discontiue.
Good Business Man
Mr. Forgy was considered one of the most substantial financial men of the county. His
office brought him into business relations with hindreds of people not only in this
locality but throughout the state.
As a result he enjoyed a wide acquaintance reaching beyond the confines of Indiana
His passing removed from the community one of its most familiar figures.
While a member of church organization he attended the Presbyterian church. He was
a Mason and in politics a Republican.
In 1876 Mr. Forgy was untied in marriage to Miss Alice O Crowell, of Peru, who together
with one son, Glen C. Forgy, prominent farmer of Boone twonship, survives him.
Deceased gave freely to charitable movements and instituitons. He was a man who spoke
his mind never leaving any doubt as to where he stoof on any subject. His home life was
The funeral will be held Tuesday from the residence - 4 Jan 1920 Pharos Tribune.
married 11 Jan 1876 Miami county Indiana Alice 0. Crowell Birth: 12 Nov 1855
Peru, Miami, Indiana Death: 16 Nov 1947 - Logansport, Cass, Indiana Burial: Mount
Hope Cemetery Logansport Cass County Indiana
Glen C Forgy Birth: Feb. 17, 1877 Tipton, Indiana Death: Jan. 17, 1936
Burial: Mount Hope Cemetery Logansport Cass County Indiana married
5 Jun 1907 Logansport, Cass, Indiana Charlotte Harrison Birth 1874 Piqua, O.
daughter of Geo. Harrison & Marie Orr
George B. Forgy, investment banker and broker of Logansport,
Indiana, was bom at New Carlisle, Ohio, on September 13, 1851, and
is the son of John A. and Polly (Brown) Forgy. He has been a resi-
dent of Cass county since he was a child of three years, and his identi-
fication with Logansport dates back to the year 1879, in which year he
established himself in his present business. His success has been one
worthy of the name, consistent with the energy and enterprise which he
has invested in his operations, and he is well known and esteemed most
highly in all circles in Logansport, whether of a business or a social
The father of Mr. Forgy, John A. Forgy, was also born near New
Carlisle, Ohio, and there he was reared and in young manhood married
Mary Brown, who died leaving three children. He then married liis
second wife, who was a sister of his deceased wife, and she bore him one
son, George B., of this brief review. She, too, was called by death, and
in later years he married Catherine Forgj', the widow of a cousin,
and she accompanied him to Cass county, Indiana, in 1853, and settled
on a farm in Miami township. Mr. Forgy subsequently laid out the
town of New Waverly, and he was identified wath various activities dur-
ing his life. He farmed, but did not confine his attention to that work.
He was for a time engaged in the merchandise business at Waverly,
operated a saw mill for a season and sold lumber, being generally
known for one of the most invetei_ate traders, withal one of the most suc-
cessful, that lived in Cass county in his time. He was a prominent mem-
ber of the Presbyterian church, and a fine, manly character, regarded as
one of the most congenial and approachable men in the county. He
manifested the most unbounded faith in his fellow man, and was always
found ready and willing to aid with counsel and more substantial aid in
the form of finances, any worthy cause that was brought to his attention.
This trait redounded to his great financial disadvantage in his later
years, and he died a comparatively poor man, as far as this world's
goods is regarded, but rich in the love and gratitude of the many who
had occasion to know his generous kindly heart and his open-handed
George B. Forgy, the only child of his second marriage, came with
his parents to Cass county when he was a small child.
He was reared at New Waverly, the town which his father virtually made, and received
in that place a common school education. When he was about eighteen
years old he started out for himself, and his first work was that of a
fruit tree salesman for John Wampler, an old Dunkard nurseryman
of the vicinity of Dayton, Ohio. His next venture was as a clerk in a
dry goods store at Peru, Indiana, and soon after was placed in charge
of the collections in four states for the Howe Sewing Machine Company,
the headciuarters of which large concern was then located in Peru. He
was associated thus for something like five years, when, in company
with E. W. Shirk, he organized the Tipton County Bank, the two
being equal owners in the firm. They continued at Tipton for three
years, and in 1879
Mr. Forgy came to Logansport and established himself in his present
business, that of an investment banker and broker.
He has continued successfully up to the present time, and is rightly
regarded as one of the solid and substantial financial men of the city
and county. Mr. Forgy is a Mason and his political affiliations are with
the Republican party, but he is not especially active in the interests
of the party, being more attentive to his own affairs than any others.
In 1876 Mr. Forgy was united in marriage with Miss Alice
0. Crowell, of Peru, and one son has been born to them — Ben C, who
is now engaged in operating a farm in Boone township, Cass county.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Forgy attend the Presbyterian church, but neither
of them are members of that or any religious organization. -
History of Cass County Indiana (Volume 2) Jehu Z. Powell p 902-903