Doroihy Wilson, Culver Native, Dies At Age 70
Miss Dorothy Dexter Wilson, age 70, 2322 Bast Broadway, Logansport, died at 3 a.m., July 30, of a heart attack
at her summer home at 1840 East Shore Drive; Culver .
The youngest of four children, Miss Wilson was born at her Lake Maxinkuckee home on Aug. 12, 1893, the
daughter of William T. and Martha
Louise (McCarty) Wilson, pioneers of the Lake Maxinkuckee summer colony.
Her father and uncle, Thomas H. Wilson, were founders of the Lake Maxinkuckee Association and the
Aubbenaubbee Yacht Club, predecessor of the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club. Her brothers, Tom and Joseph, both
deceased, were ardent sailors in this yachting organiztaion.
For many years, Miss Wilson was an instructor in dramatic art and speech at her Logansport home at Second and
Broadway, and worked in the forming of and was very active in The Maxinkuckee Mummers, a well-known dramatic
society composed of East Shore and Academy residents. For the past 15 years, she had been supervisor for the
Welcome Wagon in Logansport where she was a member of the Calvary Presbyterian Church, Toastmistress Club,
Art Association, Tourist Club, and Cass County Historical Society.
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Worthington, of the Logansport address; a niece. Miss Louise Worthington,
Mishawaka; a nephew, William Worthington, Portsmouth, Ohio; and one great nephew.
Services were held Aug. 1 in Logansport and burial was made in Mt. Hope Cemetery there - WEDNESDAY,
AUGUST 12, 1964 Culver citizen.