18938 Tamarack Rd
1835 Survey Map for surrounding area - This parcel is marked as "3" 51.40A (click for larger image) |
James F. D. Lanier of Jefferson
county, Indiana on 30 June 1837 was issued the certificate #7339 the East half of Section twenty; Fractional
Section of Twenty One; Fractional Section of Twenty Seven and Fractional section of Twenty eight containing
793 32/100 acres.
1872 - J. SMith 61.40A |
1876 Plat map |
1880/18938_tamarack_rd.jpg |
1880 Plat map - show the 61. 40 acres had been subdivided down into 2 parcels
This parcel belonging to C. Filer Containing 39.40 acres. And there is an indication that a
dewelling is on the property by the black square and in front there is "D & E".
(click for larger image) |
1888 - Tax records claim was built
1898 - Shows the parcel with 38.40 acreas and in the name of B. Easterday;
with a portion being sold of to M. Grubbs (click for larger image)
|  |
Benjamin Easterday's earlier land holdings of 1880 were on the south end of Lake Maxinkuckee by
the plat map:
Another had stated in the cemetery history that "In 1880,
Benjamin Easterday, came from Ohio and purchased a 118-acre farm immediately south of the present
cemetery, With the exception of the old township corner, the longstanding portions of the Masonic cemetery
sit on former Easterday farmland." Note this statement is some what errorneous in that as shown the
118 acre farm spoke of was on what is South Shore Dr. today at the every south eastern tip of
the lake but by 1898 this was in the name of S. Overmyer |
1905, Mar 20 - Ben Easterday has sold his farm south of town to Miss Sue Postlethwaite
1905 - Apr 6 - Miss Sue Postlethwaite will take possession of the Easterday farm Thursday by the
Culver Citizen tho another states in 1907, Easterday sold the farm to Susan Postlewaite, an unmarried
woman from Starke County
Miss Suan Postelthwaite Fineral Held Wednesday - The funeral service for
Miss Suan Postelthwaite will be held this afternoon, Wednesday. Rev. W. B.
Warriner officiating. Intern,net will be in the Culver Cemetery. Miss
Postelthwaite passed away Monday at the home of her sister, Mrs. George
McGaffey, following a stroke of paralysis. She was 73 years of age. Surviving
are her siter and one nephew. Feb 24 1932
1908 plat map does not give the acerage - It shows that ownership has passed to Susan
Postalweight but does Label it "lot 3" And there is an indication that a dwelling is on the property
by the black square; it is assumed that it is the one in same as depicted on the 1880 map as it is
in the same location. (click for larger image) |
1918, Mar 27 - Charley McGaffery has turned to farming and has moved to the Sue
Postlethwaite place southt of town, and George McGaffey, who was been living there
and working at the academy sterilizing the milf, is occupying Charley's house in town.
1922 Plat map gives acerage ast 36.46 and shows that ownership has passed to Susan Postalwaite
but does Label it "lot 3" And there is an indication that a dwelling is on the property by the black square;
(click for larger image) |
1929 Plat map label "S P" and would be one assumes Susan Postalwaite 36.46 acres |
1931, Jul 15 - Road to Long Point Now Being Improved
...Several plans are on foot to improve the roadway. One has been effected by the donation
of ten feet of alnd along the present road, the length of the old cemetery. This will allow the
present sharp corner to be rounded and the S turn will be eliminated by angling the road
down to the Baker corner. Miss Postlethwaite has given this land free of charge...
1932, Mar 16 - Notice of admisitration of Susannah Postlethwaite,supposed solvent;
George I McGaffey, Ecexcutor.
1936 Plat map label "S P" and would be one assumes Susan Postalwaite 36.46 acres |
1948 Plat map shows ownernship changed to George McGaffy (click for larger image) |
1956 Plat map shows George McGaffy and rounded to 37 acres |
1961 & 1962 G. M. 37A |
Forrest Geiselman
2013 - 2024 - Jeanette Geiselman containing 32.96 acres (click for larger image) and this shows the
parcel lines for the area