Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

1910 East Shore Drive, "The Fish House"  

Section 27 History 1835-1922

1908 - - Jamison & Judah

    It is not for sure - but it is thought that this might be the cottage - that this is written of:
      Mark A. Roeder wrote in A History of Culver and Lake Maxinkuckee: "Booth Tarkington wrote at least a part of The Gentleman from Indiana while staying at a fishing cottage on the East Shore...on one corner of an interior wall is a picture of a young man carved into the wall and some written verse. It is signed, "Booth Tarkington." The author had a connection to Lake Maxinkuckee going back to at least 1890, when he was twenty-one. He visited here in August of that year. During his time here, he met Geneve Reynolds. They played tennis and argued about Elizabeth Browning and George Merideth. Tarkington grew rather attached to the young lady."

1919 - 400 East Shore Road - 1919 numbering system 1922 - - Mary S. Judah

1930 - Mary S. Judah (d. 1930)

1934 saw a tragic accident at the Judah cruve as it was nicknamed - the accident occoured on Mondat 16 July 1934
    A. B. CROMLEY, fire chief in the town of Culver , was almost instantly killed and former Fire Chief, Arthur FISHBURN was critically, if not fatally injured, when the truck, which Cromley was driving, skidded and overturned on a freshly oiled "S" curve known as the Judah curve about 1:15 Monday afternoon

Judah's Curve today
North to south

south to north

The cottage on the curve at the north end is first what today is the Edward and Susannah Curtis cottage 1880 East Shore , the next being what was formerly the Judah cottage - hence the name "Judah's cruve"

1930-195_ - - John M. Judah (d. 1936)

1952-8 - - Mrs. John J. Brandon
    1958 Lake Directory - Mrs. John J. Brandon - 1910 East Shore Drive, Culver.

1960 - - George V. Dickinson

1961 - Frank V. Osborn

1979-82 - Dr. Frank W. Teague

1985-93 - Dr. Frank W. Teague (d. 1996) / Joseph C. & Katherine "Kitty" (Teague) Schaub

Apr. 1998 - Frank W. & Nell R. Teague

1993- Jan 2008 - Kathyrn T. (Kitty) Schaub

It is here that an interior wall which has been left unfinished for over 100 years, that has the names of visitors scrawled on it and Thanks go to Roscoe B. Stevens for leaving it exposed
    It is said when the Schaub's sold the property that the historical stuff on the walls of the "fishing cabin" portion was protected by a clause in the sale contract that if the new owners remodeled or demo [demolished] the house that the historical scrawling would be preserved in a museum or given back to the Schaub's. The names were scrawled by the people themselves. IE - Booth Tarkington actually wrote on the wall and I cannot remember who else.. Some of the writings are from 1887-1889...

Jan. 2008 - 2020 - David D & Virginia "Ginny" L Gibson
    He had an interst in the Gibson Ins. Group Agency of Plymouth, founded by his father in 1933.

    The Gibson's of talking of demolishing the cottage as it is nearly impossiblel and not finanicially feasible to winterize it to make it a year around home. If done the historical parts of the old cottage will be incorporated into the new home as well as some of the windows and the interior finishing of the old cottage.

The old cottage was razed and replaced with a new one in 2011-2012.
2020-2024 - 1910 East Shore LLC

    COM AT SE COR LOT 1 LOGANSPORT SETTLEMENT ON THE S LN SEC 22 TH S30-11-11W 60.87' TO POB TH N75-17-27W 258.12' TH CONT N75-17-27W 31.11' TH CONT N75-17-27W 2.32' TO SHORE LK TH S44-07-45W 34' ETC