1954 East Shore Dr.
Section 27 History 1835-1922
1911 - Sep 7 - The Van Schoiack farm of 207 acres is to be sold on Sept. 16
in whole or in parcels. The property includes 24 lake fronts lots.
1912 - The Van Schoiack 80 at the southeast end of the lake has been sold to a
Chicago man. The owner, Mr. Vaughn of Logansport, reserves two 100 foot
lots on the lake. The purchase price is not known.
1922 | |
? 406 - - Vaughn Estate
1919 numbering system ?
1922 - Jul 19 - The ten room Rice-Vaugn Cottage on the East Shore has been solf to Frank W . Wood
of Indianapoils. It has been in the possion of the family (now represented by Mrs. H. W.
Mordhurst) for 40 years.
1927 - Mrs Orville Peckham of Indianapolis has purchased from Mrs. Frank Wood her
cottage on the east side.
1930 A. M. Peckham
1934 - Oct 24 - Anna M. Peckham to John G. Peckham lot on meander line of
Lake Maxinkuckee sec. 32 Union $1.00
1934 - Dec 5 - Mrs. Peckham Dies at Home in Indianapolis
Mrs. Orville Peckham, 81 years old, member of a pioneer Indianapolis family and
long a summer reisdent of Lake Maxinkuckee died last Wednesday at her home in
Indianapolis after an illness of several months.
Funeral services were held Friday. A son John J Peckham and two grandchildren
Lorenzo O Schmidt and Anne P. Schmidt survive. - citizen
1952-61 -
Oscar B. Perine
1958 Lake Directory - Oscar B. Perine , 5350 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind.
Photo of Cottage 1976 |
1979-April 1985 -
Thomas A. Perine
Photos during the Raub years
April 1985 - Jun 1995 - Mrs.
Malcom J Raub ;
Albertine )
June 1995 - 2010 - W. Stewart III & Debroah S. Roberts
2010,Nov- Sep,2016 - - W. Stewart Roberts III [Walter Stewart Roberts III]
2016,Sep-2016,Oct - Old Plank Trail Community Bank
2016,Oct-2017,Aug. - OPTB 2016 FUB FRS I LLC
2018-2024 - MSMM Properties, Ltd.,
2018-2024 - Razed Vacant parcel |
PRT LOT 1 FRL SEC 27 COM W LN E SHORE DR & N LN SEC 27 TH S31-07-34W 63.97'
TH S46-01-29W 119.42' ETC
A part of Lot #1 Fractional Section 27, Township 32 North, Range 1 East, Union Township.
Marshall County, Indiana, being more specifically described as follows:
Commencing at an iron pipe at the intersection of the West line of East Shore Drive (30.00 feet
wide) and the North line of said Section 27, said point also being the Southeast corner of Lot #1 of
Logansport Settlement Addition: thence South 31 degrees 07 minutes 34 seconds West along
said West line a distance of 63.97 feet to an iron pipe: thence South 46 degrees 01 minutes 29
seconds West along said West line a distance of 119.42 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 39
degrees 24 minutes 39 seconds West along said West line a distance of 93.09 feet to a one half
inch iron rebar; thence South 21 degrees 14 minutes 53 seconds West along said West line a distance
of 107.42 feet to an iron pipe at the point of beginning; thence North 81 degrees 01 minutes
44 seconds West a distance of 218.41 feet to the lake side edge of a concrete seawall; thence South
26 degrees 09 minutes 04 seconds West along said seawall a distance of 55.86 feet; thence South 80 degrees
25 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 222.80 feet to a P.K. Nail on the West line of said East Shore Drive;
thence North 21 degrees 14 minutes 53 seconds East along said West line a distance of 57.00 feet to the
point of beginning.