Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

2008 East Shore Drive - Bonnie Doon  

Section 27 History 1835-1922

' 1875 - Lake View Club - later becoming the Lake View Hotel

    Attention was first attracted to the lake as a summer resort by the erection of a clubhouse by a few residents of Plymouth on the east shore of the lake on grounds leased of L. T. Vanschoiack. The same now being owned by Mrs. McOuat, of Indianapolis.

    This was in 1875. The lease was to run five years. The club house was a story and a half frame building, with sleeping apartments above, and parlor, dining room and kitchen below. It became quite a popular place of resort, and many times during the hot summer months as many as fifty persons were entertained at one time... - History of Marshall County Indiana (1908) Daniel Mc Donald pg. 99

    NOTE: Daniel McDonald and 19 friends had a 5 year lease

1876 - L. T. Van Shoiack [Louden T. Van Shoiak]

1880 - L. T. Van Shoiack [Louden T. Van Shoiak] 105.80

1879 - 1880 -- R. Mc Quat
    from an article in the Indianapolis Star "Lake Maxinkuckee and its cottages , 1936 - was also to have been printed in the Culver Citzen the same year:
      The oldest cottage on the lake according to all reports is the Robert L. Mc Quat cottage which was built in 1875 on ground that was part of the old Van Schoiack farm.

      According to Mr. Mc Quat, who is spending his fifty-seventh summer at the lake, Levi Van Shoiack, who was from Richmond, went to Lake Maxinkuckee on horseback in 1830 and later settled on the land. Many of the present residences are built on ground originally owned by him. The old farmhouse is now owned by Stuart Dean, whose family also pioneered in the territory.

      Mr. Mc Quat's father Robert L. Mc Quat, also started his lake career in 1879, and his shack was also a fishing haven. The building has a loft-like upstairs which was equipped with sleeping bunks built in for the men. The women slept downstairs. His uncle George Mc Quat, went to the lake four years earlier his father. He recalls early days when he took part in the fishing juants as a youngster. Only a few shacks were on the shore and fishing was the sole attraction.

1898 the farm land is labeled J. T. Vanshoiak; and the lake front property has been sub-divided off and sold By this a J. T. Vanshoiak had: 45.70 +59.98 +80.00 = 185.68 in 1911 the Vanschoiak farm of 207 was to be sold a 21.32 is unaccounted for for is the Vanschoiak subdivisions/additions to the lake

1900 - E. B. McQuat [Eugenia b. Mc Quat]

1908 - E. B. Mc Qout/Mc Quat [Eugenia b. Mc Quat]

1911 - Sep 7 - The Van Schoiack farm of 207 acres is to be sold on Sept. 16 in whole or in parcels. The property includes 24 lake fronts lots.

1912 - The Van Schoiack 80 at the southeast end of the lake has been sold to a Chicago man. The owner, Mr. Vaughn of Logansport, reserves two 100 foot lots on the lake. The purchase price is not known.

1919 - 410 - - R. L. McQuat 1919 numbering system

1920 Jul 7 - R. L. McQuat has again taken possession of the origianl "Bonnie Doon" cottage, so named 41 years ago, and with an aged aunt Mrs. R. J. Greenhow of Vincennes, will spend the summer here after an absence of several years. - - Maxinkuckee's Haunted House


1922 -- B. Mc Quat

1942 - July 29, - Robert McQuat, age 71, pioneer East side cottager, died Tuesday night at Woodlawn Hospital, Rochester, after an illness of several months.

Willow trees on the McQuat and Dean properties on the East Side of Lake Maxinkuckee were grown from slips taken from a tree that shades Napoleon's grave on St. Helena - Jun 28 1945 - Bremen Enquirer (Indiana)

1952- 3 -- R. L. Mc Quat -- [Robert L. Mc Quat (Mrs.)]
    1952- Aug 24 - For Sale - At Lake Maxinkuckee a lake home and a 50 ft. lot for #25,000 cash, Contact Mrs. Robt. McQuat, Culver, Ind., Owner. - Chicago Tribune (Illinois)

    1957, May 1 - Visits Mrs. Robert McQuat At New Burgh, Indiana. Mrs. Walker W. Winslow recently visted Mrs. Robert L. McQuat at Neburgh, Ind. Mrs McQuat formerly resided on East Shore Drive where the Dr. Charles W. Crow home is now located

1954 - Aug 25

1954 - Sep 1 - Fort Waye Man Buys McQuat Property
    Dr. Charles w. Crowe of Fort Wayne, a vice president of the Central Soya Company and McMillen Feed Mills, has purchased the Lake Maxinkuckee property at 2008 East Shore Drove from Mrs. Robert L. McQuat.

    The consideration was $22,500.

    Dr. and Mrs. Crowe have immediate building plans for a year around ranch type home.

1958 Lake Directory - Dr. Charles W. Crowe - 320 Westover Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind.

1985-9 -- E. W. Schilling [Ernest W Schilling]

1991 -- E. W. Schilling Estate

1992-Oct. 2000 -- ; Drs. Moustafa Adel & Safaa El-Naggar

Oct. 2000 - Sept. 2004 Elnaggar Family Partnership Lp

Sep 2004 - 2007,Jun - J. Christopher "Chris" & Sarah P. Chocola
    The old cottage and garage was razed in 2005 and completely removed by 1 Mar 2006 and new one constructed, and completed by 2007

2007, Jun-2012, Oct Sarah P. Chocola

2012, Oct - 2024 - Devon Associates LLC / Bill Dahm
    Mike's Express Carwash The privately held company and principals Bill Dahm (president and CEO) and Mike Dahm, sons of founder Joe Dahm. The car wash chain has 37 locations in Indiana and Ohio with we have 20 in Indianapolis, six in Fort Wayne and one each in Kokomo, Lafayette and Terre Haute. We also have six locations in Cincinnati, and one in the Dayton (Ohio) area. It was founded in 1948 at Ft. Wayne. and they also have Dahm Property LLC, which owns the real estate where the carwash chain conducts business.

    Reorganization in 2014 created two separate companies: Crew Carwash in Central Indiana, and Mike’s Carwash in Northern Indiana, Evansville, Indiana, Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio and Florence, Kentucky.

BEG SW COR LOT#13 VAN SCHOIAK SUB TH WLY 115.17 TH S88-11-54W 6 M/L TO APPARENT SHORELINE OF LAKE TH NELY 135.60 M/L TH N79-37-13W 6 M/L TH S79-37-13E 241.56' ETC

Beginning at a found iron pipe at the Southwest cornere of Lot No. 13 of VanSchoiack's [sic Van Shoiak] Lake from [sic front] Subdivison No. 2; thence South 83 degrees 15'57" West one hundred-fourteen and nintey-eight hundreths (114.98') feet along the North line of Lot No. 1 of said VonScholock's [sic Van Shoiak] Lake Front Subdivison to a found iron pipe at the shoreline of Lake Maxinkuckee; thence North 11 dgrees 17'44" East one hundred thirth-five and fifty hundredths (135.50') along said shoreline to a set iron rod; thence south 78 dgrees 37'13" East two undred [hundred] thirty-five and seventy-two hundreths (35.72" [sic 235.72']) feet to a found pipe on the west right-of-way line of East Shore Drive (State Road 117); thence South 17 degrees 42 '00' West twenty-for and twenty-two hundreds (24.22") feet along said Lot No. 13 to a found iron pipe of the Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence South 17 degrees 51'00" West Sixty-six [sixty-six] and zero tenths (66.'00') feet along the West line of said Lot No. 13 to the point of beginning, located in the northwest quarter section (NE 1/4) Section 27, Township 32 North Range 1 East Situed [sic situated] in Union Towonship Marshall county, Indiana, more particulary described as follows:

Section 27, Township 32 North, Range 1 East, Union Township, Marshall County, Indiana, decribed as follows: Beginning at a 1 inch square iron pipe at the Southwest corner of Lot Number 13 of Van Scholock's [sic Van Shoiak] Lake Front Subdivision No.2; thence South 88 degrees 11'54" West (South 88 degrees 12'57" West record) along the North lilne [sic line] of of Noumber 1 of said subdivision a distance of '5.17 feet (114.98, record) to a found 1 1/2 inch irom pipe; thence continuing South 88 degrees 11'54" West a distance of 6 feet more or less to a point North; 79 degrees 37'13" West a distance of 5 feet moore or less from a found 1/2 inch robar capped Ls-2232; thence South 79 degrees 37'13' East thence South 17 degrees 42'00' West (record/measured) along said West line a distance of 24.22 feet 39'40" West (record/measured) along the North line of sold Lot 13 a distance of 113.82 feet (115.33, record) to a 1/2 iron pipe at the Northwest corner of said Lot 13; thence South 17 degrees 51'00' West (record/measured) along the West line of said Lot 13; a distance of 96.00 feet (record/measured) to the Point of Beginning.

A part Of the Northeast Quarter of ated [plated ?] in Union Township, Marshall in the Northeast Quarter (Ne1/4) of property at 2008 E. Shore Drive Culver , In. 46511