Culver Police Department
Just if in early time they had their own "office space" is not known but ther was a
Jail House "Calaboose" ; later the office/jail
was located at the
northeast corner of Plymouth and Cass which also was the Town Hall and Fire deparment
quarters; they then all moved to 508 Lakeshore Dr.
finally the town hall and police department moved to
200 East Washington
Just when the above police badge was used and how long is not known. It is known that it was made by the
C. D. Reese Co. 57 Warren New York
The unofficial working list of Town marshalls of Culver as they were known in the past are now known as 'Chief
of Police' and listed on their own page.
1912 - feb. 1 Marshal Vanmeter will make application to the Town Board application to the Town Board p a t r o l and amb ulance wagon for
h e use of the police department
1917 - Jan 11 - Bill Murphy, new night watchman, has thrown up the job and
Earl Haynes has tackled
1918 - Sep 25 - The Town Board has decided to retain only the services of a night watchman, George Woodard,
marshal and Ed Cook, night watchman, have both resigned and John Henderson was appointed to this job. Ira McLane
wagon man, is given police powers. Cook has taken the position of freight agent at the depot and Woodard expects to
get into war work.
1918 - October 9 - John Henderson has resigned as night policeman.
1919, May 21 - The Marshallship - Street report stated Monday that the town board was considering that appointmet of a town marshall and that
Col. Bill Vanmeter was an applicant. Clark Ferrier of the town board says. "There's nothing in it; Vanmeter was not an applicant, and so far as I know
Tennis Mattix, the present night man, will be transferred to day duty about June 1, and another man appointed to do night police w ork. That was t
he understanding of the board when Mattix was appointed last year. He will, as day may have charge of the street work.
1919 - the local police department began a drive against the one peice, non-skirted bathing suits worn by the girls on the lake beach, as they began to
receive numerous compalints against the attire.
1919 - June 18 June 18, 1919 Lafe Voreis has been appointed night policeman.
1920 - Jan 7 - The New Town Board..... Woodso Nelson was reaapointed
marshal and night wtchman.
1920 - May 5 - Night Police Nelson resigned lat week ad his place was filled by the appoinment of WIlliam Murphy. Jess Crabb
was appointed day marshall and to take care of automobile traffic this summer. The officers are paid $125 per month.
1920, Dec. 29 was the first bank robery - Jerome Zechiel was wounded and A. R. Saine died from his wounds. four of the five were caught but the fifth was
never apprehended.
1927? - was the murder of Russell West by Emma Werner and and her suicide in January 1928. It was suspected that she co uld of been invovled in the deaths
of her husband John and her father in order to collect their insurance policies.
1932 - saw the accidental death of town marshall Edward Cook when he dropped his gun and it discharged.
During Charles A. Buffington's term as town marshal 1932 to - he stated that he had only one paid deputy - Mont Foss. and that
his unpaid volunteers were: Cleve Crabb, Walter Johnson, Dick Louden, Dr. C. C. Mackey, Harry Medbourn, Col. Basil Middleton,
Steffen Rector, Earl Shaw, Oliver Shillin and Col. Robert Rossow.
Mr. Buffington also had one of the first state police band radio cars in Marshall county.
Under his tenure Mr. Buffington established Culver 's first fingerprint file, crime laboratory, ballistics lab and local National Rifle Association pistol
1937 - AUGUST 1 — Marshal Charles Buffington has completed the State's course for police held from J uly 5 to 31,
at Indiana University, Bloomington.
1933, Mar 29 saw the second bank robery - this time there where six bandits and one was wounded and died.
1938 - October 12 - Marshall Charles Buffington is now on duty at the corner of Lake Shore Drive and Main
street every noon and evening to direct traffic as a safety measure for the school children.
1946 - Jan 2 - Chief of Police Verl McFeely turned in his resignation at the Town Board meeting Monday evening.
He also resigned from his duties as superintendent of the water works. He is replaced by Donald Mikesell.
1967 - Feb 23 - Sam Madonna became police chief
Town Board Hires Samuel Madonna As Town Marshall
Wilfred Craft, president of the Culver Town Board, has announced the hiring of Samuel
Madonna to the position of Marshal of the Town of Culver .
Mr. Madonna comes to Culver well qualified. He has worked as a policeman in Logansport, a
Deputy Sheriff of Cass County, a private investigator for Moling and Associates, and Supervisor of
Security Police for a security service.
"Sam" is married and has 2 children, and they are presently residing on Lewis Street
1967 - June - Charles A Groce Appointed Culver Chief Of Police
Charles A. Groce of Peru, Ind., began his offical duties as Culver 's new Chief of Police on
Thursday, June 1, after receiving his honorable discharge from the United States Air Force on May
31, at Bunker Hill AFB., Peru.
A Master Sergeant in the Air Force, Groce has had over 20 years police experience including
eight years experience with Indiana State Police in investigation, traffic, etc.
A native of Byrdstown, Tenn., Chief Groce entered the service during World War I I , in Feb.
1945, and enlisted in the Air Force in 1947.
While in service he attended Police Schools and completed courses including Criminal Investigation,
Traffic Control, Clinical Criminology, Law Enforcement and Civil Law. He performed supervisory duties in
all sections of the Air Police Squadron.
Police Chief Groce and his wife, Vanita Helen, are residing on Route 2.
1969 - Feb - Van Horn New Deputy Marshall The town board announced at their Monday meeting that Ron
Van Horn will be sworn in as special deputy marshal] replacing Loren Kiel who resigned the position. Mr. Van Horn will work
in conjunction with deputy marshal Al Sytsma and special school deputy marshall, Emil Krull. These three men will work under
the direction of Marshall Sam Madonna.- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1969
1973 - Feb 8 - Meet Your Culver Police
The Town Board of Trustees wishes to announce that Mr. Kenneth Schau has joined the Culver Police Force on a volunteer basis;
he receives no remuneration for his services and we are grateful for his help. The members of the Police who are employed by
the Town are Richard Woodward, Marshal; James (Jack) Caudill, full-time Deputy; and Jerry Eskridge, part-time Deputy. The town
would like to remind the citizens of Culver that the police may be contacted at any time by calling 842-2525
Front - Richard (Dick) "Woody" Woodward; back: Jerry Eskridge, Kenneh Schau, Jack Caudill -
Photo thanks to Terri Maddox Edgington |
1975 May 14 - Greg Thomas a 1869 graduates of Culver high scholl becomes deputy marshall of Culver
1979 - New Police Officer
Culver - John Kreiter, 22, wiill replace Marvin A . Thacker as Culver’s new deputy marshal. He has been
working part time in that position since June 23 and will assume full time duty on August 1.
Kreiter came from Tippecanoe where he attended Triton high school. He then moved to Vermont where he
graduated from the Sterling School in 1976. John is a 1978 graduate of Vincennes University and holds an AS
degree in conservation law enforcement. He’s also had courses at the university relating to criminal law and
police operations.
John was employed through the Marshall County Police Department, Plymouth, where he served
as their process server since his graduation from Vin cennes.
He holds a certificate as swimming instructor and swimming is one of his major hobbies - July 5, 1979
John C. Kreiter, Culver’s new police officer is sworn in by Clerk-Treasurer
Marizetta Kenney. |
1980 - James M. Caudill, town marshal, heads the Culver police department with three deputy marshals and three reserve officers.
They are Terry M. Leahy, John C. Kreiter, David Hasko, Richard A. Sytsma, Paul Patterson and Kenneth Aemmer.
Eunice Schrimsher, crossing guard for the schools, is also on the department
Terry Leahy became head of the head of the department some time after Jack Caudill .
late 1980's into 1990 Steve Michael was head of the department - but not sure.
1990's - Jerry Palmer
2009 - Police officers/patrolman - Chad Becker (Deputy Chief); Bill Strong, Troy ulch, John Duhnovsky (Dare officer).