DONALD F. ELLIOTT, of Kokomo, has practiced law since 1912. There was no difficulty of choice of profession
in his case, since his father had been a prominent Indiana lawyer for over thirty years.
Mr. Elliott is a member of the law firm McClure & Elliott, carrying on a practice that was started at Kokomo by Milton
Bell in 1865 and was continued by partnership associations including some of the most eminent men of the Howard
County bar, Judge Lex J. Kirkpatrick, Judge W. C. Purdum and others. It has been rather characteristic of the
members of this firm that they have been steadfastly devoted to the law and have avoided politics, though at least
two members served terms on the circuit bench. Mr. Elliott himself gives his entire time and energies to his law
He was born at Kokomo March 15, 1887, son of Judge James F. and Sarah Ann (Connaroe) Elliott. His father was
born in Preble County, Ohio, May 6, 1840, and died in May, 1909. He located at Kokomo in 1869, for many years
practiced law there and served from 1902 until his death as judge of the Howard County Circuit Court. His wife,
Sarah Ann Connaroe, was born in Preble County, Ohio, February 20, 1841, and died in August, 1911. Donald F.
Elliott has a sister, Mary D., wife of Fred L. Trees, of St. Petersburg, Florida; a brother, Earl C., president of the
California Water Service Company at San Francisco; and Paul S. El1iott, vice president of a water company at
Marysville, Ohio.
Donald F. Elliott was educated in the public schools of Kokomo, graduated with the A. B. degree from DePauw
University in 1909, and took his LL. B. degree at Columbia University of New York in 1912. He is a member of the
Phi Kappa Psi fraternity of DePauw and the legal fraternity Phi Delta Phi of Columbia. During 1912-13 he remained
in New York, associated with Charles Thaddeus Terry, one of America's great lawyers. In 1914 he returned to Kokomo
and during 1915- 17 was in practice with J. C. Blacklidge. During 1917-22 he was associated with a glass company at
Clarksburg, West Virginia, and then returned to Kokomo and became junior partner of the law
firm Bell, Kirkpatrick, McClure & Elliott.
Mr. Elliott is a member of the Howard County, Indiana State and American Bar Associations, is a member of the Indiana
Society of Chicago, the Columbia Club of Indianapolis, is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity and B. P. O. Elks, and a
member of the Kokomo Country Club and the First Presbyterian Church. He is a Republican voter.
Mr. Elliott married, September 23, 1916, Miss Pauline Hoss, who was born at Kokomo June 13, 1892, daughter of Lora C.
and Estella (Bernard) Hoss. They have four children: Sally, born February 23, 1918; Richard Hoss, born December 31,
1919; Donald F., born October 8, 1921; and Emily, born June 13, 1926. INDIANA ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS OF
By Charles Roll, A.M. The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931