Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Walter Wesley Foskett  

They are not on the 1930 list of cottagers published by the Culver Citizen, but by 1936 they were either renting or had owned the cottage.

The Duke & Dutchess of Windsor spent 10 days incognito in the guest house. Shortly after the duke's abdication from the throne. The Duke had abdicated in 1936 following his marriage to Wallis. His family had given him the post as governor of the Bahamas in 1940, which he viewed as exile. At that time the islands that comprised the Bahamas were undeveloped, but the Duke was planning to build a resort in the Out Islands, along with his Bahamian associates. While he was stationed there his activities were closely monitored by the FBI, as well as by the British, who felt he was pro-Nazi and a threat to the war effort. The Americans were concerned because they intended to build a naval station at Andros Island, not far from where the Duke was meeting with his pro-Nazi friends.

The Windsor's were personal friends of the Foskett's through Sir Harry Oaks of Nassau.

Walter W. Foskett was born in Royal Center, Indiana in 1885, and grew up in Logansport, the son of a Pennsylvania railroad engineer. He began attending Indiana Univeristy Law School and forced to drop out for financial reasons after two years. After working for a year as a railroad clerk earning $65 a month, he was able to return to school and graduated in 1907. He accepted a position in a Logansport law firm after a brief period in Seattle. Later he established his own practice and served one term as the Logansport city attorney. In 1922, Mr. Foskett moved to Miami Beach, Florida and together with longtime friend, Bert Winter, established the law firm of Winter Foskett which continued for many years. The emphasis of his law practice was estates and trusts.

Walter Foskett, who acted as the Duke's American attorney while he was governor of the Bahamas. Foskett was also in 1934 became Sir Harry Oakes's attorney (who owned the second largest mining company in Canada, and was murdered the night of 7 July or early morning of 8 July 1943); Harold Christie (former bootlegger), members of a consortium (called Tesden Corporation) suspected of "shady dealings" in the U.S. and Caribbean, and Sir Kerry Cakes of Nassau. Foskett was also a director of Alleghany Corporation. This is supported at: FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD: FROM HARVARD TO ENRON PART FOUR; this a 6 part series and only this page has reference to Foskett.

60 years ago...Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foskett moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, where he plans to open a law practice. Logansport Pharos-Tribune and Press 1 Jul 1970

Logansport Pharos-Tribune FRIDAY, July 20, 1923

    ...after Walter Foskett, who has served in that cpacity since the present administration took office, presented his resignation, effecitive at once...

    While it has been generally 'known for some time that Mr. Foskett and his family were to leave Logansport this fall to take up residence -at- West Palm Beach, Florida, he was not expected to present his resignation as effective so soon. Foskett, it is understood, will devote his- time to preparing for his change of residence. He will leave Logansport about the middle of September in order to arrive at West Palm Beach before the opening of the -term of court there in October. He will continue the practice of law there.

    Attorney Thomas C. Bradfield... He and mrs. foskett habve occupied the same offices on firuth Street for the last thrre years. the new and retiring city attorney have made up the law firm of Foskett & Bradfield during the time they have been located int the offices at 230 fourth street...
50 years ago - The Cass County Bar Association held a special meeting to honor Walter Foskett, who is1 moving to West Palm Beach, Fla - Logansport Pharos-Tribune and Press Tuesday, September 4, 1973

Logansport Press THURSDAY, July 3, 1952
    City Buys E. Melbourne Lots In Program To Expand Parking Area

    First steps for a new parking lot were taken yesterday when the city purchased the lot on the east side of .the alley between Fourth and Fifth on Melbourne, according to a transfer of deeds listed by County Recorder Stewart Gordon. The lot, according to-the recorder, was purchased by the city from Walter and Bertha Foskett for S12,500..

Logansport Press TUESDAY, July 29,1952
    Penny Co. Renews Lease On Building

    The J. C. Penney Company, Inc., has renewed its lease on the building it now occupies at 320-322 East Market street for a period of five years, according to papers filed yesterday with county recorded, Stewart Gordon.

    The new, lease, obtained from owners Bertha F. Foskett and Walter W. Foskett, of Culver , is to be extended from January 1, 1953 through December 31, 1957.

Logansport Pharos-Tribune SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1957
    Tea and Card Party To Be Wednesday At Foskett Residence A tea and card party will be held at the home of Mrs Walter Foskett, 803 East Broadway, Wednesday, Ocbber 23rd, from 2-5 p.m. sponsored by -the associate chapter of Tri Kappa sorority with proceeds to go to the Handicapped Children.

    All tables available have been reserved with 80 persons planning to attend.

    Tea will be served in the dining room with Mrs. Walter Foskett and Mrs. Joseph Graffis, of tbe associate chapter, and Mrs. Joseph Herd ' and Mrs. Richard Jensen, of the active chapter, presiding at the tea services.

    Table prizes will be awarded to each table.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune and Press Wednesday Evening, October 21,1970
    University To Honor Atty. Walter Foskett

    Walter W. Foskett,, who was born in Royal Center in 1885 and grew up in Logansport, will be honored by his alma mater, Indiana University, Thursday during a luncheon in the Federal Room of Indiana Memorial Union.

    During the luncheon, President Joseph L. Sutton is expected to give details about the establishment, of the Walter W. Foskett Professorship in Estates and Trusts in the I.U. School of Law at Bloomington, and to present a plaque to the donor expressing the University's gratitude and esteem.

    law School Dean William B. Harvey said the endowed chair , the first in the School of Law, will enable the school to strengthen significantly its teaching and research in the fields of property and taxation. "The board-guaged concept of the foskett chair will permit us to add to the fac ulty an outstanding teacher-scholar and to provide him an essential range of support for his research and other professional activities," he said.

    The endowment will be applied to the scholarships and professorships goal of the I.U. 150th Birthday campaign.

    foskett, 85, is still actice in his law practice in palm beach, fla.

    The son of a Pennsylvania railraod engineer, he went to work at age nine as the sole distributor of the Toledo blade in logansoprt. the mnewspapers arrived daily on the 4:30 a.m. train, and foskett handled the whole job of distribution. At the same time, he also had a job in a grocery store.

    during high school and college, foskett worked every summer for the pennsylvania railroad, rising from a job cleaning out engine boilers to the position of subsitute clerk.

    After two years in law school at I.U., he ran out of money so he dropped out for a year and worked as a railroad clerk for 465 a month. He returned to I.UI. and completed his education in 1907.

    soon after, he went to Seattle just in time to be greeted by a building boom collapse and depression. Instead of finding his fortune, he spent some time nailing up posters.

    Returning to Logansport, he entered a law firm, later esttablished his own practice, served one Logansport city attorney, and married a Logansport woman, Bertha Ferguson. She died in December,1968.

    In 1922, at the suggestion of Sigma Nu fraternity brother Bert Winters, Foskett moved to Florida to look over the growth potential there. The Foskett family moved there and the Winters-Foskett firm was established.

    A flourishing legal practice specialling is estates and trusts brought Foskett clientele for whom he traved the world. Best known among the clients was Sir Harry Oakes, millionaire British gold prospector, who was murdered in the Bahamas in 1943.

    Foskett has kept his.ties with Ms native state, spending summers at his home on Lake Maxinkuckee at Culver .

    The plaque which will be presented to him features the I.U. seal and the following inscription:

    "Indiana University acknowledges with gratitude and appreciation the generous gift of Walter W. Foskett establishing Professorship in Estates and Trusts in its School of Law. Ever devoted to the State of his birth and loyal to the University which nurtured his talents, how ever world-wide and eminent his professional achievements he has brought honor to both in a legal career distinguished by enterprising initiative, imaginative scope and dynamic leadership. His Alma Mater gladly recongnizea the quality of concern and the depth of devotion represented in this tribute from a worthy son.

    Foskett's son, John, from Geneva, III., and his daughter, Mrs. Ernst Schmidt, Lake Forest, 111., and I.U, Chancellor 1907. | Herman B Wells, a long-time are expected to attend the reception.

Logansport Pharos-Tribune SUNDAY, 6 OCTOBER 1957
    Fifty-Year Pins Given at dinner

    Fifty-year awards were presented to three members of Tipton lodge No. 33, F. and A. My at a dinner Saturday -evening; an the Masonic Temple in observance of past Master night.

    Kirk Wells, Walter Foskett and Robert Logan received the awards from Dr. Owen Shanteau, master...

    The thirteen, past masters ol Tipton lodge who were present for the observance in their honor were Walter Foskett, the oldest living past. master...
    Firemen were called at 8:18 p.m. Saturday to put out a fire in an overheated oil furnace at the hwne of Mrs. Walter Foskett, 803 Broadway.
Logansport Press TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6,1964
    Firm Leases Downtown Site
    The William S. Moore Corp. of Newark, 0., will occupy the building at 418-420 E. Broadway now housing the F. W. Woolworth Co., on Feb. 1, according to the terras of a lease signed by the corporation with Walter and Bertha Foskett, owners of the building.

    The lease is for 10 years with a five-year renewal option. Plans call for modernization of the premises, including new aluminum doors, a new furnace and new wiring.

    The lease of the Wpolworlh Co. expires Dec. 31, this year. Ralph A. Jones, manager of Woolworth's, said he had no knowledge of the company's future plans for the store.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune and Press THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 20, 1970
    Begin Razing Burned Store

    Wolf Construction Company crews Thursday began razing the two-story building at 418 E. Broadway that formerly housed the Moore's Store, gutted by fire last January.

    The building is owned by the Bertha Foskett estate.

    Atty. Nelson Becker, handling the estate, said there were no immediate plans for the site. He said that the property would be covered with crushed stone upon completion of the razing.

John Foskett described his father as "still a Hoosier, an unpretentious man, proud of his small-town heritage." His greatest affection outside of his family and his career, he said, was reserved for his fraternity and his alma mater which gave him his first understanding of what was possible wit hard work.

The Walter W. Foskett Professorship was established in 1970 when Mr. Foskett was 85 years old at the Indiana University School of Law. He died in 1973 at the age of 87.

    Walter FOSKETT Birth Date: 10 Oct 1885 Death Date: May 1973 Social Security Number: 263-05-9044 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Florida Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 33480 Localities: Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida

    Surname: FOSKETT Given Name: CHARLES W Sex: Color: - Age: 0 Spouse: ROSABELL Spouse Surname: PARIS Month: OCT Day: 11 Year: 1882 Father: Mother: Maiden Name: B/L Month: ---B/L Day: B/L Year: 0; County: CASS Book: 8 Page: 486

    Surname: FOSKETT Given Name: WALTER W Sex: Color: W Age: 0 Spouse: BERTHA F Spouse Surname: FERGUSON Month: --- Day: Year: 0 Father: Mother: Maiden Name: B/L Month: OCT B/L Day: 19 B/L Year: 1883 County: CASS Book: 37 Page: 111

    Surname: FERGUSON Given Name: BERTHA F Sex: Color: W Age: 0 Spouse: WALTER W Spouse Surname: FOSKETT Month: --- Day: Year: 0 Father: Mother: Maiden Name: B/L Month: OCT B/L Day: 6 B/L Year: 1892 County: CASS Book: 37 Page: 111

    Birth records:
    Surname: FOSKETT Child Given Name: JOAN F [sic John F.] Father Given Name: WALTER Mother Given Name: BERTHA Maiden Name: FERGUSON Sex: M Color: W Month: MAY Day: 18 Year: 1919 County: CASS Book: CH-7 Page: 6

    Surname: FOSKETT Child Given Name: MARY A Father Given Name: WALTER Mother Given Name: BERTHA Maiden Name: FERGUSON Sex: F Color: W Month: OCT Day: 7 Year: 1917 County: CASS Book: CH-6 Page: 59

    Census Year: 1910; Census Place: 20 or 2a St. Logansport Ward 5, Cass, Indiana; Roll: T624_342; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 31; 213/69/11

    Walter W Foskett Age in 1910: Estimated birth year: abt 1886 Birthplace: Indiana Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Charles W Father's Birth Place: Indiana Mother's name: Rosabelle Mother's Birth Place: Indiana Home in 1910: Logansport Ward 5, Cass, Indiana Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Occupation: Lawyer general practice
    Household Members: Name Age
    Charles W Foskett 50 head
    Rosabelle Foskett 49 wife
    Walter W Foskett 24 son
    Marie E Foskett 21 daughter

    Census Year 1920 Census Place: Logansport Ward 4, Cass, Indiana; Roll: T625_425; Page: 1B [stamped 195]; Enumeration District: 36; 503/46/18

    Name: Walter W Foskett Home in 1920: Broadway St.Logansport Ward 4, Cass, Indiana Age: 33 years Estimated birth year: abt 1867 [abt 1887] Birthplace: Indiana Relation to Head of House: Son-in-law Spouse's name: Bertha Marital Status: Married Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes
    Household Members: Name Age
    John D Ferguson 73 Head
    Ella J Ferguson 60 wife
    Walter W Foskett 33 son-in-law
    Bertha Foskett 27 daughter
    Mary Anne Foskett 2 3/12 granddaughter
    John F Foskett 7/12 grandson

    Census Year 1930; Census Place: West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida; Roll: 328; Page: 7A [stamped 22]; Enumeration District: 9; 529/125/178

    Walter W Foskett Home in 1930: 30th St. North Borough of West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida Age: 44 Estimated birth year: abt 1886 Birthplace: Indiana Relation to Head of House: Head Spouse's name: Bertha F Race: White Occupation:Lawyer/Own Office Education: Military Service: Rent/home value: Own/15000 Age at first marriage:
    Household Members: Name Age
    Walter W Foskett 44 b. Indiana (maried 30)
    Bertha F Foskett 37 b. Indiana (married 23) wife
    Marianne F Foskett 12 b. Indiana daughter
    John D Foskett 10 b. Indiana son
    Harry D Foskett 8 b. Flordia son
    Marian Mordhorst 11 b. Illinois ward

    Death Indexes - Flordia:
    Bertha F Foskett Dec 1968 Palm Beach White Female
    Walter Wesley Foskett 3 May 1973 Palm Beach 87 White 19 Oct 1885

    First, you should go to the Palm Beach County online records site and do a search on the name Foskett. There are several documents on Walter and Bertha that you can view. - http:/ These are what I found not all were viewable when I was there:
      Detail - Name - Cross Name - Date - Type - Book - Page - CFN - Legal
      View - FOSKETT BERTHA F - FLEITAS RUTH Q - 01/05/2004 - AFF - 16401 - 490 - 20040006340 - PARK PL INC UA-2
        Ruth Q. Fleitas - V. pres. & member of Board of directors
        Apartment A-2 - Ownership
        Walter W. and Bertha F. Foskett joint tenants right of surviorship Certif # 19 dtd 19 Apr 1958
        Walter W. Foskett certif # 93 dtd 2 Dec 1970
        Marianne Foskett Schmidt Certif. #116 dtd 1 Oct 1974
        Mariannne Foskett Schmidt as trustee under delcaration of trust dtd 4 Apr. 1988 Certif. #1175 dtd 4 Apr. 1988


      View - FOSKETT BERTHA FERGUSON EST OF - 09/08/1971 - CP - 1930 - 1410 - 19710065210 -
        #27,3869 el - 65210 - trust Under Will of Bertha Feruson Foskett deceased - Walter W. Floskett, John D. Foskett, Marianne Foskett Schmidt, trustees dtd 8 Sep 1971

      View - FOSKETT BERTHA FERGUSON EST OF - 08/13/1973 - PRO - 2199 - 115 - 19730085706 -
      View - FOSKETT BERTHA FERGUSON EST OF TRUST - 07/18/1977 - CP - 2709 - 149 - 19770089545 -
      View - FOSKETT JEAN ANN NKA BASS - CLARKE O RHEA F - 01/05/1978 - D - 2791 - 372 - 19780001712 -
        Party 2: CLARKE O RHEA F

      View - FOSKETT JOHN DAVID FERGUSON - CLARKE JEAN ANN - 09/05/1942 - MAR 16 - 398 - MR1942016435-
        Party 2: CLARKE JEAN ANN
      View - FOSKETT WALTER W - LAND A J JR TR - 02/27/1969 - NOT - 1705 - 1120 - 19690011106 -
        Party 1: FOSKETT WALTER W
        Party 2: LAND A J JR TR
      View - FOSKETT WALTER W - OAKES EUNICE M - 12/04/1969 - NOT - 1769 - 795 - 19690068028 -
        Party 1: OAKES EUNICE M
        Party 2: FOSKETT WALTER W
      View - FOSKETT WALTER W - FLEITAS RUTH Q - 01/05/2004 - AFF - 16401 - 490 - 20040006340 - PARK PL INC UA-2
      View - FOSKETT WALTER W EST OF - 04/20/1976 - PRO - 2529 - 1912 - 19760040735 -
        Party 1: FOSKETT WALTER W EST OF
      View - FOSKETT WALTER W TR U/W/O - 06/24/1969 - AFF - 1731 - 1559 - 19690034864 -
      View - FOSKETT WALTER W TR U/W/O - BINNS TOM D & MARTHA H H/W - 06/24/1969 - D - 1731 - 1560 - 19690034865 -
        Party 2: BINNS TOM D & MARTHA H H/W
      View - FOSKETT WALTER W TR U/W/O - BINNS TOM D & MARTHA H H/W - 06/24/1969 - MTG - 1731 - 1562 - 19690034866 -
        Party 1: BINNS TOM D & MARTHA H H/W

    thus -
    Walter Wesley Foskett b. 19 Oct. 1883 (by marriage record) or 10 Oct 1885 (by SSDI) and 19 Oct 1885 (by death certif. index) d. May 1973 Palm Beach, Flordia son of Charles W. and Rosabell (Paris) Foskett
      Logansport Pharos-Tribune and Press Friday. May 4, 1973

      Plan Graveside Rites For Walter W. Foskett

      Graveside services for Walter W. Foskett, 87, West Palm Beach, Fla. former Logansport attorney, will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. saturday at Mt. Hope Cemetery with Dr. EE. Clyde Mayfield officiating.

      Fosket, who practiced law here until 1922, died Thrusday at a hospital in West Palm Beach.

      Born Oct 19, 1885 Royal center, he was the son of Charles and Rosa Bell Paris Foskett.

      A graduate of the Indiana University school of law, in 1907, he was a member of Sigma Nu Farternity, Flordia Bar and Palm beach county Bar Associations, bath and tennis club, Sailfish club and Everglades club of which he was on the board of directors for 12 years.

      he was the oldest living member of the Logansport Elks and founded the Walter W. Foskett endowment Scholarship of law at Indiana University.

      His marriage was in 1916 to Bertha F. Ferguson who died in 1968.

      Surviving are one son, John D., Geneva, Ill.; one daughter, Mrs, Ernest R. Schmidt, LakeForest, Ill; and five grandchildren.

      Friends may call at Kroeger Funeral Home from 8 until 9 p.m. Friday

    m. Cass county, Indiana Bertha F. Ferguson b. 6 Oct 1892 d. 25 Dec 1968 Palm Beach, Fl. daughter of John D. and Ella J. (Jenson) Ferguson.
      PHAROS-TRIBUNE & PRESS, LOGANSPORT Former Local woman Dies Thursday Evening, December 26, 1968

      Mrs. Bertha Ferguson, formerly of 803 E Broadway, died Wedensday in West Palm Beach, Fla.

      Born in Logansport, she was the daughter of John D and Ella Jenson Wagner Ferguson.

      Surviving are her husaband; a son John of John D., Geneva, Ill.; one daughter, Mrs, Ernest R. Schmidt, Lake Forest, Ill; and four grandchildren.

    They had:
      i Marianne F. or Mary A. Foskett b. 7 Oct 1917 Logansport,Cass, Indiana; she d. 1 Apr. 2005
        Palm Beach Daily News (FL) - April 4, 2005
        Marianne Foskett Schmidt, of West Palm Beach and formerly of Palm Beach, died Friday, April 1, 2005.

        Born in Logansport, Ind., Mrs. Schmidt was the daughter of Walter W. and Bertha Foskett. In 1923, when she was 4, she and her family moved to Florida so her father could join the law firm of the late Bert Winters of West Palm Beach. The firm became Winters, Foskett and Wilcox.

        Mrs. Schmidt attended Miss Ga ult's Private School and the Northboro School in West Palm Beach before moving with her parents in 1926 to Seabreeze Avenue in Palm Beach. She attended the Palm Beach Public School and later the Palm Beach Private School.

        She then went to Mt. Vernon Seminary in Washington, D.C. After graduating from Mt. Vernon, she was employed by the War Department in the office of the Chief of Army Engineers, then volunteered with the American Red Cross for overseas duty. She served in the European Theater of Operation for a tour of duty of nearly 33 months. She remained in the service until shortly after the war, at which time she returned to Palm Beach and her parents.

        Mrs. Schmidt married Ernst Raymond Schmidt, president of K. G. Schmidt Brewing Company, Chicago and Indiana. Her husband died in 1979.

        Mrs. Schmidt was, for many years, a silent philanthropist, contributing to many Christian organizations throughout the United States. She was a missionary for 10 years, traveling with evangelists Charles and Frances Hunter throughout Europe and the United States. She was a member of the Bath & Tennis Club, the Beach Club, the Governors Club in West Palm Beach, and a former member of the Everglades Club.

        Mrs. Schmidt is survived by her companion and friend Precious Angel Schmidt; two daughters, Joeanne Foskett Schmidt of Chicago and Dorothy Schmidt-Spilos of West Palm Beach; grandchildren, Catherine Nicole Spilos, Amanda Caitlyn Spilos and Alexandra Mary Spilos; and her brother, John David Foskett of Sanibel and Camden, Maine.

        The visitation will be held from 2 to 6 p.m. today at Quattlebaum Funeral Home, 1201 S. Olive Ave., West Palm Beach. A funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Believer's Victory Church, 918 N. Lakeside Drive, Lake Worth, with Pastor Peggy Held officiating. Interment will follow at Riverside Memorial Park. Contributions can be made to the Gertrude Maxwell Save-A-Pet Adoption Center, 31664 North Fairfield Road, Grayslake, IL 60030. Quattlebaum Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

        Ernst SCHMIDT Birth Date: 7 Mar 1904 Death Date: Aug 1979 Social Security Number: 308-07-6656 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Indiana Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 60045 Localities: Lake Forest/Lincolnshire/Mettawa, Lake, Illinois

        Logansport, Cass, Indiana - K.G. Schmidt Brewing 1935 - 1950? This was a division of the K.G. Schmidt Brewing Company of Chicago. It was located at 412-426 High Street. This division went bankrupt around 1950. The ensuing court case involved Schlitz Brewing and wasn't settled until after 1978. Also see The Syndicates of Chicago<.

        Marianne SCHMIDT Birth Date: 7 Oct 1917 Death Date: 1 Apr 2005 Social Security Number: 527-34-4166 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Arizona Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 33401 Localities: West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida

        The Ancestry world tree that gives her and Carl as children of Walter and Bertha also lists another marriage for her: Joseph CREAMER

        married 1st Joseph CREAMER
          Logansport Press TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1952

          Bronze Star Star to Honor Husband of Former local Woman

          On Thursday, September 11, Joseph C. Creamer will be officially awarded the Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster at a parade; being held in his honor at Fort Huachuca, Arizona.

          The award is being made to Crdamer by the post commander, 1 Colonel David Dunne. Colonel Dunne will be assisted by Congressman Harold A. Patton, long time friend of both Mr. and Mrs. Creamer.

          Lieut. General Jacob L, Devers, commanding genera! of the Sixth Army Group awarded the Bronze Star with one Oak Leaf Cluster to Joseph C. Creamer during World War II for bravery beyond the call of duty. The citation says:

          "The medal was awarded for heroic achievement near Borgo Piave, Italy, on March 4, 1944; when his company was assigned the mission of destroying two enemy held houses being, used as observation posts, Sergeant Creamer, in charge of a light machine gun crew was given the task of delivering protective fire for the night assa ult. Although painfully wounded in the attack by mortar, shell Sgt. Creamer fearlessly and stubbornly continued to deliver such a heavy concentration of fire that his position drew much of the enemy return fire, thus allowing the company to accomplish its mission. By devotion to duty, Sgt. Creamer reflects much credit upon himself and upon the United States Army."

          Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Creamer reside at High Haven Ranch, Sonoita, Arizona. Mr. Creamer is the son of Mr. Carlos M. Creamer, Rowe, New Mexico. Mrs. Creamer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Foskett, 153 Clarke avenue, Palm Beach, Florida, and Culver , Indiana.

        they had:
          Joeanne Foskett Creamer
          Dorothy A. Creamer
        m. 2nd Ernst Raymond Schmidt d. 1979
          Logansport Press WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14,1962
          Creamr-Schmidt Vows Repeated In. Rites In Arizona.

          Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wesley Foskett, of Palm Beach, Florida, and Logansport, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mrs. Marianne Foskett Creamer, to Ernst Raymond Schmidt, 5510 Sheridan Road, Chicago, and 3503 High street Road, city.

          The marriage took place on Saturday; February 10, at 6 o'clock in the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Sitterley, Tucson, Arizona, in the presence of the bride's two daughters, the Misses Jeanne and Dorothy Louise Creamer, and close- friends.

          After a wedding supper the adcouple departed for Palm Beach where they will spend two weeks in the .home of Lady Eunice Oakes.

          Upon their return to Tucson, the couple will be joined by Miss Dorothy Louise Creamer and will motor to the Middle West, where they will make their home.

          Miss Jeanne Creamer, a student at Valley School for Girls in Tucson, will complete her school year before, joining her mother and Mr. Schmidt

          ii John David Ferguson Foskett b. 18 May 1919 Cass county, Indiana; m. 5 Sep 1942 Palm Beach co., Fla. (Volume: 735 Certificate: 34445) Jean Ann Clark they probaly had:
            John Ferguson Foskett
            Lynn Foskett
          iii Harry D. Foskett b. c. 1922 Flordia
          iv Carl Foskett would of been born after 1933; d. ?1943; Architect for large buildings in the east; Graduate of Yale [he was listed in a Ancestry World family trees]