Mary Dresser
1928 - Dec 12 - Two Summer Cottagers Die During the Past week
One of the oldest members of the summer colony passed away when Mrs. Mary Dresser died at St. Petersburg,
Fla., December 9th. Mrs. Dresser had been a regular summer resident at Lake Maxinkuckee for the past thirty
to forty years and was wll known her. Funeral services were held this afternoon at Lafayette, Indiana...
Community Expresses Sorrow Over Death of Mrs. Mary Dresser
The entire commnity joined with the lake colony in expressing its deepest sorrow over the passing away
of Mrs. Mary Dresser in St. Petersbrug, Flordia, on December 9th
She was well known and loved not only by the summer residents byt by the townspeople and those of the
country side.
For more than forty years Mrs. Dresser came early each spring to her cottage and remained until late each
fall. It had been her custom to spen the winters in Florodia but to make Maxinkuckee her home.
Throughout her life Mrs. Dresser maintained the keenest interest in intellectual pursuits, always abreast of
the times. Her love of music and extensive readinf were a source of great joy to her and to her close
friends. Her constant courtesy and frienfliness endeared her to all who came in contact with her.
Mr. Dresser was the wife of the late. Col J. M. Dresser, and the mother of Emma C., Dean H. and the
late Alta M. and Jasper M. Dresser.
Funeral services were held last Wednesday at Lafayette, Indiana, with interment in the Springvale
Cemetery. - 19 Dec. 1928